Saturday, 12 May 2018

Stephen Kerr MP launches M.E.-friendly GP initiative in Stirling with help from the ME Association | 12 May 2018


By Robert Fairnie, Stirling Observer, 08 May, 2018.

Sterling MP Stephen Kerr is backing a campaign designed to help ME patients obtain a diagnosis from their GP.

Charity, the ME Association, fear that a lack of understanding could lead to patients’ concerns being dismissed as fatigue or depression.

As the condition is difficult to diagnose, those who suffer from symptoms could feel they have nowhere to turn.

Symptoms can include exhaustion, short-term memory loss, persistent muscular pains and general malaise, and about 250,000 are affected by the condition throughout the UK.

The ME Association feel that confirmation that they have the condition can help patients stake steps towards coping with it.

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E.) is a condition which is not always easy to diagnose. Symptoms include severe and…

Posted by Stephen Kerr MP for Stirling on Tuesday, 8 May 2018


Letter to GP surgeries

Tory politician Mr Kerr said: “The ME Association are doing fantastic work in helping those coping with ME. I am happy to support them in any way I can.

“By writing to every one of Stirling’s medical centres asking if they are equipped to deal with ME patients, I hope we can all work together to create a network here that ensures people with ME get the diagnosis that they need to validate their suffering, and access support they need to move forward.”

Helen Hyland, fundraising manager with the charity, added: “We cannot thank Stephen enough for taking the initiatives in supporting people with ME across the Sterling area.

“The ME Association is already working with doctors to stress the importance of early and accurate diagnosis.

“We hope that this initiative will help to encourage active, holistic care which recognises that, although a cure is not available at this time, management of pain and other symptoms, and provision of support, has an enormous effect of a patient’s quality of life.”

The ME Association

We help people with M.E. and their families.

If you would like show your support for our vital work then please donate whatever you can afford to our ME Awareness Week Just Giving campaign – Go BLUE for ME.

Help us continue to make the UK a better place for people with M.E.

Thank you.


from ME Association



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