Saturday, 30 November 2019

Cavansite Meaning & Use: Comfortable Transition Thru Major Life Change


Cavansite aids spiritual communication, enhances creativity & may relieve stress. A potent blue ray stone that may stimulate the birth of psychic abilities. It helps make sense of past experiences to aid major life changes.

from Healing Crystals For You Blog


#crystals #crystal #healing

Ethiopian Opal Meaning & Use: Boosts Precognition & Decision Making

Ethiopian Opal

Ethiopian Opal helps decision making & enhances creativity. Use in meditation to aid astral travel, boost intuition & precognition. Good healing stone, balances chakras & aids weight loss. Highly protective, stimulates kundalini awakening.

from Healing Crystals For You Blog


#crystals #crystal #healing

Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Friday, 29 November 2019

Know How To Use RSS? How Do You Get RSS On Your Device?

Lithium Quartz

Need to know how to use RSS? Discover how to get the RSS onto your device if you don't already have it, so you can stay up-to-date with the lastest pages appearing on the blog.

from Healing Crystals For You Blog


#crystals #crystal #healing

Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Goshenite Meaning & Use: Boosts Clear Thinking, Truth & Lucid Dreams


Goshenite aka White Beryl aids clear thinking, helps inspire truth in both you and others. It boosts analytical mental ability, mathematical mastery and heightened lucid dreams.

from Healing Crystals For You Blog


#crystals #crystal #healing

Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Thursday, 28 November 2019

Hiddenite Meaning & Use: For Spontaneity, Joy, Love & Gratitude


Hiddenite stimulates love and gratitude, joy and spontaneity, compassion and forgiveness and helps anxiety and stress. This pale Green Spodumene is a rare stone that aids the healing of emotional problems.

from Healing Crystals For You Blog


#crystals #crystal #healing

A Tapping Meditation to Release Frustration and Overwhelm from Physical Pain

One of the most common things I hear from people who are physical pain is…

“I’m so overwhelmed and frustrated by this pain. I just want to be able to live my life.”

The reality is that the higher and more frequent your physical pain level is, the more difficult it is to live a normal life.

If this is the case for you, I have another Tapping Meditation from my book “The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief” for you that I think can help.

This Tapping Meditation is specifically for anyone who is frustrated and overwhelmed by physical pain in their body:

Audio Length: 20 minutes


Take a few minutes to listen, tap along, and release your pain.

If you have additional questions about how the book might help you, please don’t be shy in reaching out.

Until next time… Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

After you listen, comment below to let me know how you feel after the Tapping Meditation!  🙂

The post A Tapping Meditation to Release Frustration and Overwhelm from Physical Pain appeared first on The Tapping Solution.

from The Tapping Solution


#EFT #holistic #healing

A Tapping Meditation for Pain Relief

When I first released my “The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief” book I recorded a number of Tapping Meditations to go along with each Chapter as bonuses for those who bought the book.

Since I’m giving away this book over this 5 day period, I want to give you access to listen to one of them right now so that you can have an experience of Tapping for Pain Relief.  This Tapping Meditation goes along with Chapter 2 of the book.

Just press play below to start listening and releasing any physical pain in your body:

Audio Length: 15 minutes


If you’re new to Tapping and you don’t know the points, or you just need a reminder, here is an introductory video to Tapping for Pain Relief:

Remember, I’m giving away my book “The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief: A Step-by-Step Guide to Reducing and Eliminating Chronic Pain” for only 4 more days.

The only thing I ask is that you pay for the cost of shipping and handling, which is just $4.95 in the U.S. That’s it!

If you’re outside the US, the cost is a bit higher but may still be worth it for you.  And if it’s not, then I’d recommend getting the book locally or getting it on a kindle device as it can help you transform the way your body feels every day.

Go here to get your free book now.

Until next time… Keep Tapping!  🙂

Nick Ortner

After you listen, comment below to let me know how your pain level changed from the Tapping Meditation! 🙂

The post A Tapping Meditation for Pain Relief appeared first on The Tapping Solution.

from The Tapping Solution


#EFT #holistic #healing

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Eucryptite Meaning & Use: Harmonizes Earth Energy & Relieves Stress


Eucryptite are stress relief crystals that aid the release of endorphins and help to harmonize the ley lines of the earth. They are EMF protection stones that deflect microwave radiation.

from Healing Crystals For You Blog


#crystals #crystal #healing

Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Ascension Stones Meaning & Use: For Meditation Grounding & Protection

Ascension stone

Ascension stones contain Marcasite, have strong psychic protection & grounding attributes. Use for deep powerful meditation, connects you to the colored ray you need. Help Reiki practitioners.

from Healing Crystals For You Blog


#crystals #crystal #healing

Instant Boost of Gratitude – The Tapping Solution App

In this Tapping Meditation, we will address and clear any resistance you have to gratitude so we can shift to positive affirmations to help you tune in and feel grateful.

Tap along and cultivate the feeling of having more gratitude in your life!

Instant Boost of Gratitude


This meditation is a sample from our Tapping Solution App that’s available to download here.

I’m sharing this with you so that you can get a taste of what’s available in the app, along with over 100 other Tapping Meditations from a wide variety of categories.

I hope you enjoyed listening to this tapping meditation, and please help me spread the word about The Tapping Solution App!

Until next time,

Keep Tapping (On the app!)

Nick Ortner

Download The Tapping Solution App today!

How do you feel after using this Tapping Meditation? Comment below!

The post Instant Boost of Gratitude – The Tapping Solution App appeared first on The Tapping Solution.

from The Tapping Solution


#EFT #holistic #healing

Monday, 25 November 2019

Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Healing Stone Meanings and Use: Utilizing Crystals & Chakra Stones

Lapis Lazuli

Discover the healing stone meanings. Since ancient times crystals and stones have been recognized and used. Now you can use their metaphysical attributes to heal yourself.

from Healing Crystals For You Blog


#crystals #crystal #healing

Jeremejevite Meaning: Aids Grief, Boosts Clairvoyance & Precognition


Jeremejevite are tiny rare crystals that assist you to deal with change & aid grief after death of a loved one. Good healing crystals that resonate strongly at the higher chakras to boost psychic visions and precognition.

from Healing Crystals For You Blog


#crystals #crystal #healing

Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Sunday, 24 November 2019

Connecting With Angels: How To Use Crystals To Contact Angelic Realm

Golden Amphibole Quartz

Learn about connecting with Angels. See list of specific crystals to use to elevate you to the Angelic realms, to meet Angels and ask for their help. These loving beings are there for every one of you. Do you wonder how to go about this?

from Healing Crystals For You Blog


#crystals #crystal #healing

Blue Kyanite Meaning & Use: High Vibration, Aligns & Clears Chakras

Blue Kyanite

Blue Kyanite and the other colors of Kyanite will align the chakras. They resonate with high frequency energy making them great for meditation. They calm you and help you to go deeper into a restful and relaxing state.

from Healing Crystals For You Blog


#crystals #crystal #healing

Saturday, 23 November 2019

Arfvedsonite Meaning & Use: Creates Amazing Manifestations


Arfvedsonite helps you re-organize and restructure your life. Used in meditation it opens your crown chakra & you may see psychic visions that help you predict the future. Helps create amazing manifestations.

from Healing Crystals For You Blog


#crystals #crystal #healing

Blue Hemimorphite Meaning & Use: Aids Mediumship & Enhances Communication

Blue Hemimorphite

Blue Hemimorphite aids channeling, mediumship and enhances communication. This powerful ascension stone adds light to your auric field. Brings an increase in joy and improves your emotional state.

from Healing Crystals For You Blog


#crystals #crystal #healing

Discover the Power of Mudra

Short video describing the importance of hand gestures.

from Buddhism now


#buddhism #buddhist #Buddha

Friday, 22 November 2019

How Tapping Rewires the Brain…

If you’re new to Tapping, you may be wondering, what exactly is this Tapping thing? And how can it help my life?

I want to share a video with you today that will not only explain what this “tapping thing” is and how it rewires the brain but…

Where I’ll also take you through a really powerful tapping process that will have you instantly feeling positive, energized, and empowered to move your life in the direction you want.

It’s from a live event where I spoke to over 2,000 people:

Some of what you’ll learn about in this video is exactly why our brains are wired to think negatively and have fears that hold us back. In fact, on average, a person has 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts a day and 80% of those thoughts are negative and 95% are repetitive.

While most people beat themselves up for thinking negatively, the reality is that our brains are wired to think negatively for a very specific reason, until you start to rewire them differently.

And you’ll learn in this video what the science and research is showing that Tapping is doing to rewire the brain, and how you can start using it right away.



What did you learn or enjoy while watching the video above?  Share your comments and questions below! 

The post How Tapping Rewires the Brain… appeared first on The Tapping Solution.

from The Tapping Solution


#EFT #holistic #healing

Sphene aka Titanite Meaning & Use: Boosts Mental Ability & Intuition


Sphene accelerates learning, helps you to think clearly and be more organized. It will help to manifest money & strengthen will-power. Aka Titanite, it aids you to develop psychic visions & intuition.

from Healing Crystals For You Blog


#crystals #crystal #healing

“Get Well Soon” – Guest Blog by Louise Shepherd | 22 November 2019

Guest Blog by Louise Shepherd.

I was recently sorting through some of my belongs and came across my “Keepsake box.” As I dug my way through it, I found a small pile of cards and letters.

Some were for passing exams or my driving test but a number of them were from when I began to get really sick and was eventually diagnosed with Anaemia and Hypothyroidism back in 2006/2007, and a few others were from when I was later diagnosed with Moderate/Severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis in 2013.

Almost all of them contained those three words that no-one with any chronic illness wants to hear or read…

“Get Well Soon.”

Such small but powerful words – for right and wrong reasons. The sentiment behind them is fine when you have a cold or even broken a bone; colds clear up and bones heal. But when there’s no chance of becoming 100% better, hearing or reading them can really drag you down to the dark places of your mind.

The realisation of knowing I’m not going to get better is one I have to face and am constantly trying to accept, but that doesn’t make it any easier to read through cards and letters from people hoping I’ll soon be well and able to enjoy my old life again.

In all honesty, to be sent cards or letters containing the words “Get Well Soon” when you’re chronically ill, is kind of insulting as well as really upsetting. I know that the idea behind the message is sincere and comes from a good place.

However, it really highlights that people find it hard to wrap their head around a never-ending illness and the “Get Well Soon” message has become the standard for when someone you know is unwell. It’s only thought unacceptable when the person you know has a terminal illness, like late stage Cancer.

For all the relief I felt when I was finally diagnosed with M.E after years of not knowing what was wrong, I then had to accept there is no cure, no effective treatment plan, and that I’m just going to have to just live with it and watch helpless while my life unravelled as my illness began to stop me from actually living the life I want.

This is an illness that I later found out, could actually take my life in its severest form and has a recovery rate of 5%. That was a devastating discovery and to then receive cards hoping I would “Get Well Soon” just added to the devastation and heartbreak.

In this way the “Get Well Soon” message can be quite harmful to mental health. It’s like a chip in the windscreen of a car, if left unfixed, it can spread across the whole screen making the car unsafe to drive.

In the same way, hearing/reading the message “Get Well Soon” can make me slip back into negative thinking and can spread to feelings of hopelessness and wanting to give up. Turning those thoughts and feelings around can be difficult, but for me it’s necessary to fix the chip before it breaks the windscreen.

Refocusing on what I’m able to do on better days and not dwelling on never getting well is one of the fixes I often use to help me keep going and remain hopeful. I also find that a balance of hope and facing the reality of my situation, helps keep me positive and is the most beneficial way of thinking.

For me, “Get Well Soon” is really a healthy person’s phrase because when you look at the M.E community, that phrase is never said. We all understand the impact it can have and have found better phrases to show our support for one another. A few of the phrases I’ve noticed that are often used are along the lines of:

  • “I hope things ease for you soon”
  • “I hope you feel more your normal soon”
  • “I hope the PEM eases quickly”

These all show that the saying “you don’t get it, until you get” is really true as these phrases demonstrate an understanding of life with M.E or chronic illness in general and carry the sentiment of hoping for better days.

While I’ve never broached the subject with someone who sent me one of those cards, in recent times, the sentiment behind any cards or letters I receive is more along the lines of “thinking of you,” which is far more comforting and I’m very thankful for that.

But as for the “Get Well Soon” cards and letters that inspired me to write this piece, they’re still in the “Keepsake box” until I decide whether or not I want to keep them.

On one hand they are a reminder that people cared enough to send them, but on the other, the reality that getting better soon never happened is difficult to cope with. So, for now they’ll stay in there until I’ve made up my mind.

What effect does “Get Well Soon” have on you? Have you ever tried to explain to someone the impact of that phrase? What other phrases have you suggested or used yourself?

The ME Association

Real People. Real Disease. Real M.E.

We are a national charity working hard to make the UK a better place for people whose lives have been devastated by an often-misunderstood neurological disease.

If you would like to support our efforts and help ensure we can inform, support, advocate and invest in biomedical research, then please donate today.

Just click the image opposite and visit our JustGiving page for one-off donations, to establish a regular payment or to create your own fundraising event.

Or why not join the ME Association as a member and be part of our growing community? For a monthly (or annual) subscription you will also receive our exclusive ME Essential magazine.

ME Association Registered Charity Number 801279

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