Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Beryllonite Meaning & Use: High Vibration Crystal Aids Release Of Fear


Beryllonite are high vibration healing crystals that bring joy and aid well-being. Wonderful meditation stones that aid spiritual growth and boost psychic visions and contact with guides and the angels.

from Healing Crystals For You


#crystals #crystal #healing

Fundraising Feature: Every little penny helps… Raising funds and a smile with art | 31 October 2018


And these ‘pennies’ are all the more welcome because they are given in pure friendship, writes Helen Hyland, Fundraising Manager for the ME Association.

Isabel Butler has been a loyal supporter and member of ME Association’s Marketplace team for some years.

Making and selling cards and delightful festive gifts through her online etsy shop and Facebook page.

Some months ago, she joined an online community offering support, encouragement and, most importantly, laughter.

She did a watercolour painting of some of the members (about 18 were in it) and people loved it so much, they paid to cover costs and printing etc. with the leftovers coming as a donation to the ME Association’s Marketplace for ME fundraising page.

The image is now at over 15 locations around the U.K., another is going to Holland and one is off to America.

Isabel writes “I know that it is only a very small amount of money, but it has made people’s lives that little bit brighter and I know every little penny helps!”

What a lovely gesture. Thank you, Isabel, for thinking of the ME Association. And thank you too for sharing the image of all your lovely friends.

Isabel’s cards, paintings and rather special festive groups are available for sale on her etsy shop and Facebook page.

If you are looking for something unique and memorable for a special present, do have a look at her work, and remember that ME Association benefits from proceeds of her sales.

The ME Association

Please help us continue our work

Please donate – whatever you can afford – to help us continue with our work to make the UK a better place for people with M.E. Just click the button below to visit our JustGiving page:

Or why not join the ME Association as a member and become a part of our growing community? For a monthly (or annual) payment you will not only be helping to keep us doing what we do best, but will receive our exclusive ME Essential magazine.


from ME Association



Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Sutta Study: About Cunda

sutta study cunda

This article is part of Trike Daily’s Sutta Study series, led by Insight meditation teacher Peter Doobinin. The suttas, found in the Pali Canon, comprise the discourses the historical Buddha gave during his 45 years of teaching. Rather than philosophical tracts, the suttas are a map for dharma practice. In this series, we’ll focus on the practical application of the teachings in our day-to-day lives.

In the sutta “About Cunda,” the Buddha gives a profound teaching following the death of the beloved monk Sariputta. Ven. Sariputta and Ven. Moggallana were two of the Buddha’s dearest friends as well as the two chief disciples—the arahants, or fully awakened beings—whom the Buddha first asked to teach the dharma.

Not too long before the Buddha’s own death, both Sariputta and Moggallana passed away. In and of itself, the illness and death of Sariputta, as well Moggallana and the Buddha, offer a potent message: all human beings are subject to sickness, aging, and death.

As the sutta relates, Cunda, Sariputta’s attendant, went to Ven. Ananda to inform him of Sariputta’s death. Ananda was the Buddha’s attendant (and first cousin) and a key member of the community of monks who followed the Buddha during his 45 years teaching the dharma in northern India. This community of monks—the sangha—was a tightly knit group, dedicated to the Buddha, the dharma, and each other. This bond was an important component in the way of life followed by the Buddha and his students—the great blessing of friendship.

So upon learning of the death of his dear friend and comrade in the dharma, Ananda immediately went along with Cunda to see the Buddha and tell him the news.

Ananda related his grief to the Buddha, saying, “It was as if my body were drugged . . . I lost my bearings, things weren’t clear to me.” It is a poignant moment, in which Ananda displays his humanness. Ananda was no different from the rest of us. He felt the pain that we all feel when we experience a great loss.

The Buddha also expressed his pain—the inalienable pain elemental to human life—in the days after Sariputta and Moggallana died. Addressing a gathering of monks, he remarked, “This assembly, O bhikkhus, appears indeed empty to me, now that Sariputta and Moggallana have passed away” (SN 47.14).

In response to Ananda, the Buddha offers a teaching that all of us can take to heart. He begins by asking Ananda, “when he attained total Unbinding [death], did Sariputta take the aggregate of virtue along with him? Did he take the aggregate of concentration . . . discernment . . . release [from suffering] . . . the aggregate of knowledge & vision of release along with him?” No, Ananda responds, he didn’t take these qualities with him. The point the Buddha is making here is crucial. The good qualities that are innate to human beings are ever-present. They are, to use the Pali word, akaliko, part of the ever-present truth. These qualities are timeless; they transcend birth and death.

Our goodness, the Buddha tells Ananda, remains. As human beings our task is to develop our goodness, which is what Sariputta did. So it’s what he left behind. We also leave behind our goodness, to the extent that we develop it and let it shine in the world.

But even while acknowledging the Buddha’s teaching, Ananda continues to lament the loss of his dear friend. “It’s just that he was my instructor & counselor,” he says, “one who exhorted, urged, roused, & encouraged me. He was tireless in teaching the Dhamma [dharma], a help to his companions in the holy life. We miss the nourishment of his Dhamma, the wealth of his Dhamma, his help in the Dhamma.”

The Buddha responds by reminding Ananda of the great truths he has taught his disciples through the years: that each of us is subject to sickness, aging, and death, that each of us will eventually be separated from all that is dear to us. It is the way it is, the Buddha tells Ananda. “What else is there to expect?” the Buddha says. “It’s impossible that one could forbid anything born, existent, fabricated, & subject to disintegration from disintegrating.”

Then the Buddha gives one of his most well-known teachings. He tells Ananda that “you should remain with your self as an island.” Given that Sariputta is gone, given that he himself will soon be gone, given that all human beings are “subject to disintegration,” the Buddha, delivering a vital message to Ananda and his fellow monks, says: “each of you should remain with your self as an island, your self as your refuge, without anything else as a refuge. Remain with the Dhamma as an island, the Dhamma as your refuge, without anything else as a refuge.” Our task, the Buddha says, is to rely on what’s inside us. Our task is to develop our goodness—the qualities of virtue, concentration, discernment. Our task is to find our own release from suffering. The dharma, the teachings that the Buddha has passed on, provide the path by which we pursue these tasks.

The Buddha, however, doesn’t leave it at that. He doesn’t just say, “Be an island unto yourself.” The Buddha’s teachings are never meant to be showcases for rhetorical flourish and verbal brilliance. His teaching are, always, eminently practical. The Buddha, above all, teaches skills. Here, he notes the skills that we need to cultivate in order to be “an island.” The main skill, the Buddha indicates, is the skill of mindfulness. Specifically, right mindfulness. The Buddha culminates this teaching to Ananda by delineating the four foundations of mindfulness, the four primary ways of practicing mindfulness that the dharma student is asked to develop.

In practicing the first foundation of mindfulness, the practitioner “remains focused on the body in and of itself.” All the mindfulnesses that we practice begin by putting the mind on the body—the breath is the anchor point in the body, the place where, first and foremost, we learn to put the mind. In practicing mindfulness of the breath/body, the dharma student develops concentration, the capacity to remain in the present moment, in the body, with a quality of ease and well-being.

The second foundation of mindfulness, in which the dharma student puts his attention on “feelings,” entails being mindful of the sensations in the body—the way the body feels, whether pleasant, unpleasant, or neutral—and the way we’re relating to these feelings.

Practicing the third foundation of mindfulness, the dharma student is mindful of the different states of mind—desire, aversion, delusion, and their myriad subsets—and how we relating to them.

In practicing mindfulness of feelings and states of mind we develop discernment and concentration.

The fourth foundation of mindfulness offers ways of being mindful in which we put our attention on certain mental qualities, such as the four noble truths, in the service of developing discernment.

It’s through cultivating these specific skills of mindfulness, the Buddha teaches, that the dharma student is able to “remain with his self as an island.”

In the end, it’s up to us to find happiness in this life. And, the Buddha tells us, we have an extraordinary capability; we have everything we need to do that. There is a goodness that is ever-present in life. There is a goodness in us. And, within, we have the ability to develop our goodness. If we do this, the Buddha teaches, we will come to know true happiness.

Peter Doobinin’s previous sutta studies take at the Thana SuttaYoga SuttaNava Sutta, and Lokavipatti Sutta.

The post Sutta Study: About Cunda appeared first on Tricycle: The Buddhist Review.

from Teachings – Tricycle: The Buddhist Review


#buddhist #buddhism

Green Diopside Meaning & Use: For A Strong Connection To Mother Gaia

Green Diopside

Green Diopside connects you energetically to the heartbeat of the planet and to Mother Gaia herself. Relieves stress and grief, aids healing emotionally and physically.

from Healing Crystals For You


#crystals #crystal #healing

Monday, 29 October 2018

Oct 29, Prayers for Healing Yourself, Others, and the Earth

Across the planet, people offer prayers for healing to the God of their understanding with the hope that they and their loved ones will be cured or spared from the ravages of disease. We ask for relief from mental, emotional, and physical conditions. We ask for...

from Holistic Healing Blog


#holistic #healing

Gyrolite Meaning & Use: Boosts Qi Flow, Helps Broken Bones Aids Pain


Gyrolite are good healing stones that activate qi energy & bring relief from muscle pain. Stimulate third eye & crown chakras to aid connection with ancient civilizations in meditation. Help dancers & drummers.

from Healing Crystals For You


#crystals #crystal #healing

Magnetite or Lodestone Meaning & Use Magnetically Attracts & Manifests


Magnetite or Lodestone is a powerful stone that attracts and manifests what you desire such as desirable people and situations. Balances the hemispheres of the brain and heals the body.

from Healing Crystals For You


#crystals #crystal #healing

The Tapping Solution App – Motivate Me to Have a Productive Day Tapping Meditation

The ME Association Xmas Appeal – More Research for M.E. in 2019 | 29 October 2018


We want to fund more research than ever before. And we need your help to do it.

The ME Association has been funding high quality research into M.E. since we began, and we still believe it to be one of our top priorities as a national charity.

It can be a long and slow process, but we believe research offers the best hope.

Progress is being made, the search for answers has been refined and more research than ever before is being published.

We are now better focused on those areas that are believed to offer the best chance for success.

In the last 10 years we have invested over £500,000 in M.E. research, and over £1million in the last 25 years, which we couldn’t have achieved without your support.

But we want to do more to exploit the better understanding we now have about M.E. and then build on any discoveries to help change lives for the better.

The Ramsay Research Fund

Our Ramsay Research Fund (RRF) has brought together researchers from across the UK and from around the world. We are most interested in finding causal mechanisms, diagnostic tests, effective treatments, and ultimately, a cure.

The RRF is a restricted fund which means it is kept separate from our other charitable activities. All the money donated to this fund is used for research – it is not spent on administration or support, or anything other than research.

Recent achievements

We helped establish the ME/CFS Biobank, part of the University College London Biobank at the Royal Free Hospital. This highly regarded and unique resource provides blood samples and clinical data to research projects both here and overseas. We now fund all the basic running costs which amount to around £80,000 each year.

We are also supporting the following researchers:

And also,

Recently completed research projects that we have funded (or co-funded) include:

Our current research funding brings together scientists from Oxford, Spain, Newcastle and London. We’re very pleased with the progress that they are making but we’re eager to do more.  Much more.

  • For a complete overview of our current research projects and of the research we have supported, please visit the research section of our website.

Our Letter to Santa.

Future direction

The ME Association believe that research into the role of abnormalities involving the immune system, muscle and mitochondria (the powerhouse of the cell) function, and chemical reactions taking place at a cellular level (i.e. metabolomics) are the most important areas of research to concentrate on and pursue at the moment.

We continue to assess new research grant applications to the RRF relating to these research priorities and research centres. Biomedical research like this is expensive, but we firmly believe that it is needed if we are ever to find a cure for M.E.

Centres of Excellence

We are especially encouraged by the work that Dr Karl Morten and colleagues in Oxford are doing. And are equally keen to sustain the work of the ME/CFS Biobank and its aspirations to widen the number and range of its samples.

In the longer term, we would like to see both Oxford and London become ‘Centres of Excellence’ for biomedical research.

Help us do more for research in 2019

If you would like to support our Christmas Appeal, then please:

  • Visit our JustGiving page to start fundraising or to make an online donation,
  • Send a cheque payable to The ME Association (with a note saying that it is for the Xmas Appeal) to ME Association, 7 Apollo Office Court, Radclive Road, Gawcott, Buckinghamshire, MK18 4DF,
  • by card donation over the phone to our head office (01280 818964).

If you have any questions about the Appeal, then please contact our fundraising manager, Helen Hyland.

If you are a researcher and would like to apply for a grant, please refer to the research section of our website.

We wish you all a happy, safe and comfortable Christmas and New Year.

Thank you.

ME Association Registered Charity Number 801279





from ME Association



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from Spiritual Seeker 77



Sunday, 28 October 2018

Healing The Inner Child, Can You Forgive Past Experiences?

Amethyst cluster

Learn how healing the inner child releases anxiety to allow joy to flow in your life. Relieve stress from things that happened in childhood or a past life and have not been resolved.

from Healing Crystals For You


#crystals #crystal #healing

Green Prehnite Meaning & Use: Enhances Precognition & Helps You Be Prepared

Green Prehnite

Green Prehnite links your heart and will, so you live life in a heart based way. Known in the past as a magic stone as it enhances precognition or prior knowledge of an event and the gift of prophecy.

from Healing Crystals For You


#crystals #crystal #healing

BBC Focus on ME/CFS Crisis in Wales and Unrest in the Senedd with MESiG | 28 October 2018


By Beth Petty, Business News Wales, 26 October 2018

Many people may recall a much derided condition called ‘Yuppie Flu’, in the 1980’s, because it seemed to affect young, middle class professionals and had a stigma that led to sufferers being dismissed as malingerers who imagined their symptoms.

“The Unrest film screening event at the Senedd is a pivotal moment for raising awareness of the situation for people with ME/CFS in Wales.”


“We are calling for support and finance for a national training and awareness programme for the NHS in Wales and for the Welsh Government to take on board the current review of ME-CFS provision in Wales and to hold the Health Boards to account given that prior recommendations have not been actioned.”


“We are encouraged, for example, by the fact that the official UK medical advice is under review (NICE guidelines), but Wales needs to demonstrate diagnostic, referral and care pathways for the 16 000 sufferers across Wales.”


Emelyne Burkhard, Chair of MESiG, and also a sufferer.

On-going research, however, has shown that the condition is a serious neurological condition, called Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) or commonly ME / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) affects anyone of any age, although about 70% are women. It is the leading cause of long-term school absence amongst children in the UK.

Symptoms include extreme physical and mental fatigue and painful limbs as well as cognitive problems. The condition can also affect memory, concentration and digestion, with 25% of patients housebound or bedbound and the rest struggling with everyday tasks. There is no known cure currently.

ME/CFS research, although poorly funded, strongly suggests that it is a physical condition triggered by a virus which causes both the immune system and the nervous system to malfunction. ME/CFS affects an estimated 16,000 people in Wales, 250,000 people in the UK, and 17 million worldwide. In the UK alone the economic cost is at least £3.3 billion.

“My experience from contact with patients in Wales is that many GPs are still very unsure and uncertain about how to diagnose this illness. They are equally uncertain about how to manage this illness.”


“There are five adult services in Wales but none of them are multidisciplinary physician led which is what these services should be. Overall the situation in Wales is scandalous.”


Dr Charles Shepherd, ME Association, speaking on BBC Eye on Wales (see below).

Shockingly, unlike in England, there is no dedicated medical provision or consultants with specialist knowledge in Wales and seriously lacking to no clinical services. Dr. Charles Shepherd of the national ME Association has described the situation in Wales as “scandalous”.

Consultant and GP awareness is severely lacking and the condition is not on under-graduate medical student courses. The UK medical advice, from NICE, actually aggravates the condition and the NICE guidelines for the illness are currently completely under review, to be re-published in 2020. What do doctors and patients do in the mean time?


Event highlights crisis in Wales

An eye-opening event, attended by over 50 people and attended by 8 AMs, sponsored by Mark Isherwood AM and organised by MESiG (ME Support in Glamorgan) with WAMES (Welsh Association of ME and CFS Support) chairing a patient, carer and GP panel took place, in the Senedd, National Assembly for Wales.

This highlighted the crisis in Wales and the need for action following a brief and moving screening of the award-winning film, Unrest. The film shows sufferers, from around the world, with the camera turned on their lives, carers and families.

The lack of awareness and provision, especially in Wales, was passionately described by one of the panel. Jon Vaughan, carer for his fiancé with ME/CFS said that on diagnosis the support was non-existent with his GP giving only two words of advice: “Google it”.

Note: The Welsh Assembly event took place on Wednesday, 24 October.

BBC Focus on ME/CFS and the Welsh Crisis

BBC Radio Wales ‘Eye on Wales’: “ME/CFS patients in Wales say they’re not getting the diagnosis and treatment they need.

  • Feature broadcast highlighting many of the issues including inappropriate graded exercise.
  • With Dr Charles Shepherd from the ME Association, and Dr Nina Muirhead who is also campaigning for improved medical education about ME/CFS.
  • 32 minutes in length. Now available to listen again and/or download.

BBC News Wales: “ME and chronic fatigue: ‘Some doctors don’t believe you’re sick’

  • Features a video from Millie Earp, and comments from the BBC radio broadcast above.


from ME Association



Apache Tears Meaning & Use: Heal Grief, Gives Protection & Grounding

Apache Tears

Learn how Apache Tears, strange out-of-shape black Obsidian stones heal grief and clear negative emotions. Excellent crystals for protection, spiritual grounding and emotional healing.

from Healing Crystals For You


#crystals #crystal #healing

Saturday, 27 October 2018

Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



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from Spiritual Seeker 77



trulyaura: Yup! | Spiritual



from Spiritual Seeker 77



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from Spiritual Seeker 77



Satipatthana sutta the Buddha’s Teaching on Mindfulness

Satipatthana sutta setting out the Buddha's teaching to overcome suffering.

from Buddhism now


#buddhism #buddhist #Buddha

Stellar Beam Calcite Meaning & Use: Ascension & Deep Divine Connection

Stellar Beam Calcite

Stellar Beam Calcite aka Dog Tooth Calcite. Ascension stone with a high vibration, brings spiritual growth & immense peace & harmony. Use to visit higher realms, meet guides and angels.

from Healing Crystals For You


#crystals #crystal #healing

Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



spiritualseeker77: If you’re not fitting in, you are AWESOME!!! | Spiritual


If you’re not fitting in, you are AWESOME!!!

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Oct 27, The Placebo Effect and Mind Body Healing

SBoth the placebo effect and its opposite nocebo effect are sources of fascination for students of mind body healing and medical researchers alike. Spontaneous healing, sham medicine and surgeries that heal as well as the real thing attest to the power of the mind...

from Holistic Healing Blog


#holistic #healing

I can relate lol | Spiritual

I can relate lol

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Friday, 26 October 2018

Lepidocrocite in Quartz Meaning & Use: Deepens Intuition, Calms ADHD


Lepidocrocite occurs in quartz and is part of Super Seven. Aids Divine love and psychic protection, aligns with Divine Will. Metaphysical properties: heals the aura and calms ADHD and hyperactivity.

from Healing Crystals For You


#crystals #crystal #healing

Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



spiritualseeker77: LMAO!! 😁 | Spiritual


LMAO!! 😁

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Were you born under the Scorpio sign?


Were you born under the Scorpio sign? Then I bet you share some of the Scorpio traits that make you a force to be reckoned with.

As we move into the new Zodiac month, take a look at the birthstones for your sign, as well as the stones for the other starsigns as well!

Use your trademark determination, resourcefulness and strong intuition to decide which of the Scorpio birthstones is the best one for you!

from Healing Crystals For You


#crystals #crystal #healing

spiritualseeker77: Yep :) | Spiritual


Yep :)

from Spiritual Seeker 77



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from Spiritual Seeker 77



The Tapping Solution App – Releasing Anxiety Tapping Meditation

Thursday, 25 October 2018

Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



spiritualseeker77: spiritualseeker77: Healing frequencies for... | Spiritual



Healing frequencies for psychic ability and spiritual awakening! - Many FREE audios to try!

Learn more & get the free app at 😀😀

Android version now available!

from Spiritual Seeker 77



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from Spiritual Seeker 77



Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Cavansite Meaning & Use Comfortable Transition Thru Major Life Change


Learn how Cavansite helps make sense of past experiences to aid major life changes. A potent blue ray stone, it aids spiritual communication, enhances creativity and may relieve stress.

from Healing Crystals For You


#crystals #crystal #healing

onlinecounsellingcollege: “Solitude isn’t loneliness. Solitude is when the entire universe seems to... | Spiritual

onlinecounsellingcollege: “Solitude isn’t loneliness. Solitude is when the entire universe seems to...

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



House of Lords Event Celebrated 10 Years of Forward ME | 24 October 2018


Margaret, Countess of Mar, has marked ten years of Forward M.E., by meeting with staff and trustees from all the M.E. charities and groups that make up this collaborative.

Lady Mar pictured at a recent visit to the ME/CFS Biobank.

Speaking at the very first Forward M.E. meeting in 2008, Margaret said:

“I have been in the House of Lords for very nearly 33 years. I have taken an active role in some successful campaigns and have watched the progress of other winners. What comes to my mind immediately is that they have always been supported by a united, informed and determined base of people who want to win.”

Since then, we have worked with Lady Mar under the Forward M.E. group banner on a wide range of issues ranging from child protection and medical education through to NHS services and the ever-present need for biomedical research. Most recently we met to highlight the urgent need for a full review of the NICE guideline for M.E./CFS by taking an active role in the scoping and consultation process.

Regular meetings see Lady Mar invite a range of professionals from the health, social care and research fields, as well as ministers, politicians and civil servants from the various government departments that have an effect on M.E. policy, to the House of Lords. This provides important opportunities for us to raise the profile of M.E. and put forward our case for improved medical education, better NHS services and more biomedical research.

The recent meeting with Prof Kamila Hawthorne, Vice Chair of Professional Development at the Royal College of GPs (RCGP), resulted in Forward M.E. hosting a successful workshop attended by over 250 GPs and a busy exhibition stand at the annual RCGP conference in Glasgow earlier this month.

Dr Charles Shepherd, who represents the ME Association on Forward M.E., says: “We are very fortunate to have such an outstanding and conscientious parliamentarian working with M.E. charities and groups at Westminster and chairing Forward M.E.

“On behalf of everyone with M.E, and their carers, I would like to thank the Countess of Mar for everything that she has done over the past ten years, and for organising such a lovely lunch at the House of Lords to celebrate the 10th Birthday of Forward M.E.

“In return for all her hard work, members presented the Countess with a plaque to acknowledge her contribution along with a surprise gift – which was far too big to bring to the House to Lords! – to go in her garden.”

Forward ME Birthday Celebration.

Names to faces:

Front row – left to right

Tanya Harrison (BRAME), Countess of Mar, Dr Nina Muirhead

First row – left to right

Clare Ogden (AfME), Carol Monaghan MP, Janice Kent (ReMEmber), Christine Harrison (BRAME), Sonya Chowdhury (AfME), Sue Waddle (MERUK)

Back row – left to right

Dr Nigel Speight (Tymes Trust and ME Association paediatric medical adviser), Tony Crouch (Tymes Trust), Hannah Clifton (ME Trust), Jonathan Davies (MERUK), Dr Gareth Tuckwell (ME Trust), xx representing Jane Colby (Tymes Trust), Sarah Reed (ME Action), Dr Paul Worthley (ME Trust), Dr William Weir, Bill Kent (ReMEmber), Dr Charles Shepherd (ME Association).

from ME Association



Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Hiddenite Meaning & Uses: For Spontaneity, Joy, Love and Gratitude


Hiddenite is a rare stone that stimulates love and gratitude, joy and spontaneity, compassion and forgiveness. This pale Green Spodumene also aids the healing of emotional problems such as anxiety and stress.

from Healing Crystals For You


#crystals #crystal #healing

Never Assume That Loud Is Strong and Quiet Is Weak | Spiritual

Never Assume That Loud Is Strong and Quiet Is Weak: introvertdear: “Quiet doesn’t equal weak,...

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Monday, 22 October 2018

I Love and Approve of Myself – Louise Hay

I love and approve of myself.

Louise Hay taught for years the importance of learning to love yourself.

I know it sounds easy to love yourself, but have you ever looked in a mirror and tried saying “I Love and Approve of Myself”?

If you have, I bet it was hard the first time you did it.

Watch this amazing video from Louise to find out the importance of this simple affirmation.

Until next time…

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

Do you have any memories of Louise Hay or her teachings that stand out the most for you? Comment below!

The post I Love and Approve of Myself – Louise Hay appeared first on The Tapping Solution.

from The Tapping Solution


#EFT #holistic #healing

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