Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Epidote Improves Relationships, Brings Abundance and Prosperity


Epidote aka Pistacite is a catalyst for change as it emphasizes dominant traits and aids you to raise your vibration to help you become better. Dream Quartz is Epidote and Actinolite in quartz.

from Healing Crystals For You


#crystals #crystal #healing

Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



How We Can Stop Arguing and Start Understanding Each Other

“Raise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder.” ~Rumi

One of the most common sources of conflict among people is in the way we communicate. Often times, conflicts arise because of the variety of our opinions and beliefs, and also from the way we express our thoughts and communicate disagreement.

A blaming, sometimes even aggressive tone of voice can seep into our language, which invites confrontation instead of collaboration, and conveys a closed “my way or no way” kind of approach.

Looking back on my past, I can recall myself during my childhood years, when anything felt possible. In my world, full of playfulness, creativity, and fun, things were straightforward and clear. Whenever I was hungry, I made sure my mother knew about that. When I was afraid, sad, or upset, I said so. Whenever I wanted anything, I asked for it.

In this open communication space, there was no room for mind reading or making assumptions. I didn’t claim to know what other people felt or thought. If anything was unclear, I asked. I didn’t let my mind play with me and create scenarios about what other people had in their minds or hearts, because I knew I wasn’t them. Life was quite simple, and the older I got, the stronger my need to complicate it became.

Taking an honest look at my life as a grown-up woman, I came to realize I was often aggressive with people, without even being aware of it. I never screamed and yelled at people, but I expressed my thoughts and emotions aggressively, especially when I was trying to convey opinions I strongly believed in and get my voice heard.

That is an area I am still working on. However, I have spent a while reading about the field of non-violent communication, learning how to communicate with clarity and confidence in any situation and, by that, avoid unnecessary drama or confrontation.

A few years ago, I started to apply this learning in my everyday life. Surprisingly, I could see how small adjustments in my communication helped me to improve my relationships with people in my personal life and career.

Here are four useful suggestions that helped me refine my communication skills and build bridges of mutual understanding with others.

1. Be curious about others’ intentions.

Conflict often arises because we tend to evaluate our actions based on our intentions, yet judge others based on their actions.

For instance, when I fear I might have offended someone with my words, my immediate reaction would be to explain myself and make it clear my real intention was not to hurt anyone: ”I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to sound like that. My point is that…”

However, when I didn’t like what I heard in a sensitive conversation, I would jump immediately into a defensive or even aggressive posture, without even trying to understand more about what others wanted to tell me.

As a solution, I learned how to ask questions with the genuine curiosity of a child, as if I knew nothing. I want to know more about the story behind the words: the circumstances, the impact on the people involved, their intentions, and so on.

Here are some of my favorite questions that help me do that:

  • How did this happen?
  • Can you tell me more about it?
  • What can we do to sort this out?

The way we formulate our questions is also essential, so stop asking “why?”

Let me ask you one the same question, in two different ways. Say I’m disturbed by your words. I could choose to either reply with, “Why are you saying that?” or I could ask, ”What makes you say that?”

Can you feel the difference between the two questions? Don’t you feel like the “why” question sounds more accusatory than the other?

When asked “why,” people tend to feel blamed. As a consequence, they either shut up entirely or go into a defensive mode, trying to justify themselves. Meanwhile, the “what” questions invite an open discussion and transparent communication. They help bring more balance, harmony, and peace during sensitive conversations.

In reality, we only judge what we don’t understand, so I make sure I stay away from confusion. People can only be responsible for what they say, not for what I understand. And no one is a mind reader.

“Don’t make assumptions. Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness, and drama.” ~Don Miguel Ruiz

2. Practice the art of listening.

I will be brutally honest with this one: In the past, I used to be very self-absorbed and eager to take space in conversations. I used to listen in order to know what to say next instead of being fully present for others with mind, body, and soul, so that I could understand their perspectives and points of view. I tended to interrupt others in the attempt of explaining or defending myself. In other words, conversations were generally a lot about me, not so much about others.

Sometimes, the only thing we have to do in a situation that might look like a conflict or disagreement is to hear what other people have to say with genuine care, curiosity, compassion, and attention.

In my case, I had to learn how to listen actively. During conversations, I imagined myself having a zipper on my mouth, closing that zipper while people were talking, and allowing myself open the zipper only once they finished. This simple exercise helped me to get present and focused on the other person, both in my personal life and career.

In a world where most people love to talk about themselves, being able to listen to another person is a form of love.

“Most people don’t listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” ~Steven R.Covey

3. Express your wants and needs assertively.

One of the most transformational days of my life was the day I found out I was underpaid. I turned into a volcano of anger and blame and ended up in a severe conflict with my manager at the time.

The moment I stopped acting like a victim (How could they do this to me? How could this ever happen?) and took charge of the painful situation I was in, everything shifted. I realized that during fourteen years spent in the corporate world, I had never negotiated a salary or asked for a raise. I used to be a perfectionist and an overachiever, often working overtime and weekends and expecting my managers to finally compensate me for my hard work and efforts.

I never dared to express my wants regarding pay assertively, as if that was some kind of taboo or embarrassing topic one couldn’t talk about. The truth is that sometimes in life, we don’t get what we want just because we don’t dare asking for it.

So what is assertive communication?

Assertiveness is an attitude of confidence and respect, expressed through a combination of words (I think, I believe, I want), voice (steady and clear), and body language (upright stance). Assertive people are more able to deal with conflicts and to get to a “win-win solution,” they are better problem solvers and are less likely to get stressed.

Passive communication comes with putting others needs ahead of our own. Allowing people to make fun of us, putting ourselves down or making ourselves small so others can feel good about themselves, could be one example.

Aggressive communication would impose our thoughts or wishes on others (you should, you must, you better do that, how can you think like this).

Assertiveness is an open and direct expression of our thoughts and feelings while respecting the right of others to express themselves. It is a form of being kind to ourselves as well as to the other person.

4. Be open to different points of view.

I once had an interesting conversation with a friend about one of my favorite topics: life. At the time, I was convinced there was a predefined path for us humans, a destiny one could never change. Meanwhile, my friend had a very different view on her life: “I can create my future every single day,” she said. “If there’s some kind of destiny I dislike, I can surely change it.”

I found that unacceptable. Who did she think she was? I didn’t speak to her for weeks.

I acted in the same way years later, during the presidential elections in my home country, Romania, when a close friend decided to vote for the candidate I disliked. I can recall how angry I was. I thought she was smart, so how could she?

This aggressive way to relate to people was a toxic behavior I’m not proud of. However, I don’t get into the trap of the guilt, shame, and self-blame any longer. Today, I know that was the best I knew and the best I could, with the instruments of awareness I had at the time.

And here’s what I know to be true today:

When we come to this world, we know nothing. We are all products of the societies and cultures that raised us (family, school, religious, or political systems). Since societies and cultures are different, it is expected to encounter a variety of individual values or systems of belief.

As described by Descartes, humans are “social animals,” and we all have a basic need to belong to a community. We tend to feel more at ease when surrounded by like-minded people. Whenever I am having a conversation with someone whose opinions differ from mine, I try not to take things personally. Today I know I can always agree to disagree.

People also have the right to change their mind. As we grow and evolve, mindsets and perspectives on life can change, as well. Take my example: years ago, the Old Me was blaming that dear friend for saying she could create her own path in life. The New Me thinks the same: I believe everything in life is a matter of personal choice, and we are the sum of our decisions. Interesting how a belief that once disturbed me a lot can feel so resonant today.

I refuse to think we live in the world where fear, hate, anger, and separation are part of a new, modern Era. I think Mother Earth needs more of our loving energy to heal: more heart, understanding, less judging and more compassion, less taking and more giving, less competition and more collaboration and care.

Diversity is necessary for thought exchange and ultimate growth. Respecting our differences is a sign of self-care, and a way to make the world a much better place. Souls don’t hold a passport. Those have been assigned to us at birth. Hurting you is hurting myself. Loving you is loving myself. In spirit, we are all one.

“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” ~Mother Teresa

And now, I would like to hear from you. How do you handle difficult conversations, stay away from confrontation, and create harmonious relationships with people?

About Sara Fabian

Sara Fabian is a women’s career and empowerment coach and inspirational speaker, on a mission to help professional women to discover their unique strengths, gifts and talents, boost their confidence, find their calling and live a meaningful life of purpose. For weekly inspiration, subscribe to her free newsletter at or follow her on Facebook.

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The post How We Can Stop Arguing and Start Understanding Each Other appeared first on Tiny Buddha.

from Tiny Buddha


#buddha #Buddhist

Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Thulite Inspires Eloquent Speech And Builds Rapport


Thulite makes it easier for you to be comfortable speaking in front of a crowd. Learn how it helps to build rapport and inspires eloquent speech, passion for living, contentment, happiness and joy.

from Healing Crystals For You


#crystals #crystal #healing

The Press and Journal: The ME generation want better care across Scotland | 30 January 2018


By Charlotte Thomson, The Press and Journal, 30 January, 2018.

It’s an illness which affects more than 20,000 people in Scotland.

And yet there is not a single specialist in the country to deal with patients who suffer from ME – myalgic encephalomyelitis.

Abbie Sclater, who is 17 and has been fighting ME for years. She’s from Inverbervie.

This condition is a debilitating neuro-immune disease which leaves those afflicted unable to work or even carry out basic everyday tasks. It causes profound tiredness and can lead to cognitve impairment.

It strikes indiscriminately, often devastating people who have led previously healthy and active lives.

Yet there are still those who refuse to believe the evidence which has been assembled by the charity MEAction and other UK-wide groups.

In which light, the organisation has decided to step up its efforts to demand better treatment and awareness of the illness from Scotland’s politicians and those in the medical profession.

Jennifer Brea, the director of an award-winning film about the difficulties of living with ME, will join the calls for enhanced care – via Skype – during an event at the Scottish Parliament [this evening].

Her documentary, Unrest, won a special jury award at last year’s Sundance Film Festival and has been longlisted for the Oscars.

And an excerpt from it will be screened at Holyrood in a bid to convince MSPs that ME should no longer be viewed as a psychological issue, let alone be dismissed with the description “yuppie flu”, as happened in the 1980s and 1990s.

Emma Shorter, 24, from Edinburgh, is among those whose lives have been changed for the worse by the onset of ME when she was just 19.

She spent a year volunteering in Sri Lanka, climbed mountains with her family, was learning to play the clarinet, and was in her first year studying sustainable development at St Andrews University, when she was stricken with ME.

That was five years ago. Since when she has been confined to bed for lengthy periods, and grown increasingly frustrated with doctors who kept telling her her symptoms were a manifestation of her emotions.

In other words, although she had trouble eating, speaking, balancing and even breathing, there was no medical treatment on offer.

But that isn’t a situation she or her mother, Janet Sylvester, a volunteer for MEAction, was prepared to countenance indefinitely.

Miss Shorter said yesterday: “ME has meant losing my place at university, my future job prospects and many of my friends.

“I am lucky to have family who are able to care for me, but many do not. It reduces the healthiest of people to a husk of their former selves.

“The lack of care for people with ME is shocking and we urgently need health care professionals to be educated in how to diagnose and care for patients and for health boards to provide us with help and support.”

Two-thirds of Scottish patients with ME have been ill for 10 years or more and fewer than one in 10 are in full-time work, education or training.

But although the Royal Society of Medicine stated that ME was a “distinct disease”, comparable to MS in its effects and consequences for patients, it remains a forgotten illness.

Mrs Sylvester added: “ME has devastated Emma’s life and the lack of support for people with ME in Scotland is a scandal that must be addressed urgently.”

A number of well-known Scots, including Belle and Sebastian’s frontman, Stuart Murdoch, author Ali Smith and former footballer, Davie Provan, have been diagnosed with ME in the past.

The Scottish Parliament is hosting a reception this evening with an excerpt from Unrest.

And Miss Shorter organised a protest, entitled Missing Millions, outside the Scottish Parliament last year.

As she explained: “You have to trust that health professionals are right, but none of them are specialists.

“There is no specialist ME consultant in Scotland.

“So we are asking the Scottish Government and the scientific community to follow evidence rather than beliefs. It’s a systemic neuro-immune disease and we should start treating it like one.”

They will be joined in Edinburgh [this evening] by representatives from ME support groups from Aberdeen, Cumbernauld, Dumfries, Falkirk, Fife and Glasgow.

And also in attendance will be officials from three UK charities: the ME Association, Action for ME and ME Research UK.

As Mrs Sylvester added: “There is a huge task to get the support and advice that the 21,000 people with ME in Scotland need and MSPS are a critical part of this battle.

“We are asking them to ask their local health boards to review what support is being offered to people with ME and consider funding specialist care.”

This evening’s reception at the Scottish Parliament is from 6.00 to 8.00pm and is being hosted by Ben MacPherson, MSP. It will include a 20 minute excerpt from Unrest.

Jennifer Brea, Director of Unrest, will be speaking at the reception via Skype. Other speakers include the author Nasim Jafry, and a number of key Scottish M.E. advocates have also been invited.

There will be a chance for MSPs to meet people including representatives from ME charities, volunteers, carers and, most importantly, people with M.E.

Read more…






from ME Association



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from Spiritual Seeker 77



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from Spiritual Seeker 77



Monday, 29 January 2018

Hypersthene Helps You Find Answers To Problems & Boosts Psychic Gifts


Hypersthene aids recuperation after illness. Known as a magical stone that manifests solutions or answers to problems. Meditate with them to boost psychic gifts of clairaudience & clairvoyance.

from Healing Crystals For You


#crystals #crystal #healing

New ME Association Guide to PIP and ESA Reconsiderations and Appeals | 29 January 2018


It’s getting harder for people with ME/CFS to claim the key benefits, Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) and Personal Independence Payment (PIP), at the first time of trying.

But, if you’re willing and able to invest time and effort into mounting an appeal to tribunal, your chances of succeeding improve considerably.

First there’s the hurdle of ‘Mandatory Reconsideration’ to overcome. This has been a compulsory part of the process since 2013.

Our new Guide to ESA and PIP Reconsiderations and Appeals takes you through every step of the process, and aims to demystify it. Good luck!

This new guide is now available as a download from our online shop or it can be ordered from head office and sent out to you by post – see the online shop for details.



If you have not been awarded either Employment Support Allowance (ESA) or Personal Independence Payment (PIP), you have the right to challenge the decision. You also have a right to challenge an award of benefit at a lower rate than you think you should get.

But make sure you are absolutely clear in your mind that you meet the criteria for the higher payment as the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) or the Tribunal with whom you lodge an appeal can reduce or stop the benefit. This happens occasionally.

The first step when you appeal against decisions is to ask the DWP for a Mandatory Reconsideration, and you must do this within one month of the date of your decision letter. You cannot launch an appeal to the tribunal without taking this first step.

The full range of ME Association benefits and social care leaflets:

  1. An introduction to benefits and tax credits
  2. Guide to completing the PIP application form
  3. Guide to completing the ESA application form
  4. Guide to ESA and PIP reconsiderations and appeals
  5. Guide to Carer’s Allowance
  6. Guide to the Disabled Facilities Grant
  7. Getting help from Social Services
  8. The Blue Badge scheme

Copyright: daraanja / 123RF Stock Photo

from ME Association



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from Spiritual Seeker 77



Sunday, 28 January 2018

Charoite Stone Inspires Service To The Light And To Others


Charoite Stone protects you from psychic attack and strengthens your connection with the Supreme Being. Learn about this wonderful stone for healers who want to be of service to others.

from Healing Crystals For You


#crystals #crystal #healing

Albite Activates The Brain, Boosts You Mentally, Aids Memory


Albite stimulates the crown chakra and the brain which aids clear thinking and improves memory. Third eye stone that boosts intuition, inspiration & psychic gifts, enhances lucid dreaming. Heals brain related issues.

from Healing Crystals For You


#crystals #crystal #healing

Saturday, 27 January 2018

Use Celestite To Contact Guardian Angels And Develop Psychic Ability


Blue Celestite is calming and uplifting, balances energy, aids contact with guardian angels in the celestial realm. Develop psychic gifts of prophecy, clairaudience, clairsentience and clairvoyance.

from Healing Crystals For You


#crystals #crystal #healing

Malachite Powerful Protection, Aids Imagination and Intuition

Malachite Earring

Malachite creates strong barriers to block negative entities. Enhances willpower, boosts creativity, stimulates coincidence or synchronicity, aids imagination and intuition, has good healing attributes.

from Healing Crystals For You


#crystals #crystal #healing

Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Friday, 26 January 2018

Join me next Saturday night for an evening of shopping. Stop by...

Join me next Saturday night for an evening of shopping. Stop by for some crystals, essential oil blends, hand made jewelry by yours truly, yoni eggs, ask me questions about the #worldwidewombblessing #wombhealing #wombblessing and more! #miami #miamievents #spiritualhealing #spiritualhealingmiami #metaphysical #energhealing #crystalhealing #yonieggs #essentialoils #yoga #reiki #meditation #om #namaste #trendwalkatlincolnsbeardbrewery @themakersco @trendwalkevent @lincolnsbeardbrewing

from Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing


#spiritual #healing

Chiastolite Cross Stone, Could You Use This Protective Energy?


Chiastolite has a natural black cross within it. Also known as the Cross Stone, it was used in olden times for protection. Use it in meditation to help you to connect to the akashic records to help you to learn about past lives.

from Healing Crystals For You


#crystals #crystal #healing

Intimacy and the Buddha’s Smile, by John Aske

But don’t grasp at the smile — or the flower — or even the words, and most of us do, because we love to attach ourselves to things and meanings, and it’s not about things or meanings.

from Buddhism now


#buddhism #buddhist #Buddha

You are beautiful, renewed , sensual and good All is forgiven...

You are beautiful, renewed , sensual and good
All is forgiven and left behind in the darkness of the labyrinth. The Goddess longs for you to accept this.
Be reborn today
- Spiritual Messages for Women,
Miranda Gray

Last day to register for the World Wide Womb Blessing
22:00 ( 10pm UK time)
Register at

#divinefeminine #sacredfeminine #goddess#wombblessingattunement #moonmother #moonmothermiami #wombblessingmiami #wombblessing #wombhealingmiami #wombhealing #womenempowerment #spiritual #spiritualawakening #spiritualhealing #spiritualhealingmiami #worldwidewombblessingmiami #worldwidewombblessingusa #goddess #divinefeminine #miami #miamievents #miamilife #energyhealing #meditation #love #sisterhood #circleofsisters #om #namaste #purityandgrace

from Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing


#spiritual #healing

New mala posted on the online store just in time for Valentine’s...

New mala posted on the online store just in time for Valentine’s Day! Fertility goddess Rhodonite mala withe moonstone guru bead. Will be going on sale today!! Rhodonite is a stone of love connected to the heart chakra and along with moonstone a great crystal for fertility! #goddess #love #spiritual #spiritualawakening #spirituality #spiritualhealing #spiritualhealingmiami #divinefeminine #moonstone #sacredfeminine #fertility #miami #spiritualhealingmiami #wombhealingmiami #priestess #yoga #reiki #meditation #southmiami #pinecrest #westkendall #om #namaste

from Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing


#spiritual #healing

Thursday, 25 January 2018

Use Base Chakra Stones to Ensure A Robust Sex Drive

Rubellite aka Red Tourmaline

Base chakra stones boost sex drive, increase interest in life and help circulation. This chakra is located at base of the spine & governs sexuality and survival. See list of red and black chakra stones. Aka root chakra.

from Healing Crystals For You


#crystals #crystal #healing

Heliodor - Magical Stones That Boost Manifestation & Will Power


Heliodor boosts mental telepathy, manifestation, willpower, confidence & creativity. Known as magical stones, bright yellow Golden Beryl balances the mind & will. Good healing attributes aid stress, tiredness & more.

from Healing Crystals For You


#crystals #crystal #healing

Heliodor Crystals Boost Self Esteem, Confidence & Will Power


Heliodor creates balance between the mind and will. This bright yellow Golden Beryl aids manifestation, boosts willpower, confidence and creativity. Good healing attributes aid stress, tiredness and more.

from Healing Crystals For You


#crystals #crystal #healing

Do not fear change, death, new things are beginning to sprout...

Do not fear change, death, new things are beginning to sprout from this change. Look forward to the blossoming of this change especially in the upcoming full moon! #tarot #wildunknown #priestess #newbeginnings #reiki #energyhealing #lightworker #metaphysical #metaphysicalhealing #love #miami #spiritual #spirituality #spiritualhealing #spiritualhealingmiami #westkendall #coralgables #southmiami #yoga #meditation #wombhealing #angelhealing #crystalhealing #om #namaste

from Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing


#spiritual #healing

#dreams #love #divine #affirmation #healing #goddess...

#dreams #love #divine #affirmation #healing #goddess #divinefeminine #energyhealing #sacredfeminine #priestess #priestesspath #spiritualhealing #spiritualhealihgmiami #selflove #metaphysical #miami #moonmother #healing #wombhealing #yonieggs #love #spiritual #spirituality #spiritualhealingmiami #spiritualhealing #crystalhealing #reikimaster #lightworker #om #namaste

from Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing


#spiritual #healing

#divine #affirmation #healing #goddess #divinefeminine...

#divine #affirmation #healing #goddess #divinefeminine #energyhealing #sacredfeminine #priestess #priestesspath #spiritualhealing #spiritualhealihgmiami #selflove #metaphysical #miami #moonmother #healing #wombhealing #yonieggs #love #spiritual #spirituality #spiritualhealingmiami #spiritualhealing #crystalhealing #reikimaster #lightworker #om #namaste #darkness #light

from Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing


#spiritual #healing

Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Valentine’s Day sale is on! All heart chakra,love/self love...

Valentine’s Day sale is on! All heart chakra,love/self love essential oil blends and crystal elixirs are on sale! As well as all rose quartz,green aventurine, red jasper and Rhoda it’s crystals and yoni eggs! Available to purchase on website and during private sessions, events and more! Contact me for more info! #crystals #crystalhealing #energyhealing #essentialoils #aromatherapy #love #selflove #valentinesday #valentinesdaysale #miami #westkendall #gables #southmiami #spiritual #spiritualhealing #spiritualhealingmiami #reiki #yoga #meditation #heartchakra #priestess #wombhealing #om #namaste

from Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing


#spiritual #healing

Brucite Aids Goal Setting and Decision Making


Brucite aids goal setting, helps you to plan new enterprises and assists decision making. Has useful healing attributes including helping muscles and broken bones.

from Healing Crystals For You


#crystals #crystal #healing

Tinaksite Clears Mental Clutter and Negativity


Tinaksite creates privacy by making you less visible. Brings inspiration and positive thinking. It has strong metaphysical properties that release bitterness and negativity.

from Healing Crystals For You


#crystals #crystal #healing

What If We Listened and Opened Our Minds Instead of Shouting and Judging?

“If you can laugh with somebody and relate to somebody, it becomes harder to dehumanize them. I think that most of what we are constantly bombarded with in terms of media leads you to a creation of ‘the Other’ and a dehumanization of ‘the Other,’ and it’s very much an us-versus-them conversation.” ~Jehane Noujaim

People are really hard to hate up close.

In today’s acrimonious political climate, whole groups of people seem to be pitted against one another based on various political, ideological, class, geographic and racial classifications. And yet, spend a day with “the other” and it’s difficult to resist the gravitational forces of our shared humanity that make those walls come a’ tumbling down.

New York State, like many others, has a wonderful tradition of civilian run elections. Each polling precinct is manned by four election inspectors—two Democrats and two Republicans.

From 5:30am to 9:00pm—other than the two thirty-minute breaks to which each inspector is entitled—these four individuals spend every moment together sharing responsibility over the most minute of tasks, from opening packets of ballots to recording the serial number of the dozen or so seals on various documents and pieces of equipment.

Once the polls are closed, vote tallies recorded and everything securely stowed, usually round 9:30pm, everyone goes home. It’s a long day.

For these sixteen hours of work, all inspectors are earn $225, or around $14 per hour—not bad, but well below the earning potential of most of the inspectors. Many of the inspectors are “old-timers” who have been doing this three or four times a year (in addition to the big November elections, there are primary elections and other local referendums) for many years.

Last year, sort of in between jobs and living in the United States for the first time in many years, I decided to become an election inspector.

Far removed from America’s increasingly bitter political divide, I was a little bit apprehensive about what to expect or how this was all going to work so harmoniously. After all, the America I left after graduating from college was one in which people from all segments of our political spectrum—which compared to other countries’ is surprisingly narrow—could have a discussion without being branded white supremacists, snowflakes, fascists or traitors.

Once upon a time in the quaint old days less than twenty years ago, political talk was sometimes pleasant and not always so insufferable and divisive.

Like all others, my polling station had three other inspectors. One of the other inspectors turned out to be the father of a girl I’d grown up with from our Hebrew school days but had not seen in nearly twenty years, once a close family friend.

Another was a retired school administrator, an Irish guy who had grown up in the Bronx and slowly migrated ten miles or so north to Westchester County over the course of his life.

Finally, there was an African American lady who had been born, raised, and was still living in Mount Vernon, a nearby city perhaps most notable as the sometime home of Malcolm X.

As the hours passed and different members of the team shared the various responsibilities and each took his or her break time, everyone found themselves getting to know the others one-by-one.

With the one guy whose daughter I used to know, reconnecting was fun, and nothing seemed to have changed other than that we were all older.

The Irish guy shared my love and knowledge of the local waterways (I’m a sailor and he’s a diver). He was a Republican who didn’t vote for and viscerally disliked President Trump – he was more of a John McCain or Nelson Rockefeller kind of guy who felt Trump was an abomination to his lifelong political affiliation.

The African-American lady was a Democrat who, judging by her apparent age, may very well have remembered or even met Malcolm X during the tumultuous Civil Rights Era, didn’t like Trump either but also didn’t understand the current white supremacy scare. She remembered a lot worse racial tension and fear in her lifetime and thought that all the recent talk was based in reality but overblown.

During the slow portions of those sixteen hours, even when politics came up, nobody raised their voices nor found anything to get angry about. Politics was sprinkled around more immediately pressing topics like family, local community developments, and lunch.

And, where there were disagreements, after talking it all out with the copious amount of time that we had on our hands, it became clear that there was a strong foundation of shared values—respect for individual freedoms, belief in racial equality, etc.—on top of which the (relatively minor) disagreements were built. There was much more in common than there was different.

You would never know it from reading the headlines, but this observation is actually reflective of society at large, as political science studies and public opinion polls over the years have consistently shown a clustering of public sentiment on most major issues toward the center.

And yet, the loudest and most extreme voices seem to be the one that dominate the debate. Controversies erupt over smaller and smaller issues, such as symbols of past oppression as actual oppression becomes less prevalent.

It’s not that today’s issues are trivial—you would certainly be concerned if you were a gender non-conforming person being forced into using a bathroom based on your biological sex or an African American who had to pass by a statue of Jefferson Davis every day on your way to work—but that the final 10 percent of every issue, namely the public policy prescription for how to “solve” it, is nowadays typically built on top of an agreement over 90 percent of the multiple facets and relevant fundamental questions involved.

Only the most extreme fringe elements of society support institutionalized discrimination, secession from the nation, limitation of basic rights, etc. In most instances, the disagreement is over the “how to get there” as opposed to the “where we are going” or “who we are.”

More importantly, whatever people’s political beliefs, it is exceedingly rare to find people today who are consciously bigoted. He might think men are men and women are women like in the good old days, but faced with an actual person—maybe his son or nephew—undergoing a struggle with gender, those fixed opinions usually soften.

She might not get her sister-in-law’s “churchiness” but nevertheless appreciate the values it seems to instill.

These prejudices are borne from ignorance and isolation, not hate.

Moreover, even among people affiliated with bigoted or extreme views or organizations, it is my firm belief that what is at work is more an unfortunate facet of group psychology: it is easy to hate a distant group, a faceless enemy, or a caricature of a supposed threat.

It is even easier when riled up by a group of like-minded people, an all-too-common phenomenon as America self-segregates by class, culture, and geography.

And, to pour gasoline on top of this whole incendiary situation, it is still easier when these types of conflicts sell papers and generate clicks, especially within marginalized communities suffering economic or cultural dislocation.

Not surprisingly, the most extreme and bigoted views are typically found in relatively homogenous and often economically distressed communities far away from many of the problems or “bad guys” they fear. When people get together, hate becomes difficult to maintain, and it is difficult not to relate with one another on some level.

I wonder how fixed all of these angry opinions would be if we all at least once spent sixteen hours at a polling station or had to live and work in ideologically integrated communities or even share a meal with “the other.”

I wonder how long it would take the narrative of this hopelessly divided nation to unravel before the truth that we all share so much more than what divides us.

Perhaps there is a small duty we should take on each and every day from now on.

If you’re reading this, you probably already accept the most basic spiritual truism that we are all part of something greater, and the goal of nirvana or heaven or whatever you choose to call it is the oneness without separation from all life.

Why not endeavor to keep that in mind the next time you are in a heated political argument or shouting at the television? After all, the concept of oneness isn’t meant to be merely a comforting idea but a way to live, a view of a better earth.

Even better, why not go out of your way to break down the daunting barriers that divide us? Reach out and engage or listen to someone outside of the type of person who would normally be inclined to agree with your point of view.

And, your engagement need not be about politics. Maybe it would be even better to focus on something that’s shared. You’ll probably find the “daunting barrier” is more like a “thin veneer.”

There is also gratitude, an indispensable daily practice in a spiritually oriented life. Once again, the issues involved in politics today are not trivial—injustice is alive and well in this world, and so much needs fixing. However, can we not each day take a moment and realize how far we have come?

For example, white supremacists were able to muster a few hundred people to march on Charlottesville, VA in the largest such rally in decades. Have we forgotten that less than a century ago the majority of America—not a fringe group—shared most of their uglier points of view?

Likewise, while poverty in America remains a stubborn problem, can we not be thankful that we are indisputably living in an age of unprecedented prosperity among humankind?

The point of this gratitude is not to engender complacency. There is simply too much at stake. However, if we can find space for gratitude, perhaps even the most strident voice of the most passionate advocate of whatever policy could be softened. The angry activist could become the happy warrior.

And that’s one of the major ironies of today’s politics, that with such an air of negativity, even the most just cause will repel fair-minded people. Gratitude can help us to stop shouting and start listening and speaking with one another with respect and love.

This is how spirituality and consciousness, which are as a genre of writing or literary interest so often completely divorced from current affairs, can help heal our poisonous political atmosphere.

After all, spirituality isn’t about escaping the world and self-soothing by occupying a peaceful place in the clouds; it’s about gaining the strength to thrive in a challenging world and even doing the hard work to make it better.

As I found, after sitting in an overtly political setting for sixteen hours with three other apparently very different people who disagreed on a lot of topics, the work isn’t always so hard. It can even be fun.

About Joshua Kauffman

Joshua Kauffman is a recovering over-achiever and workaholic. Leaving behind a high-powered life in business, he has become a world traveler, aspiring coach, and entrepreneur of pretty things. Amateur author of a recent memoir Footprints Through The Desert, he is trying to find ways to share his awakening experience, particularly to those lost in the rat race like he was.

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The post What If We Listened and Opened Our Minds Instead of Shouting and Judging? appeared first on Tiny Buddha.

from Tiny Buddha


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Check out all the new goodies posted on my online store! Link in...

Check out all the new goodies posted on my online store! Link in bio! And there’s a lot more to come! Stay tuned! #metaphysical #spiritual #spiritualawakening #spiritualhealing #crystalhealing #yoga #reiki #meditation #energyhealing #goddess #divinefeminine #sacredfeminine #wombhealingmiami #wombwellnesswednesday #love #priestess #lightworker #spiritualjourney #spiritualhealing #spiritualhealingmiami #wombblessing #femaleenergyawakening #miami #westkendall #southmiami #coralgables #om #namaste

from Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing


#spiritual #healing

Join us February 13th as we connect to our sacred cycle, as we...

Join us February 13th as we connect to our sacred cycle, as we connect with the darkness, rebirth, and slowing down our menstrual cycle encourages us to experience. We will do meditation, rituals, breathing exercises and connecting as cyclical sisters. I will bake some delicious red velvet cake and have one of my womb tea blends -Hibiscus Goddess Berry Tea! Contact me for more info and to rsvp! #redtent #redtentmiami #miami #womenscircle #womenscirclemiami #priestess #priestessmiami #moonmother #wombwellnesswednesday #moonmothermiami #wombhealing #wombhealingmiami #wombhealingcentermiami #wombwellnessmiami #goddess #divinefeminine #sacredfeminine #love #femaleenergyawakening #metaphysical #energyhealing #spiritual #spiritualhealing #spiritualawakening #spiritualhealingmiami #miami #miamievents #miamilife #goddess #meditation #om #namaste

from Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing


#spiritual #healing

MEA Summary Review: The dysfunctional autonomic nervous system in ME/CFS | 24 January 2018


This review includes some self-help measures that might help relieve symptoms.

Two research studies recently reported similar findings relating to the autonomic nervous system in people with ME/CFS. Both related to sleep and build on existing evidence suggesting that a dysfunctional autonomic nervous system (also known as dysautonomia) is perhaps creating or exacerbating some of the symptoms that may be associated with ME/CFS.

In this ME Association summary review, we hope to explain:

  1. the autonomic nervous system and how it functions
  2. the latest research findings in relation to sleep, and,
  3. suggest some things you can do to help address these problems.

Read the full review online or as a download

Altered autonomic nervous system (ANS) functioning has been frequently reported in patients with ME/CFS (Johnson, 2017). Symptoms that are related to ANS dysfunction in ME/CFS include:

  • Dizziness, light-headedness and feeling faint on standing (postural hypotension)
  • Orthostatic intolerance (being unable to stand for long periods)
  • Palpitations
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Irritable bladder symptoms
  • Gastric and irritable bowel type symptoms – including nausea

A condition known as postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) also occurs in a sub-group of people with ME/CFS.

Something called heart rate variability (HRV) can be used as a measure of autonomic function and this was used in the two studies published last month.

Although the studies were small, they concluded that there is an apparent dysfunction, or imbalance, in the ANS during sleep and when awake, with one study looking at the effects before and after an exercise and cognitive challenge.

Each study concluded that HRV in CFS is lower than controls during sleep, suggesting higher sympathetic nervous system activity and lower parasympathetic nervous system activity.


Read the full review online or as a download

Please help support the ME Association

Donate, whatever you can afford, to help us continue with our work and make the UK a better place for people with ME/CFS. Just click the button below:

Or why not join the ME Association as a member and become part of our community?
For an annual payment you will not only be helping to keep us doing what we do best, but you will receive ME Essential magazine – with exclusive content – delivered straight to your door. And, if you join by annual standing order, you can select £10 of free leaflets from the most extensive range available on the internet.

Image credit: Neural network, Brain cells, neurons: nobeastsofierce / 123RF Stock Photo.

from ME Association



The mother of pentacles This is a person who loves being the...

The mother of pentacles
This is a person who loves being the stay at home mom/dad. They know exactly what to do when it comes to home and family matters but without having outside interest besides the home can leave you feeling unaccomplished, unsatidfied as if that thirst hasn’t been quenched. Go out and find what calls your soul, quench that thirst!! #reading #tarot #tarotreading #guidance #spiriualguidance #wildunknowntarot #goddess #divinefeminine #sacredfeminine #reiki #reikimaster #energhealing #metaphysical #meditation #spiritualhealing #spiritualhealingmiami #westkendall #miami #southmiami #coralgables #om #namaste

from Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing


#spiritual #healing

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Babingtonite Is An Ascension Stone That Aids Communication


Babingtonite is an ascension stone that aids communication and helps with past life work. Use at the throat and heart chakra to aid healing.

from Healing Crystals For You


#crystals #crystal #healing

Gaspeite Embodies Spiritual Vibration That Aids Healing


Gaspeite has strong metaphysical properties and healing attributes. It heightens coincidence or synchronicity, aids weight loss, helps you to clear clutter and promotes spiritual growth.

from Healing Crystals For You


#crystals #crystal #healing

Join me for this free world wide womb blessing circle! January...

Join me for this free world wide womb blessing circle! January 31 as we come together to heal and awaken our sacred feminine selves as we connect to the seat of our soul, our womb/hará. We come together as a community to bring healing and transformation to ourselves and the world in the #worldwidewombblessing register at and rsvp with me. #divinefeminine #sacredfeminine #worldwidewombblessing
#worldwidewombblessing #wombblessing #goddess #divinefeminine
#goddess #divinefeminine
#wombblessing #worldwidewombblessing
#femaleenergyawakening #sacredfeminine #wombblessingattunement #moonmother #moonmothermiami #wombblessingmiami #wombblessing #wombhealingmiami #wombhealing #womenempowerment #spiritual #spiritualawakening #spiritualhealing #spiritualhealingmiami #worldwidewombblessingmiami #worldwidewombblessingusa #goddess #divinefeminine #miami #miamievents #miamilife #energyhealing #meditation #love #sisterhood #circleofsisters #om #namaste #purityandgrace

from Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing


#spiritual #healing

Save the date! Moon Mother Level 1 training in August! More info...

Save the date! Moon Mother Level 1 training in August! More info to come soon! To walk the Womb Blessing path in our lives is a step towards making things better-changing who we are into a fuller version of our femininty.
It brings us to a new place in our life, renewed and ready to bring love and female energies into the world.
-Female Energy Awakening, Miranda Gray. Organized by Priestess, Moon Mother Heidi Ronquillo @heidir29 and Advanced Moon Mother Barbara Jordan @livingmoonmother #moonmother #moonmothermiami #moonmothertraining #miami #miamievents #divinefeminine #sacredfeminine #wombblessing #wombblessingmiami #wombhealing #wombhealingmiami #goddess #energyhealing #spiritualhealing #purityandgrace

from Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing


#spiritual #healing

How to allow anxiety


Your anxious energy is not something to get rid of or suppress. You can’t destroy energy and suppressing it just keeps it within. The way to be free of this energy is to allow it fully. You think you want liberation from this anxious energy, when the truth is, it want’s liberation from you. This is why is keeps coming up, it wants to be free of you, just as much as you want to be free of it.

Most people never allow themselves to feel this energy, they avoid places/situations, drink too much, over exercise, take drugs/medication, distract themselves in activities, they search the net for ways to get rid of it, look for gurus, try to perfect techniques, fight, suppress, spend all day in their heads trying to feel different. In doing this people get worse, as there is nothing more mentally draining and exhausting than constantly being at war with yourself, it is like lashing out at an invisible enemy that you have no chance of ever defeating. Also all this resisting, the constant struggle is the main cause of your suffering. The absolute best you can do is force some temporary peace, but then the energy goes nowhere, so the problems persist and the constant search for temporary peace continues. Whatever you constantly try to suppress will always keep on knocking until you finally give up your pointless pursuit for temporary peace and allow its presence within you.

Many people spend their lives in this loop, I did for 10 years until I finally realised the only thing I had not done was allow myself to feel the way I did. When I looked into this approach deeply then it made utter sense to me why this would free me of this energy that I had done everything to try and avoid feeling. It made sense how much struggle and resistance would fall away, how much more of a break my poor over worked mind would get, how much wasted brain energy it would free up. How if I wasn’t so concentrated on fixing me, then my awareness could go back on life and I would start to feel more real. It made sense to me that this was the only way forward. It wasn’t the day I recovered, as I still had so much anxious and fearful energy to release and for a while things heightened as now I was fully open to feeling how I did. It was like opening a tap and everything that I had suppressed came rushing up and it wasn’t always pleasant to face. But I truly understood the process that was happening, I didn’t see it as bad thing anymore, in fact quite the opposite, I didn’t think I was regressing on any given bad day. In fact quite the opposite, I saw it as my body finally releasing what needed to be released, I saw it as a step nearer to being free of anxiety.

The main 2 reasons people go back to fighting/suppressing is because the brains automatic reaction is to try and fight off uncomfortable feelings. This is why you/your brain needs to understand that feeling this anxious energy is a good thing, that when you are free of this anxious energy, then all that is left is peace. The other reason is many people don’t have the patience to go through this process, they think once they understand something then they should feel great, if something doesn’t work instantly, then they go back to searching for temporary peace. I personally figured I could either allow myself to go through a few months of discomfort and be free or spend a life time trying to find temporary peace and get nowhere.

A lot of people will say to me ‘Yes but it is not the anxious energy that is the problem, it is going to a supermarket, driving etc, that is the problem’ my reply is ‘No, these places are not the cause of your anxiety, they are just triggering the anxious energy that is within, if you were free of this anxious energy then you would not feel such a reaction to normal situations. If the problem was in these places, then everyone would feel this way, the truth is, they don’t. So don’t put the problem on the place or situation, the problem is not there, that is just a trigger for what is within, the problem is never on the outside, the problem is within. So there is no reason to avoid these places. See them as a place that triggers in you what needs to be released and allow the reaction.

When you are free of this stored up anxious/fear energy then you will only get anxious/fearful when you are in a real danger. We need this reaction to keep us safe and protect us. The problem only occurs when we accumulate too much of this energy (usually through a prolonged period of worry and stress) and we feel it it normal every day situations or as a constant feeling. This is a clear wake up call to allow this energy to be felt, as uncomfortable as it is to do so, you can never be free of what you refuse to feel.

I hope that helps people. I think I have covered anxiety quite a lot recently, so I will talk more on other aspects of anxiety and will do a post on disturbing thoughts next.

For more information about my book ‘At last a life’ visit

New Anxietynomore App

For more help with anxiety visit

Follow me on Twitter @anxietynomoreuk or on Facebook

from A Blog set up for Anxiety Sufferers


#anxiety #stress

Fundraising feature: A coffee morning for M.E.? | 23 January 2018


By Helen Hyland, Fundraising Manager, ME Association.

Fundraising doesn’t have to be physical. And you don’t even have to leave your own home to do it.

Sarah Freeman (pictured below) was really keen to get involved in raising funds towards further research and support for sufferers. To help in any way she could.

She explained that she had recently been diagnosed with M.E. and that, as her sister had also had the illness some years ago, she was acutely aware of the impact it has on people’s lives.

She thought that, with help from her Mum, she might be able to organise a coffee morning at home and perhaps sell a few handmade cross stitch cards too.

She writes,

“The coffee morning went really well. I got such a buzz from the event that I’m thinking of doing another.

“I baked lots of cakes (as baking is my absolute favourite thing to do!!) and put the donation boxes around the table.

“I think this was a really lovely and friendly way to run the coffee morning as people didn’t feel obliged to pay a specific amount, but it often means you actually end up getting more donations when you don’t give things specific prices!

“With help, I managed the event just fine.

“I am already thinking of what I can do next to help…..”

Thank you Sarah for all you have done for M.E. and for the ME Association.

Fancy raising funds yourself in 2018?

If you are interested in raising funds for the ME Association, then why not give Helen Hyland, our fundraising manager, a call on: 01280 838964, or contact her via email. You can also visit the fundraising section of our website, which contains a lot of ideas for fundraising activities you might want to consider.

Please help us to continue our work

Please donate – whatever you can afford – to help us make the UK a better place for people with M.E. Just click the button below to visit our JustGiving page:

Or why not join the ME Association as a member and become a part of our growing community? Your subscription will not only help to keep us doing what we do best, but you will also receive our exclusive ME Essential magazine.

ME Association Registered Charity Number 801279


from ME Association

