Holistic healing advice, tips and tricks including mindfulness, meditation, aromatherapy, crystal healing, relaxation, spiritual inspiration and Buddhism put together by lightworker and artist Pixie Copley
Wednesday, 31 July 2019
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Ulexite Use: Boosts Telepathy, Clairvoyance, Far Seeing & Imagination

Ulexite Meaning & Use: this crystal assists you to read the energy & intentions of others & helps you to unlock your imagination. Also called TV Stone, it stimulates telepathy or thought transference and aids creativity.
from Healing Crystals For You Blog
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from Spiritual Seeker 77
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Tuesday, 30 July 2019
spiritualseeker77: Especially that last one lol | Spiritual

Especially that last one lol
from Spiritual Seeker 77
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from Spiritual Seeker 77
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Powellite Meaning & Use: Boost Creativity, Help You Get Things Done

Powellite are crown chakra stones that heighten spiritual clarity. These crystals help you to get things done by boosting your staying power. They enhance creativity, especially for artists.
from Healing Crystals For You Blog
from https://www.healing-crystals-for-you.com/healing-crystals-blog.html
#crystals #crystal #healing
Monday, 29 July 2019
Lemurian Quartz Crystal Helps With Retrieving Ancient Information

Lemurian Quartz Crystal have properties that aid you to retrieve ancient information and create spiritual healing in your life. They come mainly from Brazil, but are now being found elsewhere.
from Healing Crystals For You Blog
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from Spiritual Seeker 77
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Sunday, 28 July 2019
Selenite Meaning & Healing Properties: Use To Connect To Divine Light

Selenite crystals open the soul star chakra, deliver clarity of mind and create personal transformation. Read how to use wonderful crystal healing tools such as light wands, made from Selenite.
from Healing Crystals For You Blog
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#crystals #crystal #healing
Golden Yellow Topaz Meaning & Use: Manifests Your Intentions & Wealth

Yellow Topaz has metaphysical properties that aid you to attract helpful people and beneficial new friends. It helps you to manifest your intentions and to attract money. It is a birthstone for Leo, Scorpio and November.
from Healing Crystals For You Blog
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Saturday, 27 July 2019
Zodiac Birthstones For All Twelve Astrology Signs on Birthstone Chart

Find your zodiac birthstones: 12 astrology signs with different zodiac stones, crystals or gemstones for each sign. Lists ancient, traditional and modern birthstones for each astrology sign.
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Bodhisattva, probably Avalokiteshvara.
from Buddhism now
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Amazonite Meaning: Use To Communicate Truth With Balance & Integrity

Amazonite crystals assist communication, help you to tell the real truth by aligning your speech to your higher ideals. They boost EFT tapping and help EMF sensitivity. They resonate within the heart, throat & higher heart chakras.
from Healing Crystals For You Blog
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Friday, 26 July 2019
Isochronic Tones Meaning & Use: Utilize To Develop ESP & Telepathy

Discover how Isochronic Tones and Binaural Beats can be used to develop psychic powers. Use them to enhance your ESP, telepathic gifts and remote viewing abilities.
from Healing Crystals For You Blog
from https://www.healing-crystals-for-you.com/healing-crystals-blog.html
#crystals #crystal #healing
Staurolite Properties Meaning & Use: Grounding & Soothing, Aids Stress

Staurolite or fairy cross stones have a natural cross in the stone. Their metaphysical properties help relieve stress and& fear, aid grounding and create a connection to earth beings and the natural world.
from Healing Crystals For You Blog
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Thursday, 25 July 2019
Vivianite Meaning & Uses: Aids Goal Setting Relieves Stress & Burnout

Vivianite brings physical and emotional healing and stimulates compassion via the higher heart chakra. It relieves stress and burnout, aids goal setting, inspires clearer communication and boosts intuition.
from Healing Crystals For You Blog
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Jul 24, The Depression and Anger Connection
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Wednesday, 24 July 2019
are you an empath? | Spiritual
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Zincite Meaning & Use: Energizes Entire System, Manifests Your Desires

Zincite energy helps you to manifest what you imagine. Use its power to energize and stimulate any or all of your chakras. Most Zincite comes from Poland, in brilliant colors such as red, orange, yellow and green.
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Tuesday, 23 July 2019
Born Under The Leo Sign?

The Leo Astrological sign starts on July 23rd. If you were born under this sign check out the list of Zodiac birthstones for Leo.
Leo's are leaders and you may need to take the lead yourself and choose what you are being led towards by your intuition. Check out the list and find the best Leo birthstone to use to aid your life.
from Healing Crystals For You Blog
from https://www.healing-crystals-for-you.com/healing-crystals-blog.html
#crystals #crystal #healing
Kammererite Balances The Brain, Creates Harmony, Brings Healing & Protection

Kammererite resonates within the higher chakras helping to balance the brain and create harmony in life. Excellent healing and protection stones. Aid deeper meditation and help you connect with angels.
from Healing Crystals For You Blog
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Jul 22, Why Am I Depressed?
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Monday, 22 July 2019
Seeing The Unseen by Trevor Leggett
from Buddhism now
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Mt Hay Thundereggs Meaning & Use: Create Deep Meditation & Grounding

Mt Hay Thundereggs embody a deep pulsing grounding energy from the volcano that created them. Aka Amulet Stone, they create deep meditation. Healing stones that boost vitality & stamina, help stress and anxiety.
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iridescent-indigo-children: 🙏😘 by gypsylegends... | Spiritual

🙏😘 by gypsylegends https://instagram.com/p/-PLin7Cx4z/
Want a tarot card reading? My friends have received profound life insight from a quick reading.
from Spiritual Seeker 77
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spiritualseeker77: Accurate lol! | Spiritual

Accurate lol!
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Pure Land Buddhism: The Way of Shinran

In recent years, Tricycle has featured a number of articles on Pure Land Buddhism, a tradition with which many of our readers have little familiarity. Because of its long history and extensive influence in Buddhism in the West, we have given particular emphasis to the Shin school of Pure Land, which was founded by Shinran (1173-1263), a Japanese monk that Rev. Dr. Alfred Bloom calls a “towering figure” in Buddhism. Read the articles below to get a sense of Shinran and his teachings, and the modern practice of Jodo Shinshu.
Reading list
- Shinran: The Original Buddhist Rebel by Mark Unno
- To the Pure Land and Back by Kenneth Tanaka
- Born Together With All Beings by Jeff Wilson
- The Buddha of Infinite Light and Life, an interview with Mark and Taitetsu Unno
- Born-Again Buddhist by Clark Strand
- Beyond Religion: An interview with Rev. Dr. Alfred Bloom
- Essential and Pure: Core Principles in Shin Buddhism by Jeff Wilson
- The Great Compassion, an interview with Rev. Patricia Kanaya Usuki
- Number One Fool by Taitetsu Unno
- Living Buddhism by Dharmavidya David Brazier
- Unconditional Love by Dharmavidya David Brazier
- Get Real: An interview with Shin Reverend Patti Nakai
- Let Grace In by Dharmavidya David Brazier
- Review of Shin Buddhism by Taitetsu Unno
- Come Together by Jeff Wilson
- A Successful Encounter by Duncan Ryuken Williams
- Even Dewdrops Fall: An Interview with Taitetsu Unno
- Ordinary Struggles by Clark Strand
- In the Pure Land by Rick Fields
- Other-Power by David Brazier
- The Eastern Buddhist is a journal started by D. T. Suzuki in 1921. Suzuki became a Shin practitioner in later life and wrote the influential book Shin Buddhism, which was later retitled “Buddha of Infinite Light.”
- Monshu Koshin Ohtani’s book “The Buddha’s Wish for the World,” released on the occasion of the 750th memorial for Shinran Shonin, is available on Amazon and Facebook.
- The Buddhist Churches of America (BCA) has a great bookstore, which is the perfect spot to look for books on Shin Buddhism.
- The four websites below are valuable resources on the practice of Shin Buddhism, as well as the life of Shinran Shonin, and the history of Buddhism in Japan:
- Jodo-Shinshu Buddhism: Dharma for the Modern Age
- Buddhist Churches of America, Berkeley, California
- Jodo Shinshu Nishi Hongwanji
Namu Amida Butsu!
The post Pure Land Buddhism: The Way of Shinran appeared first on Tricycle: The Buddhist Review.
from Buddhism for Beginners – Tricycle: The Buddhist Review
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Acts That Purify Our Existence: Dana, Sila, and Bhavana

Once a month, Tricycle features an article from Inquiring Mind, a Buddhist journal that was in print from 1984–2015 and now has a growing number of back issues archived at inquiringmind.com. This month’s selection is a teaching from the late Theravada monk Sayadaw U Pandita about the Buddhist notions of dana (generosity), sila (morality) and bhavana (meditation). U Pandita, the successor of the influential Burmese teacher Mahāsi Sayādaw, helped the Theravada tradition take root in America and brought a renewed emphasis to the role of ethics in Buddhist practice. The article originally appeared under the title “Dana, Sila & Bhavana—Acts That Purify Our Existence” in Inquiring Mind’s final issue in Spring 2015, one year before U Pandita’s death in April 2016. Be sure to check out the related articles in the archive, like “The Zen of Vipassana,” an interview with Gil Fronsdal and Max Erdstein, and “Faith,” an interview with Sharon Salzberg. If you feel so inclined, consider making a donation to help Inquiring Mind continue adding articles to its archive!
One of the most beautiful stories of Sayadaw U Pandita happened about 20 years ago, when Sayadawgyi, as he is affectionately and reverently known, was in his early seventies. Shortly after a three-month rains retreat in Myanmar, he strolled past where a Western nun named Ma Visadañanî was donating medicines. “You’re throwing away the dhamma [dharma],” Sayadawgyi said.
Astonished, Ma Visadañanî said, “What?”
“Aren’t you forgetting the ‘no-death’ medicine?” Sayadawgyi quipped, adding a verse in Pali. “Appamado amatam padam,” he said, quoting the Buddha. “Heedfulness is the way to the deathless.”
Ma Visadañanî laughed like a flag waving in the breeze. Sayadawgyi had noticed that she wasn’t being mindful, she realized, and he wanted to set her priorities straight.
Sayadaw U Pandita is 93 now, still teaching. His first visit to the West in 1984 was a watershed in our understanding of vipassana [insight]. His willingness to set nibbana [nirvana] as the overt goal of practice, his reliance on a rigorously structured method, and his skill at reading how a student’s practice was unfolding—often simply watching the person walk into the interview room, or cutting off a meticulous report mid-sentence—were salutary and alarming in equal measure. That 1984 retreat, attended by senior Western teachers, arguably raised the quality of dhamma instruction in the West overnight.
Since that time, the “Mahasi” method of close observation that he taught (based on the teachings of Mahasi Sayadaw, one of the foremost teaching monks of Myanmar) has been practiced by hundreds of thousands of students all over the world. And Sayadawgyi is training Western teachers so that cultural sensitivity will underpin the rigors of the method. For some, Sayadawgyi’s uncompromising style remains a gold standard; for others, he appears as a blunt instrument. He was not always well-translated—for years, his “Keep going!” was rendered in English as “Try harder!” Nevertheless, he’s not afraid to goad you with traditional scolding if he thinks you’re wasting time or you’re at a stage where ardency is indicated. For better or worse, Sayadawgyi’s intensity is frequently cited by people who have not met him. I wish his compassion were equally renowned. For he’s our grandfather, as loving as he is fierce. You can trust his word, a lion’s roar that points out where you’re clinging and says, “That’s suffering! Get free!” How freaking awesome!
When we approached him this December, Sayadawgyi was busy leading a 60-day retreat for 127 students. We asked for a teaching on impermanence or the Buddha’s final words; instead, he offered sila, ethical conduct, as the most vital and urgent topic for this last issue of Inquiring Mind. Longtime close student Andrew Scheffer said it’s Sayadawgyi’s priority these days to convey our responsibility as citizens of this world: we must understand that our collective situation merely reflects everyone’s conduct. Sayadawgyi asks us to protect our world, make it a better place for all—before it’s too late.
—Kate Wheeler
The Buddha saw that human beings get overwhelmed by greed, anger, and delusion and cause harm to themselves and each other—becoming inhumane, you might say. He also recognized that most human beings possess the ability to act unselfishly, with kindness and compassion, and that the human mind is able to become clear and concentrated. In addition, the Buddha uniquely saw that it’s within our human capacity to develop special knowledge through higher mental training. Out of compassion, he then devised three systematic trainings, known in the Pali language as punnas, or meritorious deeds, that support our full humanity, give us a clear human mind, and develop special human knowledge or insight wisdom.
Practicing punna is the foundation of an elevated, purified human life. The three types of punna are dana, sila, and bhavana—which can be further split into concentration and insight. We all desire a high quality of life, don’t we? We don’t want to live in a degraded way.
The first punna is dana, or generosity, which should be a systematic practice. Dana must be offered without expectation of return—and without attachment to what’s given. This frees us from greedy self-interest. If, moreover, we give with lovingkindness, dana frees the mind from anger. When dana is also imbued with compassion, it counteracts cruelty.
The more we practice dana, the less we will be inclined to harmful deeds motivated by uncontrolled greed, anger, and cruelty. A person who gives systematically in this pure way will become free of the most extreme forms of greed, anger, and delusion. She or he will find it easy to refrain from killing, stealing, and other strongly harmful behaviors. Thus, dana is a foundation for morality.
However, dana alone cannot purify all of our physical, verbal, and mental actions. Therefore, the Buddha offers a second punna: sila, or compassionate morality. Sila is also a systematic training, generally expressed as keeping at least five precepts. These five are: not killing, not stealing, not harming others sexually (or allowing ourselves to be sexually harmed), not telling lies and speaking harshly, and finally, not succumbing to intoxicants and addictions.
Sila means taming our physical and verbal behavior. As human beings we are social animals, living with others on this planet. Obviously, most sentient beings don’t want to be harmed. Each human being must control her or his own actions and speech; no one else can do that for us. We each should contemplate our actions as follows: “If that were done to me, I’d find it unbearable. The other person will feel the same way. So I won’t do it.” We may need courage to restrain ourselves if the impulse toward harm is strong.
It may sound odd to some Western ears, but in Buddhist culture, a sense of moral shame and moral fear is considered healthy and appropriate. When we recognize greed, anger, or delusion in our mind, moral fear makes us take precautions to avoid giving in. Moral shame, on the other hand, is retrospective. If we realize we’ve done harm and feel appropriately badly about it, this moral shame will induce us to behave differently the next time. A person with moral shame and moral fear does his or her best to maintain sila, keep the precepts.
Quite frankly, people who lack basic morality are disgusting! No matter how expensive their jewelry or clothing may be, they’re unattractive and offensive. It’s as if they smell bad. In contrast, sila is like a fragrance or an ornament. We have a saying, “Sila makes the wearer beautiful.” Sila also prevents us from falling into lower realms of existence, whereas people who do not sustain basic morality are bound for states of misery, devoid of happiness. We can think of harmful deeds as poisonous food that will lead to deadly consequences. Therefore sila is good to rely on throughout our life.
During the Buddha’s lifetime, a divine being, or deva, asked him a question in the form of a riddle: “What is it that is good up until old age?”
And the Buddha replied, “Sila.”
Indeed, sila is good from when we are born until the very moment we die. It is one of the most important tasks a human being can undertake. Sila is not only needed by Buddhists. It is needed by the whole world. Sila punna makes a person a true human being.
Without sila as a base, it isn’t easy to concentrate the mind and develop higher knowledge. As we practice controlling our actions, we will feel how dangerous and painful the tendencies of greed, anger, and delusion are. Dana weakens these tendencies, as we have seen above. But in order to thoroughly clean and uplift our minds, the Buddha offers a third kind of meritorious practice. This is bhavana, or mental development. If we undertake training in concentration, we will find our mind becoming clean and clear. One who develops concentration is said to have “a clear human mentality.” From the basis of concentration, we can go on to develop wisdom, special human knowledge.
Dana is the foundation for sila. Sila is like a mouth for us to take in the tasty, nourishing food of concentration and wisdom. If our mouth is injured or full of canker sores, it will be difficult to eat and drink; if we don’t have a mouth at all, it will be impossible. But of the three punnas, surely the most important one is sila—for sila protects our individual world as well as the larger world around us.
It is worthwhile to contemplate all the harm human beings inflict. Imagine if only half the people in the world stopped killing, stealing, and breaking the other precepts. How peaceful it would be! If we cherish the purity of avoiding misdeeds and value the results that come from keeping sila, surely we will want to make a personal effort. Sila has the four characteristics of an important task. It must be done; it can’t be left undone. It must be done by oneself, not left to others. It must be done at the right time and regularly. And it must bring lots of benefit.
May all human beings keep at least five precepts purely!
Teaching obtained and given context by Andrew Scheffer, translated by Ma Vajirañanî, transcribed and edited by Ma Vimalañanî and Kate Wheeler. Biographical anecdote from U Pandita: One Life’s Journey by U Thanmyay Kyaw, lightly adapted by Kate Wheeler.
- Faith, an interview with Sharon Salzberg
- Enlightenments by Jack Kornfield
- The Zen of Vipassana, an interview with Gil Fronsdal and Max Erdstein
The post Acts That Purify Our Existence: Dana, Sila, and Bhavana appeared first on Tricycle: The Buddhist Review.
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#buddhist #buddhism
Tulsi Plant (Holy Basil) Found to Remove Fluoride from Water & Support Pineal Gland Health | Spiritual
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Sunday, 21 July 2019
Variscite Meaning & Use: Brings Peace & Harmony, Relieves Stress

Variscite helps stress, depression and anxiety, brings loving energy, joyous feelings and aids you to find solutions to problems with trust in spirit. Beneficial for invalids or carers feeling despair about their illness.
from Healing Crystals For You Blog
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Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77
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spiritualseeker77: spiritualseeker77: Healing frequencies for... | Spiritual

Healing frequencies for psychic ability and spiritual awakening! - Many FREE audios to try!
Learn more & get the free app at http://onelink.to/pjmmu7 😀😀
Android version now available!
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ufukedmeup-usikfuk: ~ via Your Mask Slipped Off | Spiritual

~ via Your Mask Slipped Off
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Citrine Crystals Meaning & Use: Help Manifest Abundance & Prosperity

Citrine crystals help you to manifest money and bring other positive things into your life. Discover its many metaphysical properties and uses such as boosting self esteem, improvings mental clarity and intuition.
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Photo | Spiritual

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Saturday, 20 July 2019
Labradorite Crystal Meaning & Use: Want To Awaken Your Magical Powers?

Discover why Labradorite Crystal is a stone of magic. Did you know that it awakens within you magical abilities, psychic powers and mystical gifts, and is a stone that stimulates serendipity, coincidence and synchronicity?
from Healing Crystals For You Blog
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#crystals #crystal #healing
High Crystal Energy Stones: Meaning & Use Of High Vibration Crystals

Crystal Energy is strong within high vibration crystals. Want to put this powerful energy to work in your life? Use this high vibration power to enhance your spiritual healing and boost psychic gifts.
from Healing Crystals For You Blog
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11 Warning Signs of Gaslighting | Spiritual
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Friday, 19 July 2019
Photo | Spiritual

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spiritualseeker77: lol! | Spiritual

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Understanding the Highly Sensitive Person | Spiritual
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Unakite Meaning & Use: Aids Psychic Visions, Stress & Peaceful Sleep

Unakite helps to open your psychic vision aka clairvoyant ability via its energy at the third eye chakra. Relieves anxiety and stress, brings peaceful sleep, helps addictions and assists convalescents to recover.
from Healing Crystals For You Blog
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Photo | Spiritual

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Thursday, 18 July 2019
Ajoite Crystals Meaning & Use: Emit Loving Goddess Energy

Ajoite often occurs as an inclusion in quartz. This blue mineral aids sweet loving communication with Spirit and the Angels, and assists karmic healing for peace and harmony. Embodies Goddess energy that gives feminine emotional support.
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Photo | Spiritual

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