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Holistic healing advice, tips and tricks including mindfulness, meditation, aromatherapy, crystal healing, relaxation, spiritual inspiration and Buddhism put together by lightworker and artist Pixie Copley
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Good vibrations within your etheric body will assist you to heal emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. Using specific crystals will help you to change and improve your vibration.
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Sacral chakra stones aid you emotionally & boost creativity and clairsentience. They help to increase passionate feelings & may heal relationships. They aid the growth of sensuality, passion & desire. See list of sacral or navel chakra stones.
Did you know that using the 7 Laws of attraction combined with specific crystals can help you to manifest a better life? Learn how these laws work to manifest an increase in wealth & happiness.
Sphalerite aka Zinc Blende grounds your nervous system, prevents fatigue after meditation. Harmonizes male-female attributes, enhances creativity. Helps you discern when a psychic reader is authentic.
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Azurite stone activates the third eye & boosts psychic ability. Stimulates the mind in meditation & attunes it to spiritual guidance, gives insight, inner vision & helps you make spiritual connections.
Septaria strengthen group activities, improve communication & support public speaking. For privacy, keep Septarian stones on your body to dispel others personal interest in you. Strong earth energy.
In this Tapping Meditation, we’ll gently explore the stress, anxiety, doubt, and overwhelm that come from believing that you are not enough, and we’ll move into a place of acceptance and peace.
Tap along and learn how healing this misguided belief that you are not enough can open up worlds of possibilities in every aspect of your life!
Extended Sessions: You Are Enough
This meditation is a sample from our Tapping Solution App that’s available to download here.
I’m sharing this with you so that you can get a taste of what’s available in the app, along with over 100 other Tapping Meditations from a wide variety of categories.
I hope you enjoyed listening to this tapping meditation, and please help me spread the word about The Tapping Solution App!
Until next time,
Keep Tapping (On the app!)
Nick Ortner
The post You Are Enough – The Tapping Solution App appeared first on The Tapping Solution.
Maori Greenstone also called Pounamu stone has a magical and mystical energy that forms a protective shield to prevent psychic attack. A strong healing stone that boosts energy, is anti aging and relieves stress. Aids contact with ancestors in spirit world.
Ewan Dale, Trustee, ME Association.
In 2017 NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) decided to launch a new guideline on suspected neurological disorders and sent stakeholders a draft for comment.
There were key aspects that affected people with ME & CFS and Fibromyalgia relating mainly to the use of the term “functional” and the dismissive way in which access to neurology was to be denied for those with “medically unexplained” symptoms.
Forward ME made a response, the ME Association also launched a petition. The new guideline was published earlier this year with some amendments and NICE are now looking to produce a Quality Standard to support it.
The ME Association has now responded to this latest call on stakeholders (see below) as we continue to be alarmed by the way in which neurology has increasingly become a very difficult to access but much needed specialism and one that still fails to recognise ME & CFS.
In May, NICE published the ‘Suspected Neurological Conditions: Recognition and Referral’ clinical guideline (NG127). It is the same guideline we had petitioned against back in September 2017 when you responded with 13,593 signatures.
The scope of this guideline is much wider than ME & CFS concerns but perpetuates issues by lumping ME & CFS, and Fibromyalgia in with “functional neurological disorders”. It also ignores incidence of orthostatic intolerance.
Forward ME had registered as stakeholders for the development of the guideline, but the main thrust of that submission appears to have been ignored. Although it must be said that the original references to ME & CFS as being specific examples of functional disorders are not now made but they are definitely inferred.
Indeed, ME & CFS are only now referred to in the section on concentration difficulties (1.8.3): “Do not routinely refer adults for neurological assessment if they have concentration difficulties associated with myalgic encephalomyelitis (or encephalopathy)/chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia.”
The rationale for this decision (page 48): “The committee pointed out that difficulties with memory and concentration are common in myalgic encephalomyelitis (or encephalopathy)/chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia, and that these symptoms can be managed as part of the management of those conditions.”
The guideline defines a functional neurological disorder as: “A condition in which people experience neurological symptoms in the absence of any identifiable causative physical or structural abnormality.”
Much if not all of the advice relating to symptoms perceived as being functional in origin – many of which might apply to the onset of ME & CFS symptomology – is that no referral to neurology is necessary and that management should occur in primary care as per the guideline on ME/CFS.
Indeed, we argued originally that this new guideline seemed more about preventing referrals (irrespective of any diagnosis) to neurology than it did about improving patient care. And we were especially concerned because the high rate of missed or misdiagnosis in ME & CFS warranted specialist intervention at an early stage at least to ensure a correct diagnosis was made.
In support of the guideline, NICE has started the process of developing a Quality Standard (QS10082): “A concise set of prioritised statements designed to drive measurable quality improvements within a particular area of health or care.”
The ME Association registered as stakeholders and were asked to submit 5 statements of “key areas for quality improvement” last week.
Given how widespread the promotion of euphemisms for psychosomatic are across NHS-related policy, we don’t hold out much hope for NICE to start taking a constructive view of medically uncertainty, but we felt it was important to register our concerns.
These are the statements and comments we have submitted to NICE. As the scope of the Quality Standard is all “suspected neurological conditions”, our comments are mainly aimed at issues common across many conditions as well as ME & CFS.
ME Association Submission
Key area for quality improvement 1
Why is this important?
Why is this a key area for quality improvement?
Supporting information
Key area for quality improvement 2
Why is this important?
Why is this a key area for quality improvement?
Supporting information
Key area for quality improvement 3
Why is this important?
Why is this a key area for quality improvement?
Supporting information
Key area for quality improvement 4
Why is this important?
Why is this a key area for quality improvement?
Supporting information
Key area for quality improvement 5
Why is this important?
Why is this a key area for quality improvement?
Supporting information
Additional developmental areas of emergent practice
Key area for quality improvement
Why is this important?
Why is this a key area for quality improvement?
Supporting information
The ME Association
Real People. Real Disease. Real M.E.
We are a national charity working hard to make the UK a better place for people whose lives have been devastated by an often-misunderstood neurological disease.
If you would like to support our efforts and help ensure we can inform, support, advocate and invest in biomedical research, then please donate today.
Just click the image opposite and visit our JustGiving page for one-off donations, to establish a regular payment or to create your own fundraising event.
Or why not join the ME Association as a member and be part of our growing community? For a monthly (or annual) subscription you will also receive our exclusive ME Essential magazine.
ME Association Registered Charity Number 801279
Throat chakra stones stimulate the area where communication ability emerges. See list of crystals that activate the throat area. They aid hearing, psychic hearing, listening, speaking & truthful honest communication.
Russell Fleming, Content Manager, ME Association.
This is a very well attended event with GPs from across the country travelling to Liverpool for the three-day conference (24-26 October).
Dr Charles Shepherd and Ewan Dale, Trustees of the ME Association, will be attending with other members from Forward ME helping to raise awareness of the issues faced by people in this community.
Last year, Dr Shepherd and other M.E. experts gave a lecture to a packed audience of GPs and we had a stall. This year we couldn’t get the lecture, but the stall is doing excellent ‘trade’ and attracting a lot of interest.
One of the first GPs to visit said, “A patient rang up my receptionist and the first thing she asked was “Does the new doctor believe in M.E.?”, I didn’t realise how little understanding there is of the condition.”
Copies of the ME Association Clinical and Research Guide are being distributed, along with the Forward ME Briefing (download opposite).
We are also conducting a case study quiz which is based around diagnosis with a prize being offered for the most correct answers.
And our thanks and congratulations go to medical student, Emilia Allwright, who is supervised by Dr Nina Muirhead, and produced a poster presentation of her research (see below).
Emilia and Nina created the initial ME Association website survey that gathered over 600 responses back in January and followed-up your valuable feedback with interviews.
We’ll keep you informed of any further developments from the conference as we hear them via our social media platforms or with updates to this blog.
“Understanding the role of the general practitioner in caring for patients with ME/CFS in the community.”
By Emilia Allwright and Dr Nina Muirhead.
Establish a general understanding of the current awareness and knowledge of ME/CFS based on recent scientific research and publications
Recognise the importance of the patient voice in ME/CFS management via qualitative and quantitative information gathered from patient volunteers in the community including information obtained by telephone interviews and an online questionnaire.
Identify factors that patients view as important to their management in primary care.
Both the online question and free text feedback emphasised that patients prioritised an understanding of the symptoms of ME/CFS in order to make a diagnosis and to appreciate the impact of the condition on patients.
The interviews discussed wider aspects of the relationship between GPs and patient with ME/CFS. Participants suggested having a single healthcare practitioner to offer consistent care and develop an understanding of the patient and their history.
GPs who were willing to learn more about ME/CFS and engage with the patient to better their own understanding of ME/CFS were held in high regard by participants. All but one participant had experience feeling dismissed by a GP and some participants, who had not developed positive relationships with GP, questioned the level of respect demonstrated by a GP.
Patient Feedback “They just need to be honest and kind and respectful and together we’ll figure out what the best way forward is.” |
“He’s just been sympathetic to what I’m going through which is a big thing.” | ||
“And I just found it too upsetting to keep going because nothing was happening.” |
Participants described mutually beneficial relationships with GPs through working together but also instances where relationships had been less constructive or had broken down.
Overall, online feedback and semi-structures interviews emphasised the perception that a supportive GP who is honest and open with patients can make a significant impact, regardless of their ability to cure the patient.
In a future study, the patient perspective could be supported with parallel information gathering from GPs on their experiences to create a more thorough analysis of ME/CFS care in the community from a dual perspective.
I would like to thank Dr Liz Forty and all the patients who took their valuable time and energy to respond to the questionnaire or be involved with the interviews. Thank you to Jan Russell and WAMES and the ME Association for their help publicising this study.
The ME Association
Real People. Real Disease. Real M.E.
We are a national charity working hard to make the UK a better place for people whose lives have been devastated by an often-misunderstood neurological disease.
If you would like to support our efforts and help ensure we can inform, support, advocate and invest in biomedical research, then please donate today.
Just click the image opposite and visit our JustGiving page for one-off donations, to establish a regular payment or to create your own fundraising event.
Or why not join the ME Association as a member and be part of our growing community? For a monthly (or annual) subscription you will also receive our exclusive ME Essential magazine.
ME Association Registered Charity Number 801279
Were you born under the Scorpio sign? As we move into the new Zodiac month, take a look at the birthstones for your sign, as well as the stones for the other starsigns as well!
Use your trademark determination, resourcefulness and strong intuition to decide which of the Scorpio birthstones is the best one for you!
Healing broken bones & inflammation. Learn how crystals can assist you. Checkout the list of stones to help fractured or broken bones to heal more quickly & crystals that help reduce inflammation.
I’m feeling sadness and joy in my heart as I share with you the passing of our friend and mentor, Dr. Patricia Carrington.
The sadness is obvious when we lose someone we love. The joy is often harder to find, but I think in Pat’s case, at the wonderful age of 95 with decades of incredible contributions to the world and our field, we can together celebrate her life.
If you’re not familiar with Dr. Carrington, she was one of the original true thought leaders in the field of energy medicine, actually using Tapping in the ’80s and leading its spread!
She’s the originator of the “Choices Method”, which I still use daily and in the meditations we release. When I first met her in 2007 while filming The Tapping Solution documentary, she was 83 years old and sharp as can be! A true testament to this work.
I thought this morning of how we could best honor Pat, and I think she would like nothing more than for her work and message to continue to spread and be seen by others. So I’m sharing that original video interview from 2007.
You’ll find it chock full of wisdom and insights that you can apply to your life today.
Also, Pat had struggled financially the past couple of years, after being defrauded by her assistant and it was THIS community that raised over $50,000 to support her.
I can tell you definitively that that money made her last year very different than it might have been otherwise – so THANK YOU!!
Until next time…
Keep Tapping!
Nick Ortner
The post Remembering Pat Carrington appeared first on The Tapping Solution.
For immediate release: By John Siddle, PR Manager, ME Association.
The ME Association announces three new research grants into an incurable disease that affects 250,000 Brits
Vital research funding that could lay bare the cause of one of the world’s cruellest illnesses can today be announced by the ME Association.
The UK charity is proud to reveal it is funding three new projects to help solve the mysteries of myalgic encephalomyelitis – also known as chronic fatigue syndrome – and how it is treated.
Manifesting as unrelenting exhaustion, profound pain, memory difficulties and worsened mobility, ME is destroying the lives of 250,000 people in the UK, including children and teenagers.
One in four are so severely affected that they are rendered housebound or bedbound – with some even reliant on tube feeding. Sufferers are often confined to their beds, unable to walk, and need help even to shower – an action that could then lay them low for hours, or even days.
There is no known cure – and worse still, there remain vast misconceptions and ignorance surrounding the illness – even in medical circles.
Today, campaigning charity The ME Association can announce a new tranche of funding totalling almost £200,000 through its Ramsay Research Fund.
The charity – which relies solely on donations and membership fees – has already invested more than a million pounds in biomedical research.
It considers quality research to be a key priority as it offers the best hope for better understanding, improved diagnosis and treatment.
ME Association Medical adviser, Dr Charles Shepherd, said:
“The ME Association is delighted to announce that our Ramsay Research Fund has been able to make three major research grants totalling nearly £200,000.
“All three projects constitute major steps forward in helping to understand the underlying cause of ME, the search for a diagnostic biomarker, and the provision of more effective management – especially during the crucial early stages of this illness.
“Thanks must go to our many loyal supporters and fundraisers who have been raising money for medical research into the cause and treatment of ME.”
Grant One: The UK ME/CFS Biobank (£99,766)
The world-leading ME/CFS Biobank (UKMEB) is the only one of its kind in the UK. Here, the analysis of blood samples could reveal crucial biomarkers to provide a deeper understanding of what causes ME, and how it could be accurately diagnosed and treated.
The project, led and managed by the Biobank team at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, is funded through the ME Association’s Ramsay Research Fund.
This new ME Association funding will sustain and allow the Biobank to expand over the next two years and ensure a steady supply of blood samples to ME researchers around the world.
Jack Butterworth, a Project Manager at the Biobank, said:
“Over the past two years we have released samples to six research institutions in the UK alone, and many more in Europe, South America, Asia and the USA.
“The new, two-year award will build on that success, enabling further releases and the replenishment of depleted samples.
“The award will also enable further communications and fundraising projects, raising the Biobank’s income and reducing its reliance on grant funding.
“The funding will also allow the team to continue to work to develop biobanks elsewhere in the world, using protocols that are harmonised with the UKMEB’s. Exciting work is already underway in the USA, Canada and Australia.
“The UKMEB continues to be an example to biobanks in ME/CFS and in other fields and has published its work in peer-reviewed journals and presented at major conferences.”
Grant Two: Dr Karl Morten and the University of Oxford (£69,150)
The ME Association is delighted to announce it has granted vital funding to Dr Karl Morten and colleagues at the University of Oxford, who are investigating blood abnormalities in ME patients.
The funding will enable scientists to continue examining a link between blood plasma abnormalities and dysfunctional mitochondrial energy production in ME patients.
This grant will also help to bring in more Oxford researchers from various disciplines and create a Centre of Excellence for ME Research in Oxford.
Dr Karl Morten said:
“We are extremely grateful to the ME Association for providing funding for our new 12-month project exploring the plasma factors in ME/CFS and their impact on mitochondrial function.
“This study will compare ME/CFS patients with patients diagnosed with other fatigue-inducing conditions to look at changes in mitochondrial dynamics.”
Grant three: Dr Keith Geraghty and the University of Manchester (£25,000)
The third grant goes to Dr Keith Geraghty and colleagues at the University of Manchester, where it will be used to analyse what happens to ME patients in the crucial time between the onset of their symptoms and a diagnosis being made. It is the first-time research in this area has been commissioned on such a level.
Dr Shepherd said:
“This is a key part of the patient journey where we know that there are serious problems in both obtaining an early and accurate diagnosis, and then being given appropriate advice on management.”
The results will also be fed into the development of the new NICE (The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) clinical guideline on the diagnosis and management of ME/CFS.
Dr Geraghty said:
“ME is a disabling condition that greatly impacts the lives of sufferers. Many report problems getting an early diagnosis and appropriate medical care.
“We found almost no research on the ‘diagnosis of ME/CFS’, specifically how long it takes patients to get a diagnosis in the UK and the process patients go through to get a diagnosis.
“We want to explore this topic to better inform clinical practice and guidelines for treatment.”
Why funding The ME Association is vital and how you can help
Less than £1 is spent each year per person suffering from ME by the Government and there is a chronic lack of funding for medical research. Many doctors still don’t know how to diagnose or manage the condition.
A parliamentary debate last year was told how people with ME are six times more likely to commit suicide. We desperately need to learn more about the disease to improve diagnosis and develop effective treatments.
Research grants are made by the ME Association from funds generated by donations and fundraising drives.
The ME Association Ramsay Research Fund
We are a national charity working hard to improve the lives of people devastated by an often-misunderstood neurological disease.
We believe biomedical research offers the best hope to people affected by M.E. If you would like to support our investment then please donate to the Ramsay Research Fund.
Just click the image opposite to visit our JustGiving page for single donations, to establish a regular payment or to begin fundraising.
Or why not join the ME Association as a member and be part of our growing community? For a monthly (or annual) subscription you will also receive our exclusive ME Essential magazine.
ME Association Registered Charity Number 801279