Lunar eclipse today - focus on releasing the old!
from Spiritual Seeker 77
from https://spiritualseeker77.tumblr.com/
Holistic healing advice, tips and tricks including mindfulness, meditation, aromatherapy, crystal healing, relaxation, spiritual inspiration and Buddhism put together by lightworker and artist Pixie Copley
Lunar eclipse today - focus on releasing the old!
Hematite crystals ground and balance your energy, give pain relief & stimulate the mind. They enhance memory, evoke deep thought, aid self confidence, will-power & self-esteem. Helpful to women who lack courage.
Full moon eclipses are about releasing, and eclipse energies last 6 months. What are you ready to let go of over the next 6 months?
Lepidolite contains lithium which aids anxiety & stress and helps grief & loss, brings emotional healing & peace. Meaning & Use: enhances meditation & creates a Divine connection, brings peace & serenity.
Malachite creates strong barriers to block negative entities. Enhances willpower, boosts creativity, stimulates coincidence or synchronicity, aids imagination & intuition, has good healing attributes.
Bismuth geometric crystal specimens are man made yet still have some useful metaphysical attributes. Use them to unite group members to aid them to work towards a common outcome.
Unlock your imagination and improve your life, using specific third eye chakra and sacral chakra stones that help to stimulate your imagination.
Hypersthene aids recuperation after illness. Known as a magical stone that manifests solutions or answers to problems. Meditate with them to boost psychic gifts of clairaudience & clairvoyance.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Aurichalcite aids the release of negativity & creates a protective shield around you. A third eye chakra stone to use in meditation to boost courage, aid the release of fear & create inner harmony.
Stay strong fellow spiritual seekers - you are all awesome!!!
Work with Soul Star Chakra stones from list to aid spiritual growth, Divine love, enlightenment & ascension. Situated a hand width above the top of the head it's also called the Seat of The Soul or Eighth chakra.
Que Sera crystals have an amazing vibration that brings spiritual light into the body. Aids clairaudience, psychic communication and healing, on all planes. Brings extra energy to help to recharge you.
Lithium Quartz has a deeply calming quite beautiful and harmonious vibration. It aids release of stress, tension and anxiety. Use this powerful stone for meditation and connect to the higher realms.
Discover info on using a pendulum and learn how you can get answers from spirit & your higher self. Why would you use a pendulum? Get guidance from your higher self about important life situations.
Yep :)
It’s absolutely essential, and I don’t feel bad about that.
Black Diopside is an excellent grounding stone that helps to balance your aura. Useful for anyone doing dowsing as they make a strong earth connection via the base and earth chakras.
Pink Rhodochrosite helps you heal old hurts and emotional issues from childhood or past lives. Harmonizes and balances male/female elements. Use in meditation to reach state of joy and sublime happiness.
The Sagittarius zodiac sign starts on the 22nd of November, so if you're a Sagittarian check out what crystals or gemstones are helpful for you. As Sag's are seekers of knowledge, take a look at the information on this page, to see if any of the stones resonate with you.
Natrolite is a powerful zeolite that aids the nervous system to deal with high vibrations. It helps those with fear of water and can be used to aid personal and spiritual growth.
Benitoite has a blissful energy that expands your consciousness. Activates the third eye to boost psychic ability. Good healing stones that stimulate coincidence and synchronicity.
Inesite helps relationships by boosting the level of loyalty, fidelity, kindness and devotion towards those you are close to. A strong heart based stone.
Blue Aventurine resonates within the throat and third eye chakra. Meaning & Use: helps the growth of psychic gifts, aids communication and assists addiction and weight loss.