Friday, 31 May 2019

Anyolite Meaning & Use: Enhances Connection Between Your Brain & Heart


Discover how Anyolite also called Ruby in Green Zoisite may alter your consciousness, and give you access to your soul memory to help you with spiritual learning.

from Healing Crystals For You Blog


#crystals #crystal #healing

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from Spiritual Seeker 77



Thursday, 30 May 2019

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from Spiritual Seeker 77



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spiritualseeker77: Accurate lol! | Spiritual


Accurate lol!

from Spiritual Seeker 77



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from Spiritual Seeker 77



Abundance and Prosperity Meaning & Use: Can Be Attracted With Crystals

Citrine Crystal

Learn how abundance and prosperity may be attracted into your life. Use the laws of attraction in meditation with specific chakra stones and colors. See list of stones on the chart to help you get started.

from Healing Crystals For You Blog


#crystals #crystal #healing

3 Critical Things for Healing

How many times have you gone to the doctor and been told…

“In order to get better, you’re going to have to find a way to reset your nervous system so that it recoups from the stress of regular life.”

Most likely… never! 🙂

At most, doctors will say, “Of course stress affects your health,” as they write you a prescription for a drug.

Dr. Mark Hyman, one of the world’s leading Functional Medicine Doctors and 10-time New York Times Best-Selling Author, has a different opinion…

As he says, “There are three things that are critical for healing: it’s what you eat, moving your body, and learning how to reset your nervous system.”

And what does he recommend for resetting your nervous system…? Tapping of course! 🙂

“Tapping is one of the most directed and powerful ways to peel those layers away of chronic stress. It’s very effective for very difficult problems.”

If you want to learn about how you can overcome illness, create long-term, lasting health, or just get over regular stress and feel better, then I highly recommend you watch this video:


Watch the video, and then explore over 100 tapping meditations in The Tapping Solution App! It could provide a radical shift in your understanding of how to create real long-term health.

Download The Tapping Solution App today!

Until next time…

Keep Tapping!

Has Tapping improved your health or helped you recover from an illness? Comment below!

The post 3 Critical Things for Healing appeared first on The Tapping Solution.

from The Tapping Solution


#EFT #holistic #healing

Wednesday, 29 May 2019

Writing In A Journal: Using It To Organize Your Thoughts

My journal

Daily writing in a journal aids you to enhance your creative writing abilities. Writing every day can help to open up the psychic gift of automatic writing.

from Healing Crystals For You Blog


#crystals #crystal #healing

Rhodizite Crystal Meaning & Use: Potent Energy To Manifest Prosperity


Rhodizite are tiny crystals, with a powerful vibration that boosts the energy of other crystals. Use them to boost the power of your favorite crystal and manifest abundance, but keep positive!

from Healing Crystals For You Blog


#crystals #crystal #healing

Releasing Grief – The Tapping Solution App

Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Tuesday, 28 May 2019

spiritualseeker77: spiritualseeker77: Healing frequencies for... | Spiritual



Healing frequencies for psychic ability and spiritual awakening! - Many FREE audios to try!

Learn more & get the free app at 😀😀

Android version now available!

from Spiritual Seeker 77



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from Spiritual Seeker 77



spiritualseeker77: I love it! Just about says it all… | Spiritual


I love it! Just about says it all…

from Spiritual Seeker 77



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from Spiritual Seeker 77



Top Crystals For Happiness Fill Your Life With Joy! See Meaning & Use

Citrine Crystals For Happiness

Discover crystals for happiness, stones known to boost inner joy, peace of mind and optimism. See the list of stones that stimulate feelings of exhilaration, playfulness, good spirits and laughter!

from Healing Crystals For You Blog


#crystals #crystal #healing

Sōji-ji — Reading the Sutras

The chanting is all in Japanese. Hope you enjoy it.

from Buddhism now


#buddhism #buddhist #Buddha

Sunday, 26 May 2019

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from Spiritual Seeker 77



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from Spiritual Seeker 77



Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



spiritualseeker77: So me! | Spiritual


So me!

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Clear Quartz Crystals Meaning & Use: Embody Clear White Spiritual Light

Clear Quartz Crystal Cluster

Clear Quartz Crystals are common stones that embody the white ray and have a high vibration. Easy to program, they assist the higher chakras to emanate white light to create a spiritual connection.

from Healing Crystals For You Blog


#crystals #crystal #healing

Shaman Stones Balance Male-Female Elements, Release Fear of Death

Shaman Stone

Shaman Stones from Utah have strong metaphysical properties for spiritual growth, shamanic journeying & psychic protection. Release deep seated fear of death. Also called Moqui Marbles or Mochi Balls.

from Healing Crystals For You Blog


#crystals #crystal #healing

Saturday, 25 May 2019

Seraphinite Meaning & Use: Contact Angels and The Divine Feminine


Seraphinite aids contact with Angelic beings, nature spirits and the Divine Feminine. Infuses aura with light via soul star and crown chakra, stimulates clairaudient and clairvoyant abilities.

from Healing Crystals For You Blog


#crystals #crystal #healing

Learn About Psychic Protection Crystals & Prevent Psychic Attack


Discover best psychic protection methods. See list of top protection crystals to use that help to prevent psychic attack. Read how to create a protective cloak to shield you from attack.

from Healing Crystals For You Blog


#crystals #crystal #healing

Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Friday, 24 May 2019

Cryolite Meaning & Use: Lightbody Awakening, Ascension & Enlightenment


Cryolite is an amazing high vibration crystal that energizes the brain and produces a strong mind-heart link, creating a deep connection to the higher realms and to Spirit.

from Healing Crystals For You Blog


#crystals #crystal #healing

Amethyst Cacoxenite Meaning & Use: Brings Ascension & Spiritual Growth

Amethyst Cacoxenite

Amethyst Cacoxenite has a deep spiritual energy that embodies the energy of many minerals to create spiritual growth and healing. Use in meditation to boost psychic abilities, spiritual growth and healing.

from Healing Crystals For You Blog


#crystals #crystal #healing

Rest in Peace Jennifer Chittick. ME sufferer, campaigner, beloved daughter and sister | 24 May 2019


ME Association Statement, 24 May 2019.

It is with much shock and sadness that we report Jennifer Chittick died on Tuesday after a ten-year battle with M.E.

Jennifer was a beloved member of the M.E. community and an inspiration to many. She will be greatly missed.

Jennifer achieved so much for this community, campaigning, fundraising, sharing the story of her struggles and managing to raise a smile with her Screw ME Facebook page and social media events.

All while being bedbound by severe M.E. and reliant on the care and support of her parents.

Most recently, she helped the ME Association in its campaigns around ME Awareness Week and was in the feature article that appeared in The MailOnline only yesterday.

Everyone at the ME Association is devastated by this news. Jennifer will be greatly missed.

The news of her passing was announced earlier today by her sister Lindsay on Facebook:

The announcement has already attracted many comments expressing shock, grief, gratitude and condolence for a person who was much-loved. Please visit the Screw ME Facebook page to leave a comment of your own.

“I am devastated to learn of Jen’s passing. There are tears flowing down my face as I type. We were only ‘chatting’ across cyberspace a few days ago. Jen was such a force for good in our community.”

“She fully recognised how M.E can be such an isolating illness, and worked so hard, through her Screw M.E. Facebook page to share advice and help to give a general sense of optimism and hope to sufferers.”

“Latterly, she clearly put everything she had got into spreading the word in this last M.E. Awareness Week. She will be sorely missed. SCREW M.E!”

Helen Hyland, Fundraising Manager, ME Association.

“This is extremely sad and unexpected news to receive, especially when it comes the day after Jennifer was featured in the major Daily Mail article on M.E.”

“I never met Jennifer but got to know her and her struggle with this wretched illness through occasional email correspondence.”

“I must pay tribute to all the work that Jennifer has done over many years in campaigning, raising awareness and fundraising to help other people with M.E., all of which she was doing up to the time of her death.”

Dr Charles Shepherd, Hon. Medical Adviser, ME Association.

Help and Support

If you feel the need to talk to someone, then please consider reaching out to ME Connect – the ME Association’s telephone helpline. Many of our fully-trained helpline volunteers have personal experience of M.E. and being able to talk to someone can be a great comfort. The Samaritan’s are another helpful resource should you have need.




from ME Association



Isle of Man: We desperately need to be able to diagnose ME at earliest stage | 24 May 2019


Isle of Man Today, 22nd May 2019

Former government minister Phil Gawne has issued a plea to the Health Minister to try harder to give people with ME the service they need.

Mr Gawne was speaking after Health Minister David Ashford told the House of Keys last week that money allocated to set up an ME service in last year’s Budget was not spent.

Mr Gawne, who is the clerk of Arbory and Rushen Commissioners, knows first-hand the devastating impact that ME can have as his daughter Kitty, aged 23, developed the disease when she was 14.

  “It is very hard to keep faith in a system which has failed to deliver meaningful support to my much-loved daughter although I do appreciate the efforts of everyone who has tried to help,” Phil Gawne  

Former Manx Government Minister, Phil Gawne, whose daughter Kitty has M.E.

“It is truly the worst thing any parent should have to experience to watch your child suffer so much and be largely powerless to assist.”

“I know how difficult it is to effect change in the Manx government, but I plead to Minister Ashford please try harder and give people with ME the help they need!”

Mr Ashford told the Keys last week that £90,000 that had been allocated had not been spent because of recruitment issues and the need to have the right ’pathways’ in place.

He said the department was also looking at a broader service that would include those with fibromyalgia, connective tissue disorders, inflammatory bowel disease and autoimmune conditions, who could benefit from similar forms of treatment.

Mr Gawne said: “The Minister’s comments are predictable and not very encouraging.”

“I know Minister Ashford to be a man of the highest integrity and I’m trying my hardest to continue to believe that he will provide the necessary leadership to deliver an acceptable service for my daughter and the hundreds of others in the Isle of Man who have had their lives devastated by ME.”

“Hearing the Minister’s comments in the House of Keys, though, does little to help me keep faith in him.”

“We know that the economic cost to the Manx community of not providing adequate support services to people with ME is significantly higher than the sums being proposed by the Minister and his department.”

He added: “In my daughter’s case, she has never worked and the prognosis for her illness means it is highly unlikely that she will be able to even manage part-time work for years to come.”

“She is wholly reliant on family and government support. Had my daughter received the correct diagnosis and better advice when she first fell ill there was a much higher chance she could have recovered.”

  “The limited evidence available suggests that early recognition and intervention can limit the damage caused by ME but unfortunately Kitty, like so many others, got inappropriate advice.” Phil Gawne  

“Now in her 10th year trying to cope with ME there is little prospect of significant improvement for her and at best she can look forward to many more years of gradual improvement to a more bearable, less isolated life.”


“It’s too late for Kitty now, but what we desperately need if we are to reduce the damage caused by this highly debilitating illness is the ability to properly diagnose ME at the earliest possible stage.”

“We had this to a limited fashion with our GP ME Champion but unfortunately this role was ended due to lack of funding.”

  “More importantly for Kitty and the hundreds in Mann like her, we need a service to help her manage the constant pain and fatigue she has suffered for 10 years and suffers every day of her life.” Phil Gawne  

“This at least would give her some comfort as she lives her largely isolated, lonely and difficult life.”

He said psychological support also needed to be provided for people with ME.

“Imagine constantly living in pain, with headaches and fatigue that allow you to function in any meaningful way for less than an hour a day, and then being told your chance of getting better are around 5%,” he said.

“Up until recently Kitty has either received unhelpful advice from the mental health team or largely been left to get on with things on her own.”

“Not surprisingly people with ME are six times more likely to commit suicide and yet they are largely ignored and neglected by our mental health services.”

  ME service to be implemented this year

Manx Radio 24th April 2019

Health Minister confirms plans are in progress

A dedicated service for those suffering with ME on the Isle of Man will be in place by the end of the current financial year.

That’s the promise from Health and Social Care Minister David Ashford, after more than 1,200 people signed a petition calling for more to be done to help those with the condition, also known as chronic fatigue syndrome.

Around 350 Manx residents are known to have the illness, and £170,000 has been set aside in this year’s budget to develop a pathway for those needing treatment.

However, Mr Ashford insists it’s important to get the service right rather than rushing it in.


The ME Association

Real People. Real Disease. Real M.E.

We are a national charity working hard to make the UK a better place for people whose lives have been devastated by an often-misunderstood neurological disease.

If you would like to support our efforts – particularly during ME Awareness Week – and help ensure we can continue to inform, support, advocate and invest in biomedical research, then please donate today.

Just click the image opposite and visit our JustGiving page for one-off donations, to establish a regular payment or to create your own fundraising event.

Or why not join the ME Association as a member and be part of our growing community? For a monthly (or annual) subscription you will also receive our exclusive ME Essential magazine.

ME Association Registered Charity Number 801279


from ME Association



Three ME patients reveal the accusations they have endured during their battle with the crippling condition | 24 May 2019


By Stephen Matthews and Sam Blanchard for MailOnline, 23rd May 2019

Blamed for wasting doctors’ time, branded attention-seekers and told their ailment doesn’t even exist: Three ME patients reveal the accusations they have endured during their battle with the crippling condition

  • It’s a controversial condition that has been swept under the carpet for decades
  • But myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) is physical – and is not made up by patients
  • Millions of lives across the world are being ruined by the unrelenting condition
  • Sufferers are often left house-bound, confined to their beds unable to move far
  • MailOnline has spoken to three long-standing sufferers about their daily ordeals

It’s a controversial condition that has been swept under the carpet for decades amid claims that it is merely psychological.

Instead, the now-proven truth is myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) is physical – and not just made up by mentally-ill patients.

Millions of lives around the world are being destroyed by the unrelenting condition, also known as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).

Sufferers are often left house-bound, confined to their beds, reliant on feeding tubes and even needing help to get them in the shower.

But, despite evidence proving it is real coming to the forefront, ME remains incurable and dozens of people wrongly think it is just ‘laziness’.

In the hope of ending ignorance surrounding the crippling ailment, MailOnline has heard from three long-standing sufferers.

Heartbreakingly, they revealed how doctors have blamed them for wasting their time, branded them attention-seekers and told their condition doesn’t exist.

ME Association medical adviser Dr Charles Shepherd said: “ME is a condition that is all too easy for us to ignore because those afflicted by the condition are unseen by society.”

“So, we really welcome how MailOnline has given a platform for these three women to tell their heart-wrenching stories of life with this devastating, misunderstood disease.”

“Sadly, there are another 250,000 people who also suffer from ME in the UK – and their own personal tales of tragedy remain largely hidden behind closed curtains.”

“It is incredible to comprehend that some doctors still refuse to accept ME as a real medical condition, despite the countless stories of intense physical debility.”

“I have been treated like a hypochondriac for a decade – now my condition is worse than ever,” Jennifer Chittick

Before being struck down by ME, Jennifer Chittick was out-going, hard-working and excited about her future as a primary school teacher.

Before being struck down by ME, Jennifer Chittick was out-going, hard-working and excited about her future as a primary school teacher (pictured at her graduation)

Now, a decade after falling ill, the 31-year-old is weaker than ever, completely bed-bound and reliant on her retired parents to care for her.

During her agonising battle to get diagnosed, doctors repeatedly dismissed her debilitating symptoms as being merely a product of her imagination.

And she claims this delay, fuelled by ignorance among the medical community, is the reason she is as poorly as she is today.

Ms Chittick, from Glasgow, said: “’Throughout my time with ME, the treatment I’ve received from doctors has been deplorable.”

“I am treated like a hypochondriac and an inconvenience, a blinkered patient who refuses to get the help her doctors believe she needs.”

GP appointments were a weekly occurrence when she first became ill in 2009, months after graduating from university and landing her first teaching job.

She said: “I was extremely nauseous, exhausted, dizzy and found it hard to concentrate. I began having to take more and more time off.”

“’Eventually I became so weak that I couldn’t dress myself or get off the couch and had to stop work altogether.”


Some 250,000 people in Britain suffer from the condition, which comes with flu-like symptoms, extreme tiredness and mental lethargy that can last for years.

Other symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), or myalgic encephalopathy (ME), include disturbed sleep, poor memory and reduced concentration.

The cause of the illness is unclear, provoking the heated debate that has lasted for decades among the medical community.

Some experts think the disease is triggered by a virus, in a similar way to glandular fever. It has also been linked to infections, operations and accidents.

But skeptics think it is merely a psychological condition because of a lack of a physical cause, leading to a stigma that has led to sufferers being dismissed as having nothing more than ‘yuppie flu’ because it appeared to only strike young professionals when it rose to prominence in the 1980s.

Some patients return to full health and others deteriorate progressively, however, most fluctuate between good and bad periods.

There is no cure for CFS, with the majority of treatments to reduce symptoms being ineffective. They include cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), graded exercise therapy and medications such as antidepressants.

The World Health Organization and the Department of Health and Social Care recognise CFS as a medical condition.

Worldwide it is believed that 17 million people suffer with CFS, according to the ME Association.


In March 2010, she collapsed at home and was whisked away to an unnamed hospital – the three days she spent there were ‘amongst the worst of my life’.

Ms Chittick claims to have heard cruel nurses mutter the phrase ‘attention-seeker’ under their breath when they walked past her laying helplessly in bed.

And before she discharged with no answers to her ailment, medics allegedly refused to help her sit up in bed, give her water or even let her shower.

Now, a decade after falling ill, the 31-year-old is weaker than ever, completely bed-bound and reliant on her retired parents to care for her (pictured at home in bed)

“Despite my condition deteriorating drastically, I was repeatedly told that I’d be better after a good sleep and be back at work within a fortnight,” Ms Chittick said.

“As time dragged on and I became worse, my doctors became frustrated and angry with me. They were insistent that there was nothing seriously wrong with me.”

“They started suggesting I was suffering from anxiety and depression and complained about the ‘considerable amount of time’ I was taking up.”

It was only in late 2011, when she paid to see a private neurologist based in London who specialises in the condition that she was diagnosed with ME.

She said: “Receiving the diagnosis was confirmation that everything my family and I were going through wasn’t the result of my imagination or hypochondria.”

Over the years, Ms Chittick claims GPs have refused to visit her at home on the grounds that ‘ME doesn’t affect your ability to walk into the surgery’.

She also alleges they have shouted at her, asked her to accept her illness is anxiety, and refuse to carry out tests that may have proven she had ME.

In hope of combating her symptoms, doctors gave her cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), provided by mental health specialists.

But the hour-long sessions failed to work. Nurses said it was because of a lack of motivation, a claim that was ‘soul-destroying’ for Ms Chittick to hear.

Gradual exercise therapy also proved unsuccessful. The physiotherapist treating her reportedly said this was because she was not trying hard enough.

Ms Chittick said the lack of belief that her condition was real made her feel ‘even more frustrated, alone and hopeless’.

“I strongly believe that if I’d received different treatment from doctors, I would not be as ill as I am today,” Jennifer Chittick

“The stress that doctors have caused has been a disaster for my health and contributed massively to the living nightmare of the last ten years.”

She added: “It should not have taken over a year to receive a diagnosis… I should not have had to struggle and fight to get the care and support I need.”

Ms Chittick hopes the ‘damaging attitudes’ she has encountered from doctors will one day be a ‘thing of the past’ and sufferers will be treated with the respect they deserve.

However, the founder of the SCREW ME support page which has several hundred followers on Facebook, isn’t alone in her battle with ignorant medics.

“I’ve been too weak to venture far my bed for six years – but doctors have said the condition causing my fatigue doesn’t exist,” Jo Moss 

For years doctors told Jo Moss she was suffering from anxiety and depression or that she would be less tired if she didn’t sleep so much.

Now, 13 years after she was diagnosed with ME, the 44-year-old has been too weak to get out of bed for six years and doctors still don’t know how to help her.

For years doctors told Jo Moss she was suffering from anxiety and depression or that she would be less tired if she didn’t sleep so much

Instead, she claims they’ve done the opposite – telling her they don’t believe in the poorly-understood condition or that she doesn’t have ME at all.

“There isn’t any aspect of my life that hasn’t been affected,” said Mrs Moss, from Norwich.

“I have a severe form of ME which means I am confined to my bed due to fatigue, weakness and chronic pain, and I rely on carers and my husband for most things.”

Antidepressants prescribed by a doctor who misdiagnosed her only made the symptoms worse, she said, and only one doctor has been both sympathetic and knowledgeable.

“Many doctors have dismissed my symptoms and my ME diagnosis,” Mrs Moss said. “And the doctors that actually want to help lack the knowledge to.”

Despite being referred to a specialist clinic when she was first diagnosed, Mrs Moss said she never actually saw a doctor and was just taught to pace herself.

In other attempts to seek help she was told she actually had PTSD instead, that too much sleep was causing her crippling fatigue, and one warned her to get up, saying ‘you are going to die in that bed’.

Now, 13 years after she was diagnosed with ME, the 44-year-old has been too weak to get out of bed for six years and doctors still don’t know how to help her

“Another doctor was extremely open about his disbelief of ME,” Mrs Moss said, revealing they told her: “I don’t believe in ME – it doesn’t exist.”

And one reportedly told her to join a pilates class at a time when Mrs Moss, married to David, 44, said she was barely strong enough to sit up on her own.

She fears a lack of understanding is driving doctors to view it as a mental problem rather than a real, measurable condition.

Mrs Moss added: “Although there is a huge amount of evidence available from a multitude of studies proving that ME is a neurological condition, there are still so many medical professionals who believe it’s a mental disorder.”

“Until a definitive test is established that confirms a diagnosis of ME, I fear this attitude will continue.” Jo Moss

Mrs Moss was training to become an independent financial advisor before she became ill.


The 2011 PACE trial, published in The Lancet, was the largest trial to date of people with the mysterious and debilitating condition – based on 641 people.

Queen Mary University of London experts, among others, found up to 60 per cent of patients improved if therapists encouraged them gradually to do more.

By contrast, patients whose therapists encouraged them to accept the limits of their illness and adapt their lifestyles to live with it showed significantly less improvement when they were followed up after 24 and 52 weeks.

The original results of the £5million trial showed that CBT and exercising benefited up to 60 per cent of patients.

The findings of the study have been used to help form the basis of treatment in Britain and the US and helped spark a debate that the condition is merely psychological.

But a re-analysis of the findings, fought for by critics, showed the true results to be much closer to the 20 per cent mark, StatNews reports.

Campaigners have since asked for the trial to be retracted, citing its various flaws, mainly relaxed medical standards after the trial had begun.


“My daughter was ruled to have died from ME – denying the condition exists is akin to refusing to believe climate change,” Clare Norton

It’s been two years since a coroner ruled ME was to blame for the death of young drama student Merryn Crofts.

But her devastated mother, Clare Norton, says the unjustified stigma and lack of knowledge surrounding the cruel condition remains a major issue.

The 50-year-old said: “There is now more than enough biomedical evidence out there proving ME is not hysteria or deconditioning. To argue otherwise is similar to climate change deniers.”

“It is time for egos to be put aside, for the science to be listened to, for patients to be listened to and the Hippocratic Oath to be remembered – do no harm.”

It’s been two years since a coroner ruled ME was to blame for the death of young drama student Merryn Crofts (pictured)

“My daughter did not die of “hysteria” or “deconditioning”. She died due to multi-systemic neuroimmune ME.”

Merryn weighed less than six stone and spent the last three years of her life totally bed-bound with a severe form of the condition.

The would-be theatre star was unable to take more than two teaspoons of food before suffering immense gut pain and vomiting.

She became only the second person in the UK to have ME listed on their death certificate. Merryn passed away days after her 21st birthday.

Mrs Norton said: “As I look back it is now nearly two years since our darling Merryn died and one year since her inquest which ruled her death was due to severe ME.”

“We hoped this ruling would influence other coroners, doctors and medical professionals to recognise how serious ME is – and that it can be fatal.”

“It is shocking that Merryn is only the second person in the UK with ME as the official cause of death… there is no doubt others have died as a result this cruel disease.” Clare Norton

“We need medical professionals to realise ME kills. For this to happen we need more biomedical research, which in turn requires more funding.”

“To get increased funding we need the people in power to recognise how serious ME is, and so the vicious circle continues.”

But her devastated mother, Clare Norton, says the unjustified stigma and lack of knowledge surrounding the cruel condition remains a major issue (pictured before her death, Merryn, mother Clare, stepfather Dave Norton and sister Amy Williams)

She added: “I was recently asked if Merryn was diagnosed now – eight years on – do I think things would be different, would treatment be better, and the stigma improved? Sadly, my answer was ‘no’.”

“Only this week I know of two families suffering from the lack of knowledge and stigma attached to ME.”

“One whose mother is being accused of fabricating the illness and the daughter threatened with being sectioned.”

“The other family are being threatened with fines for non-attendance when their daughter is too ill to attend school every day.”

Mrs Norton, from Rochdale, who used to work as an addiction’s counsellor, said she feels their pain and remembers what it is like to be misunderstood by the very services that should be helping.

Discussing the controversial PACE trial, she asked how prescribing exercising ever seemed like a good idea. She said: “It is like prescribing sugar to diabetics.”

“I see a compelling similarity between the study linking autism and the MMR vaccine and the PACE trial.” Clare Norton

“Both have been found to be flawed on reanalysis, both were published and supported by The Lancet, both have had a devastating effect on health.”

Pathologist Dr Daniel DuPlessis said at the time that a post-mortem of Merryn showed low-grade inflammation of nerve roots.

It was suggested that this inflammation could have made her bowel hypersensitive to processing nutrients.

Dr DuPlessis pointed out that Merryn, who would have been 23 last week, had inflammation of the ganglia – gatekeepers to sensations in the brain.

A post-mortem into the only other UK death attributed to ME, Sophia Mirza, 32, in 2006, also found ganglionitis.

ME expert at Salford Royal Hospital, Dr Annice Mukherjee, said she was convinced the illness was responsible for triggering Merryn’s intestinal failure.

The ME Association

Real People. Real Disease. Real M.E.

We are a national charity working hard to make the UK a better place for people whose lives have been devastated by an often-misunderstood neurological disease.

If you would like to support our efforts – particularly during ME Awareness Week – and help ensure we can continue to inform, support, advocate and invest in biomedical research, then please donate today.

Just click the image opposite and visit our JustGiving page for one-off donations, to establish a regular payment or to create your own fundraising event.

Or why not join the ME Association as a member and be part of our growing community? For a monthly (or annual) subscription you will also receive our exclusive ME Essential magazine.

ME Association Registered Charity Number 801279


from ME Association



Thursday, 23 May 2019

Bronzite Meaning & Use: Brings Harmony Compassion & Forgiveness


Bronzite brings stress relief and helps to prevent bad temper. It is a higher heart chakra stone that brings peace, harmony, compassion & forgiveness, and is also a good healing stone.

from Healing Crystals For You Blog


#crystals #crystal #healing

Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Spirit Quartz Crystals Meaning & Use: Help You To Develop Higher Self

Spirit Quartz

Spirit Quartz Crystals also called Cactus Quartz are from South Africa. They assist spiritual growth & move you spiritually to the next level. Lovely range of colors with tiny crystals that radiate energy outwards.

from Healing Crystals For You Blog


#crystals #crystal #healing

Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Does your birthday fall in the Gemini sign?

Blue Sapphire Egg

Does your birthday fall in the Gemini sign? If you share some of the Gemini traits such as having a high intelligence and excellent intuitive abilities, use your intuition to aid you to choose the perfect birthstone, including a stone to aid stress, which Gemini's are known to have trouble with.

from Healing Crystals For You Blog


#crystals #crystal #healing