from Spiritual Seeker 77
from http://spiritualseeker77.tumblr.com/
Holistic healing advice, tips and tricks including mindfulness, meditation, aromatherapy, crystal healing, relaxation, spiritual inspiration and Buddhism put together by lightworker and artist Pixie Copley
Clairsentience is the psychic power of sensing or feeling psychically or spiritually. Psychometry is touching an object & doing psychic reading. See list of crystals to boost clear feelings to use in your life.
Azurite stone activates the third eye & boosts psychic ability. Stimulates the mind in meditation & attunes it to spiritual guidance, gives insight, inner vision & helps you make spiritual connections.
BINGO! via Introvert Doodles
Black Obsidian Stone aids spirit contact and the gift of prophecy. They cleanse and protect your aura from psychic negativity. Strong grounding and psychic protection energy.
Guess I’m a cat lol
Picasso Marble stimulates creativity & artistic gifts. Attracts new friends & makes change easier. Brings deeper meditation & aids contact with spiritual beings in the higher realms. Aka Picasso Stone or Jasper
Need help with healing broken bones or helping inflammation? Learn how crystals can assist you & checkout the list of stones to help fractured or broken bones to heal more quickly & see crystals to reduce inflammation.
Brucite aids goal setting, helps you to plan new enterprises and assists decision making. Also has useful healing attributes including helping muscles and broken bones.
Mookaite Jasper slows aging, helps you to change your beliefs about aging process. Keep Mook Jasper on you when traveling as it will alert you to danger. Good healing stone that aids decision making.
Dr Charles Shepherd, Hon. Medical Adviser, ME Association.
Last year, we provided some general information about the use of antibiotics (see below) and warned about some rare but very troubling side-effects relating to the use of a group of antibiotics called fluoroquinolones.
The MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Authority) has now issued a formal warning to health professionals and introduced new prescribing regulations.
“Disabling, long-lasting or potentially irreversible adverse reactions affecting musculoskeletal and nervous systems have been reported very rarely with fluoroquinolone antibiotics. Fluoroquinolone treatment should be discontinued at the first signs of a serious adverse reaction, including tendon pain or inflammation.” |
Fluoroquinolone antibiotics: ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, moxifloxacin, ofloxacin
New restrictions and precautions due to very rare reports of disabling and potentially long-lasting or irreversible side effects
ME Association Website Blog (Previously Published – July, 2018)
Dr Charles Shepherd, Hon. Medical Adviser, ME Association.
In view of some of the confusing and incorrect information about the use of antibiotics in M.E., especially where someone develops an unrelated infection, we have produced some basic information on this subject.
General considerations
This information also covers the current concerns relating to the use of one specific group of antibiotics – quinolones and fluroquinolones – and their potential to cause side-effects involving the muscles and tendons.
Provided antibiotics are used correctly, they are normally a safe and effective way of dealing with infections that require their use.
And, as infections are an important cause of relapse in ME/CFS, the prompt use of an antibiotic would be entirely appropriate if someone with ME/CFS has an infection that is likely to respond to an antibiotic.
Some people are clearly allergic or sensitive to specific antibiotics (e.g. penicillin).
Where this has occurred in the past, that antibiotic would be contra-indicated.
So always let your doctor know if you have had a previous adverse reaction to any type of antibiotic.
But there is no evidence that people with ME/CFS are likely to be allergic to any particular type of antibiotic, or group of antibiotics.
However, a group of broad spectrum antibiotics known as the quinolones and fluroquinolones can have adverse effects on pre-existing muscle disorders such as myasthenia gravis. They can also cause tendonitis (inflammation of the tendons) and tendon rupture and need to be prescribed with much more caution.
The basic advice regarding antibiotics in M.E. is that if a doctor concludes that an antibiotic is required for an infection you need to take it. And the most effective antibiotic would normally be prescribed – according to the type and severity of the infection.
Incidentally, some types of antibiotic have other actions – in addition to killing infections. For example, there is some evidence that tetracycline antibiotics have immune system actions that can help to dampen down inflammation in a joint disease like rheumatoid arthritis.
The situation regarding quinolones and fluroquinolones
“…concerns are mounting about adverse reactions caused by a group of widely prescribed antibiotics called quinolones and fluoroquinolones. In some people, even a short course of the pills can cause long-term, even permanent damage including tendon rupture, joint problems and nerve pain.” |
This is a group of broad spectrum antibiotics that may be used to treat a range of infections. Drugs in this group include ciprofloxacin (Ciproxin), levofloxacin, moxifloxacin (Avelox), norfloxacin, and ofloxacin.
There is growing evidence that this group can cause side effects involving the muscle and tendons – in particular a condition called tendonitis, which may lead to tendon rupture – as well as affecting some aspects of brain function.
“Quinolones and fluoroquinolones are broad-spectrum antibiotics: fluoroquinolones are the newer drugs and more frequently prescribed. They work against a number of bacteria including salmonella and E.coli and are commonly used to treat recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs), prostatitis — inflammation of the prostate — and serious lung infections.” |
This media report summarises the situation in more detail, as well as the warnings that have issued by the FDA in America and an investigation into safety aspects by the European Medicines Agency
Of particular relevance to M.E. is the fact that this group of antibiotics act on mitochondrial function and are reported to cause mitochondrial toxicity. Mitochondrial dysfunction has been found in M.E.
The ME Association is therefore recommending that where an antibiotic is required to treat an infection that is not related to M.E., doctors should only use one of these drugs after careful consideration and where there is no equally effective alternative drug for that infection.
It should also be noted that tendon related side effects are more likely to occur in people over the age of 60 and those taking steroids.
“In the U.S., the drugs carry health warnings highlighting the risks of tendonitis (inflamed tendons), tendon rupture and irreversible nerve damage.”
“The latest warning issued two weeks ago by the U.S. drugs regulator, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), highlighted a risk of brain-related side-effects such as memory impairment, delirium, agitation and disorientation.” “It’s thought that because fluoroquinolones act on mitochondria — powerhouses in cells responsible for energy — the effects can be felt all over the body.” “Laboratory research also suggests the drugs can provoke a reaction specifically in tendon cells, leading to the production of enzymes that ‘degrade’ the tendon, causing it to break down prematurely.” “But so far, the UK’s drug safety watchdog, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has remained silent…” Daily Mail, 24th July 2018. |
Research references:
Please let us know if you have had an adverse reaction involving either muscles or tendons to one of these antibiotics.
Image credits: zneb076/123RF Stock Photo
dolgachov/123RF Stock Photo
The ME Association
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ME Association Registered Charity Number 801279
Most definitely NOT a flaw 😊
Brazilianite embody ancient Atlantean energy & can uncover past lives in Atlantis. Meaning & Use: These golden crystals boost manifestation and creativity, using the will. They blend the energy of the heart and solar plexus chakras.
Vesuvianite aka Idocrase enhances creativity and stimulates clairsentience. It aids spiritual growth as its properties help to free your will & embrace the desires of your higher self. Named after Mt Vesuvius volcano, it is commonly a green color.
Amphibole Quartz also called Angel Phantom Quartz brings peace and tranquility, aids lucid dreaming. Use in meditation, make contact with angelic beings and your guardian angel in the higher realms.
Did you know that using the 7 Laws of attraction combined with specific crystals can help you to manifest a better life? Learn how these laws work to manifest an increase in wealth & happiness.
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Chrysocolla embodies loving Goddess energy, creates truthful loving communication. A teaching stone with an empowering energy that relieves stress, guilt and fear and brings emotional healing.
Stay strong fellow spiritual seekers - you are all awesome!!!
Fuchsite is Green Muscovite Mica. Known as The Healers Stone as it's meaning relates to how it aids healers. Good to use in meditation. Aids allergy, encourages restful sleep, aids contact with nature spirits.
Shungite embodies powerful ancient mystical energy. It purifies water, absorbs anything negative, including EMF's. Learn about high quality Elite Shungite aka Silver or Noble Schungite stone.
LMAO!! 😁
Black Tourmilated Quartz is quartz crystal with Tourmaline in it. Aka Tourmalinated or Tourmalated Quartz, it shields you from harm, creates a circle of light around your body, creates powerful protection & self healing.
The Aries Astrological sign started on March 21st. If you were born under this star sign take a look at the list of zodiac birthstones for Aries. If you are an Aries check out the list of crystals for your sign. You can see your zodiac birthstones as well as those for the other starsigns as well!
Violet flame healing vibration is embodied in Amethyst Crystals and other violet stones. Learn about this powerful energy used by alchemical healers. It gives protection from negative entities & transmutes negativity into the light.
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Black Moonstone stimulates creativity, brings grounding and protection. Use in meditation to make a strong connection to the Divine Feminine. Potent stones to aid women, with good healing attributes.