from Spiritual Seeker 77
from https://spiritualseeker77.tumblr.com/
Holistic healing advice, tips and tricks including mindfulness, meditation, aromatherapy, crystal healing, relaxation, spiritual inspiration and Buddhism put together by lightworker and artist Pixie Copley
Aragonite Star Clusters heal you emotionally and spiritually and help you overcome stress & anxiety. Aka The Conservationists Stone Meaning & Use: help you to contact angels & other spiritual beings. Aid earth healing.
Don’t take anything personally
Rainforest Jasper stimulates joy, happiness & increased self esteem. Aka Green Rhyolite Meaning & Use: aids deep earth healing & carries a strong vibration for change.
Discover psychic knowing or claircognizance, a strong psychic gift, that also relates to automatic writing. A psychic power closely linked to intuition and clairsentience. Use specific crystals to develop this gift.
Guess I’m a cat lol
Turquoise Stones aid spiritual attunement, communication, boost psychic gifts of clairaudience & clairvoyance & aid past life healing. Meaning & Use: have been used for healing for thousands of years.
Amethyst Crystals embody the power of Violet Flame energy. Meaning & Use: they have potent metaphysical properties for spiritual healing & promote restful sleep. Use violet flame healing energy of St Germaine to heal yourself & others.
Healing frequencies for psychic ability and spiritual awakening! - Many FREE audios to try!
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Life is so exhausting sometimes…
Magnesite has potent metaphysical properties & its calming vibration aids creative visualization. Meaning & Use: boosts imagination & clear psychic visions & creates amazing changes in your life.
Using crystals for inflammation can be beneficial if you need to reduce swelling from inflammatory conditions. See the list of best stones to help your healing.
Darwin Glass is a high vibration glass based tektite that helps you to release fear. Aka Darwinite, it is a potent meditation stone that makes a deep heart based connection.
If you’re not fitting in, you are AWESOME!!!
It’s absolutely essential, and I don’t feel bad about that.
LMAO!! 😁
Ocean Jasper brings joy & elevated spirits, relieves stress, worry & other negative feelings. Meaning & Use: As you enhance your personal power this aids your self confidence & self worth via the energy of the solar plexus.
Good vibrations within your etheric body will assist you to heal emotionally, physically, mentally & spiritually. Using specific crystals will help you to change & improve your vibration.
Grandidierite has a strong heart and higher heart chakra energy that encourages compassion & generosity towards others. Meaning & Use: beneficial for decision making, enhances communication & helps stress.
Spurrite aka Strombolite aids good humor, creates connections to mystical & angelic realms, helps emotions of grief, helps you to know that this too shall pass & that life is in Divine order.
From “The Empath’s Survival Guide” by Judith Orloff: