from Spiritual Seeker 77
from https://spiritualseeker77.tumblr.com/
Holistic healing advice, tips and tricks including mindfulness, meditation, aromatherapy, crystal healing, relaxation, spiritual inspiration and Buddhism put together by lightworker and artist Pixie Copley
Montebrasite has potent crown chakra energy that aids clearer thinking. It boosts manifestation, releases fear & creates a stronger Spiritual connection. Also helps stress & anxiety & boosts creativity.
Spessartine Garnet improves thinking & heightens imagination. It is a beneficial healing stone that helps to heal a large number of health issues. It stimulates the three lower chakras to boost abundance & prosperity, enhance creativity & improve sexuality. Aka Spessartite.
Lepidocrocite occurs in quartz and is part of Super Seven. Aids Divine love and psychic protection, aligns with Divine Will. Metaphysical properties: heals the aura and calms ADHD and hyperactivity.
Daily writing in a journal aids you to enhance your creative writing abilities. Writing every day can help to open up the psychic gift of automatic writing.
Crocoite energizes you and infuses vitality and zest into your life. It acts like a tonic to create sparkle, loving relations and passion. Brings love, creativity and spiritual growth.
Discover the healing stone meanings. Since ancient times they have been recognized and used. Now you can use their metaphysical attributes to heal yourself.
Crocoite energizes you and infuses vitality and zest into your life. It acts like a tonic to create sparkle, loving relations and passion. Brings love, creativity and spiritual growth.
Chrome or Green Diopside connects you energetically to the heartbeat of the planet & to Mother Gaia herself. Relieves stress and grief, aids healing emotionally and physically.
Chalcopyrite links to higher mystical realms in meditation and like most gold stones is powerful to increase abundance & manifest money. Helps you find lost things, increase happiness, joy & belief in yourself.
Darwin Glass is a high vibration glass based tektite that helps to release fear. Also called Darwinite, it is a potent meditation stone.
Psychic visions may increase by using certain crystals. Learn how to awaken your gift of clairvoyance by regular meditation with high vibration crystals. See list of specific stones.
Stellar Beam Calcite aka Dog Tooth Calcite. Ascension stone with a high vibration, brings spiritual growth & immense peace & harmony. Use to visit higher realms, meet guides and angels.
Black Jade creates a barrier to prevent intrusion by psychic entities. Aids physical and psychic protection and is a strong grounding and healing stone that aids emotional healing.
Treasure Agate embodies a strong higher heart & throat chakra energy. Meaning & Use: use in meditation to experience a highly spiritual journey within the higher realms.
Scolecite is a high vibration crystal that will awaken your heart and make a stronger spiritual connection. Put under pillow for sleep problems, makes you calmer and more relaxed.
Andalusite meaning properties and powers: helps overload from excess high vibration energy with its strong grounding action. It is a highly effective stone of spirituality that is also known to be highly protective, so is beneficial to use during meditation.