from Spiritual Seeker 77
from https://spiritualseeker77.tumblr.com/
Holistic healing advice, tips and tricks including mindfulness, meditation, aromatherapy, crystal healing, relaxation, spiritual inspiration and Buddhism put together by lightworker and artist Pixie Copley
I don’t know if this is true, but I think it’s cool none-the-less!
Blue Celestite is calming and uplifting, balances energy, aids contact with guardian angels in the celestial realm. A high vibration crystals that helps you develop psychic gifts of prophecy, clairaudience, clairsentience & clairvoyance.
Want help with finding your spirit guide? See a specific meditation to use every day to contact spirit guides waiting to work with you. See list of helpful crystals to use during meditation.
Charoite Stone protects you from psychic attack and strengthens your connection with the Supreme Being. Learn about this wonderful stone for healers who want to be of service to others.
Aqua Aura Quartz is created by bonding gold with quartz. Amazing high vibration, aids communication, clairaudience & automatic writing. Brings emotional healing and spiritual growth.
Black Moonstone stimulates creativity, brings grounding & protection. Use in meditation to make a strong connection to the Divine Feminine. Potent stones to aid women, with good healing attributes.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Healing frequencies for psychic ability and spiritual awakening! - Many FREE audios to try!
Learn more & get the free app at http://onelink.to/pjmmu7 😀😀
Android version now available!
Creedite clusters are high vibration crystals that bring joy, happiness and bliss, and expand your energy field. Their energy aids you to contact spirit guides and gain clarity from spiritual communication.
The heart chakra vibration relates to stimulating feelings of love, compassion, peace & unconditional love. Improving this chakra's energy may stimulate a stronger desire to live a life filled with joy, happiness & compassion for others.
Brazilianite stones embody ancient Atlantean energy & can uncover past lives in Atlantis. Meaning & Use: These golden crystals boost manifestation & creativity, using the will. Blend energy of heart & solar plexus.
Your fortune for today :-)
Jupiter/Saturn alignment, complete with moons! :)
Stichtite aids kundalini awakening, creates a shield of protection around the body. Helps emotional healing, aids relationships and assists healing related to the brain and spinal column.
Watch it live - very powerful telescope! 😊
The Capricorn Zodiac Sign starts on the 22nd December. If you were born during this astrological sign check out the list of zodiac birthstones for this sign to help you to find the best Capricorn birthstone to use to help you.
Wonderful message from Bashar about the Grand Conjunction (3 min)
Iron Pyrite promotes positive thinking, enhances confidence and assertiveness. Increases willpower and aids manifestation. Has a favorable energy for business.
Happy Solstice everyone!
Wishing you all magic & miracles in the days, weeks & months to come ~
Image from http://www.PlacesofLight.com
Happy Solstice, Grand Conjunction & Solar Flash!
Enhancing creativity can improve your life for the better. Learn ways to unlock your creativity. Wear & use sacral chakra stones & others from the list of specific creativity crystals.
They’re getting closer! Jupiter and Saturn will meet on the Solstice, creating a bright “Christmas Star” :)
Dec 21, 2020
Iolite stimulates imagination, aids you with inner journeying & helps you to connect with angels. Assists you to develop psychic visions or clairvoyant ability, quiets the mind & helps you meditate more easily.
Rutilated Quartz amplifies your thoughts, helps you identify desires. Stones containing Golden Rutile threads bring the power of intention to manifest, boost creativity, aid contact with Divine mind for Divine inspiration. Aka Angel's Hair.
Saturn & Jupiter will be conjuct forming a bright “Christmas Star”
Thulite makes it easier for you to be comfortable speaking in front of a crowd. Learn how it helps to build rapport and inspires eloquent speech, passion for living, contentment, happiness and joy.