Monday, 19 December 2016

Happy Monday! Today’s card is #blessings the #angels want...

Happy Monday! Today’s card is #blessings the #angels want you know there are blessings all around you. All you have to do is be present and you will see them all! As the year comes to an end let’s take a moment to count our blessings as the new year rolls around be grateful and excited for the many more that are still to come! I will be @devaomboutique this Thursday for messages and guidance from your Angels! #happymonday #angelmessages #angelguidance #love #peace #unity #healing #angelhealing #angeloracle #angeloraclereading #oraclereading #spiritual #spirituality #spiritualhealing #spiritualjourney #spiritualgrowth #reiki #yoga #miami #miamilife #energyhealing #metaphysical #om #namaste

from Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing


#spiritual #healing

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