Tuesday, 20 March 2018

A few updates

A few things to update.

Firstly I have joined Instagram and will be putting up quotes of my own and not using any that I have not created myself. I will be posting very soon, if anyone would like to follow me I am here http://ift.tt/2pqZ2Q9

Also the website is having a major overhaul at the minute and one of the things that will change is it will be fully compatible with mobile and tablet. It also gives me full control, so I will be adding more articles and information on a regular basis.
I am also going to be doing podcast on there soon and will be doing other things in the next 12 months.

Finally the Audio book is now ready and I have it on C.D and the hold up is being caused by Amazon wanting 75% commission if I sell it outside of them. So I am currently finding an alternative as this seems far too high. It will be available as soon as I have sorted this out.

Here is a sample track so people can hear what it sounds like. I was going to read it myself, but decided on hiring a professional who’s voice really suited the book.

from A Blog set up for Anxiety Sufferers

from http://anxietynomore.co.uk/blog

#anxiety #stress

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