Holistic healing advice, tips and tricks including mindfulness, meditation, aromatherapy, crystal healing, relaxation, spiritual inspiration and Buddhism put together by lightworker and artist Pixie Copley
The Soul Star Chakra is situated a hand width above the top of the head. Its energy stimulates spiritual growth, Divine love, enlightenment & ascension. Aka The Seat of The Soul
Blizzard stone contains a range of different minerals, to help you deal with earth changes. It aids grounding, healing, spiritual and psychic gifts and stimulates kundalini awakening. Also called Gabbro.
See the list of top healing crystals for stress & anxiety. Discover the best and most effective crystals to use to help you to deal with stress, tension & anxiety. Learn about lithium based crystals & see which stones they are.
Holding Eudialyte stimulates clairaudience, ESP and telepathy, helps you discover your life path, increases beta and alpha brain waves. Increased alpha waves boost creativity and relieve stress.
Vanadinite crystals help you to get more done. They improve energy levels, enhance creativity, boost action towards goals & promote thrift. They are healing stones that help the kidneys, asthma and fatigue.
Learn ways to relieve stress and lift your feelings when you're anxious or depressed. Find out about stress relief crystals, meditation, affirmations & other methods to lift you.
Yellow Apatite helps you to lose weight, aids manifestation and stimulates creativity. Aka Gold or Golden Apatite brings strength of will and mental clarity, has yellow ray metaphysical properties.
Rose Quartz Crystal is rose pink colored quartz that aids all types of relationships. Has metaphysical and healing properties to bring loving energy of heart chakra & higher heart chakra to heal relationships.
Heulandite is a high vibration stone that takes you on inner journeys, helps you to release past life karma. Both green and peachy white stones aid connection to past lives in Atlantis or Lemuria.
Gyrolite are good healing stones that activate qi energy & bring relief from muscle pain. Stimulate third eye & crown chakras to aid connection with ancient civilizations in meditation. Enhances action of dancers and drummers.
Clinohumite brings feelings of joy and happiness and boosts self esteem. Helpful healing stone that relieves pain, aids insomnia and helps depression and stress.
Daily writing in a journal aids you to enhance your creative writing abilities. Writing every day can help to open up the psychic gift of automatic writing. Combine with the use of specific crystals.
Ilvaite is a strong grounding and healing stone that boosts patience and perseverance. It may enhance creativity and imagination and is excellent used at the crown chakra in meditation.
Discover crystals for happiness, stones known to boost inner joy, peace of mind and optimism. See the list of stones that stimulate feelings of exhilaration, playfulness, good spirits and laughter!
The Capricorn Zodiac Sign started on the 22nd December. If you were born during this astrological sign check out the list of zodiac birthstones for this sign to help you to find the best Capricorn birthstone to use to help you.
Amethyst Cacoxenite has a deep spiritual energy that embodies the energy of many minerals to create spiritual growth and healing. Use in meditation to boost psychic abilities, spiritual growth and healing.
Shaman Stones from Utah have strong metaphysical properties for spiritual growth, shamanic journeying & psychic protection. Release deep seated fear of death. Also called Moqui Marbles or Mochi Balls.
Clear Quartz Crystals are common stones that embody the white ray and have a high vibration. Easy to program, they assist the higher chakras to emanate white light to create a spiritual connection.
Discover best psychic protection methods. See list of top protection crystals to use that help to prevent psychic attack. Read how to create a protective cloak to shield you from attack.
Seraphinite aids contact with Angelic beings, nature spirits and the Divine Feminine. Infuses aura with light via soul star and crown chakra, stimulates clairaudient and clairvoyant abilities.
Cryolite is an amazing high vibration crystal that energizes the brain & produces a strong mind-heart link, creating a deep connection to the higher realms and to Spirit.
Bronzite brings stress relief and help to prevent bad temper. It is a higher heart stone that brings peace, harmony, compassion and forgiveness, and is also a good healing stone.
Tony Britton, Fundraising Manager, ME Association.
The Royal Navy has been highly commended for looking after one of its own â by a Navy wife who is about to publish a childrenâs book about her âSupercharged Superheroâ.
Chief Petty Officer Tom Everson went down with M.E. very quickly after completing an 874-mile bike ride from Landâs End to John OâGroats in July 2017, weeks after their first daughter Georgia was born.
Tom and Gemma Everson.
Tom, who is 36, is now recovering slowly with the help of staff at a navy rehabilitation centre in Plymouth. While heâs been away, his wife Gemma has been overseeing the production of her book for children like Georgia who have a horrible time coping.
My Superhero Daddy, by Georgia.
âIt was a very dark time as we tried to come to terms with what was happening and learn about the condition. We had very few answers or solutions while Tom was bedbound, unable to moveâ, said Gemma from her home in Telford.
Tom, a cyber security specialist who has served in Afghanistan and can speak Pashtu, spends fortnights away at âHasler,â the Help for Heroes rehab centre in Plymouth, where the medical and therapy team is helping him put his life back together.
Gemma says theyâve been âbrilliantâ, but her husband expects to be medically discharged from the Royal Navy in a few weeks.
âFor six months, we kept saying that Tom was ill, poorly, not well and Georgiaâs anxiety went through the roof, so we had to change the scriptâ, said Gemma, a primary school teacher.
âWe learned to accept that this illness was not going to disappear, and we would potentially be living with this for life. Thatâs when âSupercharged Superheroâ came about.
âThe story is about a superhero daddy who is full of energy and fun. One day his âbatteryâ suddenly and unexpectedly fails and will not charge properly. The family try everything to fix it but to no avail. One day the girl realises that her daddy isnât gone â things are just different, and life needs to adjust.
âThe writing changed everything for us, and my daughter now uses the language of the story to cope with her dadâs condition. It also helped my own anxiety as a parent and carer to realise that, actually, we are OK. We can work through this and we have become strong as a result.â
Tom and Gemma now have two children â a second daughter, Gracie, arrived two years ago.
Illustrations from the book.
Gemma laid out the story board for the 32-page rhyming story, which has been illustrated by artist and graphic designer friends.
âSupercharged Superheroâ is about to be published very soon. No particular label or diagnosis has been placed on the main character in order to increase the bookâs appeal to the wider chronic illness community.
The ME Association
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