from Spiritual Seeker 77
from https://spiritualseeker77.tumblr.com/
Holistic healing advice, tips and tricks including mindfulness, meditation, aromatherapy, crystal healing, relaxation, spiritual inspiration and Buddhism put together by lightworker and artist Pixie Copley
A new 6-page leaflet that helps to determine what is required to make an early and accurate diagnosis of ME/CFS.
The post ME Association New Leaflet - The Importance of Early & Accurate Diagnosis in ME/CFS first appeared on The ME Association.
Discover Healing Crystals For You To Use! Learn their meaning, powers, uses & healing properties for self healing & to develop psychic gifts. See crystal pics to identify specific healing stones.
Politics can bring up so much for us. From the uncertainty of what’s going to happen, to the tension between opinions, politics often evoke stress in our minds and bodies.
In this Tapping Meditation, we’ll tap together to acknowledge the stress about politics, and we’ll move towards a place of peace and clarity.
We’re making this meditation free for a limited time, so give it try the next time you need it.
This meditation is a sample from our Tapping Solution App that is now available on all mobile devices.
Until next time…
Keep Tapping!
Nick Ortner
The post Releasing Stress Around Politics – The Tapping Solution App appeared first on The Tapping Solution.
Chlorite Quartz Crystals aid EMF sensitivity, boost contact with nature spirits & aid healing. Use in meditation at higher chakras to stimulate spiritual & psychic gifts.
Clairaudience is clear hearing or psychic hearing of voices and astral sounds, that you can hear in your head. Learn to develop this gift and see the list of specific meditation crystals to boost this gift.
Mt Hay Thundereggs embody a deep pulsing grounding energy from the volcano that created them. Aka Amulet Stone, they create deep meditation. Healing stones that boost vitality & stamina, help stress and anxiety.
Brookite is a potent high vibration stone that helps you connect with spirit beings in the higher realms. It expands your awareness, helps you connect with angels & spirit guides, stimulates kundalini rising.
Pietersite connects you to your internal guidance system, aids willpower & assists life changes. Use in meditation to aid altered awareness, develop psychic visions, telepathic ability & intuition.
Hureaulite activates base and sacral chakras, stimulates libido and improves sexual problems. Aids release of anger and resentment, increases intuition. Good healing stone.
Calcite crystals cleanse you and your environment of negativity, amplify energy flow, boost mental energy and can improve your memory. Easy to get in a range of colors.
This meditation is a sample from our Tapping Solution App that’s available to download here. I’m sharing this with you so that you can get a taste of what’s available in the app, along with over 200 other Tapping Meditations from a wide variety of categories.
This tapping meditation is on releasing general pain. To go deeper make sure to check out our Tapping Solution for Pain Relief Program or to try additional pain relief meditations in the Tapping Solution App.
Release General Pain
After listening, let me know in the comments below what you think of this meditation.
Did you feel any shifts take place? How has your pain shifted after the tapping?
I hope you enjoyed it, and please help me spread the word about The Tapping Solution App!
Until next time, Keep Tapping!
Nick Ortner
The post Release Physical Pain in Less Than 12 Minutes… appeared first on The Tapping Solution.
Seriphos Green Quartz from Greece have heavenly energy. Aka Prasem Quartz, these powerful healing crystals bring joy, release negativity, aid organizational abilities & contact with nature spirits & the angelic realm.
The Libra Starsign begins on the 23rd of September and there are a number of fantastic stones for this starsign. Here is one of them, but there are a lot more. See the Libra birthstone list, and the meanings of each of the stones that help the Libra person.
The role of the crown chakra is to aid spiritual growth & commitment to higher ideas, while also managing the health of specific areas of the brain, the pineal gland, the pituitary, the nervous system & all master glands.
Happy Equinox everyone! Wishing you magic & miracles in the days to come ~~
Happy Equinox 2020 everyone!
Plancheite assists astrologists work, aiding clarity about effect of planetary movements. Resonates within the throat & third eye to assist the birth of psychic gifts. Also helps you to deal with angry people & aids stress.
Fulgurite is fused quartz, a type of unique glass tube created by lightning striking sand. Helps electrical sensitivity & is a powerful manifestation tool that embodies the energy of lightning.
In this Tapping meditation, we’ll focus on your experience with Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) in order to help you find some relief and clear a path for positive change.
You can either use this meditation with active symptoms or you can do it before they arise.
We’re making this meditation free for a limited time, so please try it out and post your results in the comments below!
This meditation is a sample from our Tapping Solution App that is now available on all mobile devices.
Until next time…
Keep Tapping!
Nick Ortner
The post Tapping for Restless Legs Syndrome – The Tapping Solution App appeared first on The Tapping Solution.
VERY intense energies for October! (if you’re into astrology like I am 😊)
According to Pam, the energies indicate increased rioting, chaos, possible disclosure/shocking news and possible mass awakening…lasting into next year
Got Insomnia? Using specific crystals for sleep may help you have a more restful night. See list of seven best sleep crystals & find out methods to help you to sleep better.
Healing frequencies to align your chakras (also for spiritual awakening!) - Many FREE audios to try!
Learn more & get the free app at http://onelink.to/pjmmu7 😀😀
Unakite helps to open your psychic vision aka clairvoyant ability via its energy at the third eye chakra. Relieves anxiety & stress, brings peaceful sleep, helps addictions & assists convalescents to recover.