Thursday, 30 November 2017

In this workshop you will learn 
Benefits of Yoni Eggs, sexual...

In this workshop you will learn 
Benefits of Yoni Eggs, sexual and orgasmic healing through the practice of the yoni egg,
How to use a Yoni Egg
Meditations and excersices to do with Yoni egg
What not to do with a Yoni Egg
What Crystals not to use
Workshop comes with Yoni egg of your choosing with Priestess, Moon Mother Heidi Ronquillo 
December 6,2017 7pm
$55-with yoni egg |$22 without yoni egg
Kendall, fl 33175
Contact me to RSVP and for more information #yoni #yonieggs #yonipower #yonihealing #yonieggsmiami #wombwellnessmiami #wombhealingmiami #wombhealingcentermiami #love #energyhealing #crystalhealing #wombwellness #divinefeminine #tantra #sexualhealing #orgasmichealing #selflove #goddess #sacredfeminine #miami #miamievents #priestess #priestessmiami #moonmother #moonmothermiami #kendallmiami #westkendall #om #namaste

from Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing


#spiritual #healing

Setting up for a reiki level 1 class! I️ love what I️ do! #reiki...

Setting up for a reiki level 1 class! I️ love what I️ do! #reiki #reikilevel1 #reikimaster #reikimiamj #energyhealing #energyhealer #lightworker #miami #miamilife #spiritualhealing #spirituality #spiritualawakening #spiritualhealingmiami #spiritualhealingcentermiami #om #namaste

from Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing


#spiritual #healing

Kunzite Creates Loving Unions, Heals Emotional Problems


Kunzite Crystal has a high vibration that heals relationships and releases negative feelings. Its energy helps to lift your mood, releases negative feelings and relieves panic and fear. It helps love to fill your life.

from Healing Crystals For You


#crystals #crystal #healing

Preparing for the World Wide Womb Blessing Drink lots of water,...

Preparing for the World Wide Womb Blessing
Drink lots of water, eat healthy foods
Do the Womb Blessing Attunement meditation before and after the World Wide Womb Blessing for grounding and balance
Have supplies ready such as two bowls (one for candle, one to drink water from), a shawl/wrap, a cord and three ribbons for the circle of sisters meditation, pale pink flowers, candles for the moon ray meditation (optional)

Last Day to Register is December 2, 2017
#worldwidewombblessing #femaleenergyawakening #sacredfeminine #wombblessingattunement #moonmother #moonmothermiami #wombblessingmiami #wombblessing #wombhealingmiami #wombhealing #womenempowerment #spiritual #spiritualawakening #spiritualhealing #spiritualhealingmiami #worldwidewombblessingmiami #worldwidewombblessingusa #goddess #divinefeminine #miami #miamievents #miamilife #energyhealing #meditation #love #sisterhood #circleofsisters #om #namaste #purityandgrace

from Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing


#spiritual #healing

Join me on Tonight as I️ guide you on the basics of meditation...

Join me on Tonight as I️ guide you on the basics of meditation to help you on your journey of inner awareness and awakening. Contact me for more info and to rsvp! #meditation #meditationmiami #miami #miamievents #healing #wellness #wellnesswednesday #lightworker #priestess #priestessmiami #reikimaster #yoga #yogini #yogi #yogateacher #spiritualhealing #spiritualawakening #innerawakening #innerawareness #spiritualhealingmiami #spiritualhealingcentermiami #spiritualhealingclasses #holistic #om #namaste #meditationmiami

from Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing


#spiritual #healing

World Wide Womb Blessing Countdown: 4 days! The Womb Blessing...

World Wide Womb Blessing Countdown: 4 days!

The Womb Blessing Vision
To create a harmonious world by awakening all women to their authentic femininity.

-Female Energy Awakening, Miranda Gray

Join thousands of women and moon mothers as we join together to bring all to an awakening of the authentic feminine energy.

Register at

Last Day to Register is December 2, 2017

#worldwidewombblessing #femaleenergyawakening #sacredfeminine #wombblessingattunement #moonmother #moonmothermiami #wombblessingmiami #wombblessing #wombhealingmiami #wombhealing #womenempowerment #spiritual #spiritualawakening #spiritualhealing #spiritualhealingmiami #worldwidewombblessingmiami #worldwidewombblessingusa #goddess #divinefeminine #miami #miamievents #miamilife #energyhealing #meditation #love #sisterhood #circleofsisters #om #namaste #purityandgrace

from Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing


#spiritual #healing

Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Protection for Empaths: Healing frequencies to strengthen your... | Spiritual

Protection for Empaths: Healing frequencies to strengthen your energy field - Many FREE audios to try!

Learn more & get the free app at 😀😀

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Wednesday, 29 November 2017

LOVE This Short Video

It’s easy to feel gratitude when you’re at the Thanksgiving table, and that’s one of the beautiful things about that holiday.

It reminds us to pause, to reflect, to see the good in our lives and the world.

But what about the week after? What about when the day gets busy or even overwhelming, or things don’t seem to go as smoothly as you want them to?

Now, THAT’S when you need the extra dose of gratitude. 🙂

Watch this 5-minute video, and if you’re moved to do so, Tap along, so you can “Tap In” these positive feelings:


Until next time…

Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

How do you feel after watching this video? Please leave me your comments below!

The post LOVE This Short Video appeared first on The Tapping Solution.

from The Tapping Solution


#EFT #holistic #healing

Blue Calcite Boosts Psychic Gifts, Healing & Dream Recall

Blue Calcite

Blue Calcite enhances clairvoyance, intuition, mental telepathy and creativity. It aids dream recall, boosts flow of energy to the body to clear negativity and give pain relief.

from Healing Crystals For You


#crystals #crystal #healing


THERE IS A MERIDIAN (ENERGY LINE/PATH) THAT GOES FROM THE HEAR CHAKRA STRAIGHT DOWN INTO OUR WOMB/HARA. IT IS A RIVER OF ENERGY THAT CONNECTS OUR SPIRITUAL HEART TO THE CENTER OF CREATION. THROUGH THIS RIVER OF ENERGY WE BRING LOVE, PASSION INTO OUR WOMB AND BRING THE ENERGY OF COMPASSION, NURTURANCE AND CREATION INTO THE HEART. #wombhealing #wombhealer #wombhealingmiami #wombhealingcentermiami #love #meridians #hearchakra #womb #heart #wombwellness #wombwellnesswednesday #moonmother #moonmothermiami #priestess #priestessmiami #wombblessing #wombblessingmiami #energyhealing #metaphysical #passion #purplelotusspiritualhealing #spiritualhealing #spiritualhealingmiami #hara #miami #divinefeminine #sacredfeminine #healing #wellnesswednesday #om #namaste

from Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing


#spiritual #healing

As we journey round our cycles, accepting and expressing the...

As we journey round our cycles, accepting and expressing the energies of the Archetypes, we are accepting the energy changes and gifts t hat each Womb Blessing attunement offers us by making them part of our lives.
At each Womb Blessing we step closer to our authentic nature and even if modern life disconnects us , the Womb Blessing reconnects us and brings us back to who we are as women.- Female Energy Awakening, Miranda Gray
Last Day to Register is December 2, 2017
Register at
#worldwidewombblessing #divinefeminine #wombblessingattunement #moonmother #moonmothermiami #worldwidewombblessingmiami #worldwidewombblessingusa #wombblessingmiami #wombhealingmiami #goddess #sacredfeminine #energyhealing #femaleenergyawakening #love #miami #miamilife #miamievents #wombhealing #wombwellnesswednesday #wombhealingmiami #spiritual #spiritualhealing #spiritualhealingmiami #meditation #metaphysical #om #namaste #purityandgrace

from Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing


#spiritual #healing

When Neo met Hilary from ME Connect – the manager of our telephone helpline | 30 November 2017


By Helen Hyland, Fundraising Manager, ME Association.

Neo is becoming a bit of a mascot for the ME Association. It’s not essential that he travels with me everywhere, but since we’ve lost our old dog (and Neo’s security blanket), we’re trying to include him in as much as possible – carefully introducing new situations and new people – as we hope that this will help him overcome his timidity, and mature.

I am proud to report that he rose to the challenge and excelled at his first official outing. But, then, with such a welcome, it is hardly surprising.  We travelled deep into one of our favourite national parks to meet Hilary – who runs the ME Association’s telephone helpline, ME Connect.

Hilary is the kind of person, the kind of kind person, who thinks of everything.

She warmly, and gently, made us both welcome – “Would he manage the step?”, “Does he need water?”, “Would you be better sitting here to give him more room?”, “Is he allowed a biscuit?”

She was determined to put him at his ease right from the outset. And she succeeded so well that Neo was clearly reluctant to leave as our meeting ended.


Hilary is a born empathiser – always putting herself in your situation, thinking what you might need, and acting to help you as best she can. Which is exactly what you need for someone who runs a helpline. It’s hard to teach empathy – it means going beyond sympathy so that you don’t just feel sorry for someone, you put yourself in their shoes, metaphorically speaking, and try to work out what you would do.

She also has M.E., although she manages it very strictly, and it’s obvious that she’s passionate about helping others manage their illnesses as best they can too. “Pacing is IT!” was something she firmly believes and advocates. We talked in some detail about how she managed her own life to make sure that she could take on the things that mattered to her.

Helplines work best when manned (and ‘womanned’) by active listeners. People who know how to get you to talk, to explain the situation that you are in. I found myself being drawn out about my own experiences as a carer: far more than I’ve ever spoken about it to anyone else.

We talked about how many of the fundraisers I now support also have family members with M.E. People as passionate as I am about going the extra mile to do something, anything, to make the lives of the people they care about better. We touched on some the challenges they faced – dealing not just with the practical matters of the illness, but with financial worries, and emotional support for children in families too.

ME Connect is for everyone affected by M.E.

The more we talked, the more our eyes moistened, but Hilary remained most clear sighted when she said firmly, “I hope that people realise that ME Connect is there for carers as well as people with M.E.”.  It’s clear that she passionately believes that it is their role to support the whole family and not just the ‘patient’. As best they can.

In my distant past, I did a little counselling training. I remember it being intense and powerfully affecting, and some of the lessons learned have stayed with me throughout my adult life. But my training was nowhere near the scale that Hilary puts her team of volunteers through.

She works hard to support them and to make sure that they are fully up to speed on developments –even appraising them twice often as ME Association staff, just to make sure that they can handle everything that is thrown at them.

ME Connect isn’t just there for emotional support. It should also be the first place you look for any information about the illness and its consequences. Hilary told me how ME Connect volunteers research and write many of the current ME Connect information leaflets.

We discussed upcoming campaigns for fundraising and awareness over the next year or so, and it was clear that not only has she has a wealth of experience at her fingertips – but if there’s something she doesn’t know, she has a solid network of knowledgeable contacts who can help fill in the gaps.

It’s not easy telling a stranger about your troubles. Many of our fundraisers are now fundraising simply in gratitude for the help and advice they received from ME Connect. It’s invaluable. But, knowing what I know now, I dearly wish that I’d had the presence of mind and courage to call ME Connect when Alan’s illness was at its worst.

Neo’s Santa Dash!

Why am I telling you this? Because Neo will be facing his fears (and thousands of people dressed in silly red costumes) to race through the streets of Glasgow early next month in the Glasgow Santa Dash.

He will be helping to raise much needed funds to support the work of the ME Association, including our helpline, ME Connect. Invaluable work supporting people with M.E. and their families.

Please give any pennies you can spare in support of Neo’s fundraising for the ME Association.

Thank you.

P.S. ME Connect is a confidential service. Hilary and our volunteers also guard their own anonymity, which is why we’re unable to show you her smiling face in the photograph above.

Here to listen. Here to help.

ME Connect is our flagship helpline service offering support and information to anyone affected by M.E. You can reach us every day of the year and we’ve managed more than 35,000 calls since we began in 2003. You can also contact us via email if you would prefer – or are better able – to write than speak.

For more information, and to get in touch, please visit the ME Connect page of this website.


from ME Association



Embrace and own your magic, the moon is becoming full time to...

Embrace and own your magic, the moon is becoming full time to create magic, bring magic and enchantment to what you are birthing this full moon. Happy Wednesday! #womensrunes #readings #oraclereading #love #femaleenergyawakening #energyhealing #lightworker #priestess #moonmother #wombhealing #wombblessing #spiritualhealing #spiritualawakening #spiritualguidance #spiritualhealingmiami #metaphysical #metaphysicalhealing #crystalhealing #wombwellness #magic #witch #wiccan #miami #miamilife #meditation #reiki #om #namaste

from Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing


#spiritual #healing

The Countdown begins! 5 days till the World Wide Womb...

The Countdown begins! 5 days till the
World Wide Womb Blessing!

Take part in the Worldwide Womb Blessing as a couple.
Together enter a sacred moment, celebrating the strength and love you share in your relationship and bringing more understanding, healing and acceptance between you. To take part together, register the same chosen times.

Last Day to Register is December 2, 2017

#worldwidewombblessing #wombblessing #divinefeminine #sacredfeminine #goddess #moonmother #moonmothermiami #wombblessingmiami #worldwidewombblessingmiami #worldwidewombblessingusa #healing #love #energyhealing #metaphysicalhealing #metaphysical #spiritual #spiritualawakening #spiritualhealingmiami #femaleenergyawakening #wombhealing #wombhealingmiami #unconditionallove #miami #miamilife #kendallmiami #miamievents #meditation #om #namaste #purityandgrace

from Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing


#spiritual #healing

Photo | Spiritual

from Spiritual Seeker 77



Join me for the next #worldwidewombblessingmiami with...

Join me for the next #worldwidewombblessingmiami with Priestess, Moon Mother Heidi Ronquillo @heidir29 as we come together to celebrate a circle of sisters! We culminate all the female energy archetypes into one and celebrate our unity as sacred feminine beings. Register at selecting time frame 24:00 and rsvp with me. Bring with you two bowls, a shawl/wrap and three ribbons and a special item to place on altar to absorb the energy of the blessing. #wombwellnesswednesday #wombhealingcentermiami #moonmother #moonmothermiami #wombblessing #wombblessingmiami #wombhealing #wombhealingmiami #goddess #divinefeminine #divinefemininerising #femaleenergyawakening #sacredfeminine #sacredfeminineenergy #miami #miamievents #miamilife #wombwisdom #sisterhood #meditation #energyhealing #spiritualawakening #spiritualhealing #spiritualhealingmiami #spiritualhealingcentermiami #priestess #priestessmiami #priestesspath #purityandgrace

from Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing


#spiritual #healing

Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Doing a special giveaway! I am giving this #moonmother statue...

Doing a special giveaway! I am giving this #moonmother statue from @redrootraccoon away on December 3 the day of the #worldwidewombblessing all you have to do is comment how a moon mother or womb blessing has helped you heal and grow along with reposting this post following me and following @redrootraccoon Winner will be announced December 3. Don’t forget to register at and rsvp with me. Select time frame 24:00 (7pm). #moonmothermiami #priestess #priestessmiami #healing #spiritual #spiritualawakening #spiritualhealing #spiritualhealingmiami #divinefeminine #sacredfeminine #goddess #wombblessing #wombblessingmiami #wombhealing #wombhealingmiami #wombhealingcentermiami #femaleenergyawakening #miami #miamievents #miamilife #love #healing #metaphysical #yoga #meditation #om #namaste #purityandgrace

from Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing


#spiritual #healing

Experience the vibrational healing of mantras! During this...

Experience the vibrational healing of mantras! During this workshop we will go over the healing, transformational practice of Japa meditation. We will learn mantras that will aid in our new beginnings and bring transformative energy to what we want to manifest. Bring your mala or purchase one of the beautiful handmade malas by Priestess,Moon Mother,Yoga teacher Heidi Ronquillo. Contact us for more info! #yoga #yogi #yogini #mantras #meditation #japameditation #manifestation #healing #transformation #spiritualhealing #energyhealing #soundhealing #vibrationalhealing #reiki #lightworker #miami #miamievents #spiritualhealing #spiritualhealingmiami #spiritualhealingcentermiami #metaphysical #metaphysicalhealing #newbeginnings #crystalhealing #kendallmiami #westkendall #om #namaste

from Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing


#spiritual #healing

Send a Circle of Sisters card to your friends and register for...

Send a Circle of Sisters card to your friends and register for the #worldwidewombblessing on

#wombblessing #divinefeminine #sacredfeminine #goddess #circleofsisters #wombblessingmiami #wombhealingmiami #sisterhood #energyhealing #worldwidewombblessingmiami #worldwidewombblessingusa #moonmother #moonmothermiami #love #unconditionallove #meditation #allone #spiritualhealing #spiritualhealingmiami #miami #miamilife #miamievents #metaphysical #metaphysicalhealing #wombwisdom #om #namaste #purityandgrace

from Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing


#spiritual #healing

An invitation to all men… To walk with us the path of...

An invitation to all men…
To walk with us the path of male-female awakening on the 3rd December 2017.

The Womb Tree Register to receive a free distant Gift of Sacred Feminine energy for Men from Miranda, at one of the four different times. (Choose a time to suit your time-zone.)

06.00 (UK time)
12.00 (UK time)
18.00 (UK time)
24.00 (UK time)
Register now!
Remember to register before 22.00 UK time 2nd December 2017.
#worldwidewombblessing #sacredfeminineenergy #wombblessing #wombhealing #thegift #hara #divinefeminine #divinemasculine #energyhealing #love #metaphysical #meditation #spiritualhealing #spiritualhealingmiami #miami #miamilife #wombblessingmiami #wombhealingmiami #goddess #moonmother #moonmothermiami #healing #sacred #spiritual #purityandgrace #spiritualawakening

from Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing


#spiritual #healing

Elestial Quartz Have Deep Spiritual Healing Energy

Smoky Elestial Quartz

Elestial quartz crystals bring you an infusion of high vibration love and light from the higher realms. They aid contact with spirit beings and angels, and boost clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience.

from Healing Crystals For You


#crystals #crystal #healing

#affirmation #healing #spiritualhealing #spiritualhealingmiami...

#affirmation #healing #spiritualhealing #spiritualhealingmiami #spiritualguidance #spiritualmessage #channeledmessages #spiritguides #lightworker #priestess #priestessmiami #moonmother #divinefeminine #divinemasculine #energyhealing #metaphysical #crystalhealing #reiki #yoga #meditation #miami #miamilife #goddess #kendallmiami #om #namaste

from Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing


#spiritual #healing

The Simplest Way to Make More Time for What Matters

“We’ve all heard the saying, stop and smell the roses. But it would be far better to be the gardener who grows the roses and lives with them constantly.” ~Deepak Chopra

What would it take to befriend time? To see time as an ally, a friend even—an opportunity?

Most of us have a much different relationship with time. One that is based on scarcity. The chorus of “I don’t have enough time” reverberates through conversations, social media channels, and personal mutterings.

Redefining our relationship with time isn’t like flipping a light switch. But it is a bit like pumping gas in your car.

I am one of those people that forget to make time to stop at the gas station as the fuel gauge in my car starts to veer towards the red E. I’ve never run out of gas, but the fuel light comes on more than I’d like to admit.

Why exactly would I ignore this gauge? Because of time. I see that the meter traverses from ½ a tank to ¼ of a tank, and I find myself thinking, “I don’t have time to stop and get gas right now. I’ll stop tomorrow.”

But tomorrow becomes the next day, and then the day after that. And by that point, the taunting orange light has been activated. Even then sometimes I ignore it, believing that I’m in a rush.

Except that something funny happens when eventually I pull into the gas station and stop long enough to fill up. The process of putting gas in my car doesn’t take very much time. Though I haven’t timed it, my guess is that from inserting my credit card to activate the machine to replacing the nozzle when I’m done, less than five minutes have passed.

Five minutes is forever. Minds can be changed in five minutes. Heartbeats can be elevated (or slowed) in five minutes. Smiles can be shared, laughter can fill a belly, and bodies can be hydrated in five minutes.

In fact, it seems to me that filling up my car with gas offers the perfect reminder of why we need to make time an ally. Cars need gas to function. We, like cars, have our own fuel needs to not just survive, but thrive.

Beyond food and water, we need play, we need sleep, we need connection, we need love. But too often, we tell ourselves we don’t have time.

We rush and scramble through the day, moving from one thing to the next, trying to check things off our lists as if productivity is the ultimate indicator of joy. And, more importantly, we tell ourselves that the things we crave will take too much time—time that we do not have.

What if we did have time? What if the things we crave could fill us up, just like gas fills a car, in just a few minutes? What if we could give ourselves permission to savor the unexpected moments instead of just the big, fancy, planned out ones?

Maybe instead of needing an hour long nap or workout, we could find fulfillment in a shorter, power nap? Or instead of a trip to the gym for a workout, we could feel strong from mini-bursts of movements throughout the day?

What if we saw time as an opportunity for fulfillment like a friend that invites us to be present rather than using the hours on the clock as mile markers for productivity?

When I think back to the most heart-filling, nourishing moments of the last few months—or even the last few days—they are the ones that I had to allow myself to receive outside the boundaries and constraints of a schedule. The moments where I allowed myself to move slowly, so slowly in fact, that I had the opportunity to notice the dance of life around me.

Like when my heart smiled from pausing before I left my home office to hear my daughter singing out loud in the shower. Or when I made time for a thirty-minute yoga practice one evening and remembered that sometimes all it takes is a simple twist to let go of whatever I was holding on to. Or the evening that instead of making a run for it, trying to avoid the rain, my daughter and skipped and jumped in puddles on our way home.

None of these moments took any great length of time. And yet, had I been rushing, or listening to my thoughts run amuck with reminders of how much I had on my to-do list, I would have missed them completely.

In The Big Leap, Gay Hendricks offers the question: “Am I willing to increase the amount of time every day that I feel good inside?”

So many of us use clocks as measures of progress. How long can I meditate? Can I beat my 5k pace? How many clients can I fit into one day? But these measures ignore all the smaller indicators. The goosebumps on your skin from noticing a sign that reminds you of something you love. Or the peaceful scene that you witnessed that reminded you to take a breath.

Instead of worrying about a spillover of gas when we pump those few last gallons in our car, how might the day be different if saw time as a way to top ourselves off with fulfillment?

The Easiest Way to Make Time a Friend Is to Create Space

Think of it like de-cluttering. What can you release to create more moments to see time as an opportunity? Maybe you need to release expectations or assumptions. Or perhaps you could let go of judgments around what it means to be successful or productive.

Amplify Abundance

Just like de-cluttering and release creates space, a focus on what needs to be amplified cultivates abundance. If you are releasing expectations, can you amplify being guided by intuition? Could you amplify stillness by allowing yourself to stop throughout the day to take three breaths? Or six? What might it feel like to amplify nourishment for the mind, body, and soul?

I’ve heard all of it before. Parents who feel like time isn't on their sides with schedules and carpools. Or individuals who feel like they are at their best when they are trying to beat the clock. I’ve been there. In my early adult years, I often felt like I was most focused when my schedule was packed and had little time for distraction. But now I wonder.

Time and fulfillment seem inextricably connected. And I don’t know about you, but life feels much more delicious when you practice time management with your heart and clarity of purpose instead of a to-do list.

About Elena Sonnino

Elena Sonnino is a certified life coach, speaker, and yoga teacher who guides women to live a life beyond their limitations. Her own journey to acceptance and self-compassion shapes her work to nurture and guide others to recognize what has always been shining inside. Visit Elena at or take her FREE 5-day email course to cultivate a life of more purpose and less expectation.

Get in the conversation! Click here to leave a comment on the site.

The post The Simplest Way to Make More Time for What Matters appeared first on Tiny Buddha.

from Tiny Buddha


#buddha #Buddhist

Monday, 27 November 2017

Happy Monday! Close your eyes, Take a deep breathe, and smile to...

Happy Monday! Close your eyes, Take a deep breathe, and smile to yourself. Let that smile fill you with light, love, and happiness! #spiritualawakening #spiritualhealing #spiritualhealingmiami #spiritualhealingcentermiami #metaphysical #energyhealing #metaphysicalhealing #metaphysicalshop #crystals #crystalhealing #reiki #reikihealing #reikimaster #meditation #yoga #wombblessing #wombhealingmiami #wombhealingcentermiami #essentialoils #aromatherapy #moonmagic #love #healing #priestess #lightworker #miami #kendallmiami #westkendall #om #namaste

from Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing


#spiritual #healing

Join me December 21 as we celebrate #yule the #wintersolstice...

Join me December 21 as we celebrate #yule the #wintersolstice with ritual, meditation, intention candle magic, energy healing, light drinks and snacks! As we set intentions for the new year and give thanks for this year! #yulecircle #wintersolsticecircle #energyhealing #ritual #meditation #metaphysical #pagan #wicca #miami #miamievents #spiritual #spiritualawakening #spiritualhealing #spiritualhealingmiami #reiki #lightworker #priestess #crystalhealing #metaphysicalhealing #om #namaste

from Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing


#spiritual #healing

Happy Monday! #love #affirmation #healing #spiritual...

Happy Monday! #love #affirmation #healing #spiritual #spirituality #spiritualhealer #spiritualhealing #spiritualhealingmiami #miami #miamilife #reiki #yoga #meditation #kendallmiami #reikimaster #energyhealing #metaphysical #moonmother #priestess #spiritualawakening #wombblessing #wombhealing #wombhealingmiami #om #namaste

from Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing


#spiritual #healing

Mt Hay Thundereggs aka Amulet Stone - Aid Deep Meditation & Grounding

Mt Hay Thunderegg

Mt Hay Thundereggs embody a deep pulsing grounding energy from the volcano that created them. Create deep meditation. Healing stones that boost vitality and stamina, help stress and anxiety.

from Healing Crystals For You


#crystals #crystal #healing

Sodalite Aids Deeper Spiritual Understanding of Truth and Idealism


Sodalite aids communication of profound philosophical ideas. The metaphysical properties of this blue stone may stimulate clairvoyance, intuition and your latent creative and mental abilities.

from Healing Crystals For You


#crystals #crystal #healing

The Hippocratic Post: Unrest – a new film about ME | 27 November 2017


The following article appeared in The Hippocratic Post, and was written by Rebecca Wallersteiner, on 25th November, 2017. It features comment from Sarah Staples, and Dr Charles Shepherd, from the ME Association.

As NICE announces it will review current treatment guidelines for those with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), a disturbing new film ‘Unrest’ shines a light into the lives of patients around the world.

American Jen Brea was a Harvard Ph.D. student leading a seemingly charmed life until she was struck down by a mysterious fever that left her bedridden. Housebound, often bedridden, doctors were baffled by her symptoms but eventually she was diagnosed with ME, a devastating condition with no known cure or drug treatment.

As Brea sought answers for herself, and others, she decided to make a documentary which would reveal the reality of the daily lives of patients from around the globe, linking their stories together through powerful interviews and candid footage.

The result is Unrest, a powerful no-holds-barred film which has won an award at the prestigious Sundance Festival and received warm praise from critics. Many within the ME community believe it will help pave the way to greater understanding of the illness.

Sarah Staples, from the ME Association, a charity which works to support patients and their families with ME, praised the film and said:

“Unrest is an incredibly powerful and highly disturbing piece of work which lays bare what the lives of so many people with ME are like.

“For anyone would like to know more about this devastating and often misunderstood illness, it is crucial viewing.”

The film’s release coincides with NICE reviewing current guidelines for the treatment of ME, also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Around a quarter of a million people in the UK live with the illness – an estimated 20,000 children, with ME the commonest cause of long-term sickness and absence from school.

Twenty five per cent of sufferers are severely affected – often housebound or bedbound.

The ME Association has welcomed the decision by NICE to review its existing treatment guidelines for the illness – which recommends Graded Exercise Therapy and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.

They had previously said that the guidelines would not be reviewed, but reversed that decision in September following strident campaigning from patients and charities, including a 15,000 strong petition run by the ME Association.

Dr Charles Shepherd, the association’s Medical Adviser said: “The original recommendation to not update their treatment guideline provoked a real sense of anger and frustration among patients. Since it was first produced in 2007, there have been significant advances in our scientific understanding of what causes ME/CFS.”

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from ME Association



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ME Association Statement: Negative phase III clinical trial result from Norway for Rituximab in ME/CFS | 27 November 2017


By Dr Charles Shepherd, Hon. Medical Adviser, ME Association.

“I was disappointed to learn – while at the Royal Society screening of the documentary, Unrest, in London last Thursday – of the preliminary (but unpublished) results from the phase III clinical trial of Rituximab, that has been carried out in Norway.

“This large, multicentre, ‘gold standard’ clinical trial, involved 152 people with ME/CFS receiving either Rituximab or a placebo, with initial treatment followed by maintenance treatments at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months, and a two year follow up.

“The ME Association has consistently taken the position that Rituximab could be one of the most promising developments in the search for a safe and effective drug treatment that is targeted at the underlying disease process in ME/CFS.

“We also know that the physicians involved in this research – Drs Oystein Fluge and Olav Mella from the Haukeland University Hospital in Norway – have taken great care in the way that they have devised the protocols for the clinical trials that have been carried out and reported.

“Despite the headline negative finding, we believe that this trial will still provide useful insights and contribute to a better understanding of M.E., and we also have the results from the Cyclophosphamide clinical trial to look forward to. We are very pleased that this knowledgeable, and valued, research team will continue with their work, trying to find answers to the M.E. puzzle.

“The ME Association Ramsay Research Fund had set aside around £60,000 to help support this research, or to help fund a clinical trial of Rituximab here in the UK, if such funding was required, and applied for by a reputable research or clinical trials group. No research grant applications have been received.

“It is difficult to comment further on these very basic preliminary results, and my understanding is that no further comment will be made by those involved until the study is published early next year. However, we do believe that it is correct and helpful for the patient community to be notified about the disappointing key conclusions prior to publication.

“Any decision – including if it is going to be sensible for the charity sector to be raising or spending further large sums of money on research involving the theoretical basis to this treatment (i.e. immune system dysfunction, involving the B-cell component of the body’s immune system), or further clinical trials to assess the safety and efficacy of Rituximab – will have to wait until more detailed information becomes available about the outcome of this phase III clinical trial, and the scientists involved have expressed their opinion as to whether further such research is justified.

“Based on the results from the clinical trials that have been published so far – along with the rather mixed evidence from people with M.E. who have been prescribed Rituximab outside formal clinical trials – it does appear that this type of immunotherapy could still be relevant to at least a sub-group.

“If it is agreed by experts in this area of immunotherapeutics (and we will be seeking expert advice), that we should continue to explore the role of Rituximab as a possible treatment for ME/CFS – and try to find immune system biomarkers that could help to identify the sub-group of people with M.E. who are most likely to respond to such treatment – the ME Association will continue to invite applications for research grants to the Ramsay Research Fund.

“Medical journals are less enthusiastic about publishing negative research findings or negative results from clinical trials. However, given the enormous amount of interest in Rituximab, from both people with M.E. and the medical community, I am confident that these results from Norway will be accepted for publication in due course.

“The ME Association is currently considering a number of other research applications – some of them quite large – and trustees will discuss the latest news about the Rituximab clinical trial at their Board meeting in December. A decision will then be made as to whether the £60,000 currently set aside, should remain as a ring-fenced sum for funding Rituximab research, or used for other biomedical research applications.”

Dr Charles Shepherd,
Hon Medical Adviser, ME Association.

We reported the negative, phase III, results across social media on 21st November 2017. 

More information about Rituximab can be found in our Research section on this website.


from ME Association



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I Will Not Be Put in a Box: I Am Not What I Do, Own, Think, or Feel

“All that I seek is already in me. “ ~Louise Hay

My world collapsed the day I became unemployed. After a successful thirteen-year career in a multinational company, working across different countries and cultures, I ended up with no job. I wasn’t an expat leader in Shanghai any longer; from that day, I became an expat housewife, and this big status change came like thunder.

Whenever people asked me about myself when I was working, I used to answer from a job perspective and explain what my job was all about. Or give them a business card and let that speak for me.

Being left with no work was a very painful experience, one I will never forget. It came like a trauma, and I felt like a failure: lost, stuck, miserable, and depressed.

All of a sudden, I had no business card to show the world to validate my self-worth. There were no more international projects, company sales, and fantastic team achievements for me to talk about and feel proud.

They say true growth mostly comes from pain, and I believe that’s true. Today I see that moment as a gift from life, a real blessing in disguise that helped me stop for a moment and, for the very first time, ask myself who I was and what made me really happy.

So here’s what I didn’t know at the time and what I know to be true today:

1. I am not what I do.

From an early age, we’ve been conditioned to value ourselves through how well we do things in life. Most of us were raised to achieve and deliver results, always running somewhere, always busy.

Work is part of life, and money is a much-needed instrument that we need to survive. But is life supposed to be all about work? What if the purpose for us being here were just to be happy?

Whenever I fail at anything, that doesn’t make me a failure because I am not what I do. My job is part of life and not life itself. I am not my profession, no matter how much I might love what you do. Today I am a coach, in the same way I am a wife, a daughter, a sister, or someone’s friend. There are many hats I am wearing, and so do you.

For so many years, I thought I was my job. And when the job was not in my life any longer, I wasn’t.

Wayne Dyer was right: “You are a human being, not a human doing.”

2. I am not what I own.

I grew up in Eastern Europe. After the Romanian revolution in 1989, money got depreciated at such a level that, with the same amount of money my parents could buy a car, they ended up buying a new TV.

If you think you are your money or your possessions, think of bankruptcy. Think of those people who suddenly lose what they have in their accounts.

I grew up thinking money was evil and being rich was bad. That’s not what I believe to be true today, since we can’t feed the poor from an empty plate. Financial stability helps us feel safe and secure, and that is a basic human need. Money is as it is: not bad, not good, not evil. What people do with the money can be either right or wrong. It’s all about how we use it.

But if we let the money own us, we turn into hostages. We start running a never-ending rat race toward happiness and project it into an imaginary future, and forget to be grateful for everything else we have.

We often think thoughts like: When I make that much money, I will be happy. When I buy that car, I will be happy.

In reality, that’s a trap because it will never feel like we’ve gathered enough.

“Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation of all abundance.” ~Eckhart Tolle

3. I am not my physical appearance.

In today’s society, the concept of beauty often gets associated with youth, or having no wrinkles. Social media, women magazines, Photoshop, beauty contests—all these put tremendous pressure on people (and women especially) to fit particular requirements and parameters that sometimes are not even real.

For many industries, that’s an excellent source of income. That is why anti-aging cosmetics sell well, and plastic surgery is booming. It’s all based on fear.

If I identify my human value through my physical appearance, the process of aging turns into a burden. If I attach my happiness to my young years, I risk disliking or even hating myself once I grow older.

My body is the temple of my spirit and the only one I’ve got. It’s the vehicle that helps my soul move into this world. And still, that’s not who I am.

“Your body regenerates in an environment created by your thoughts, emotions, and expectations. Make sure they are positive.” ~Christiane Northrup

4. I am no one’s thoughts.

If I perceive myself as not good enough, stupid, intelligent, ugly, annoying, gorgeous, slim, or fat, that’s not the absolute truth, but my own truth, and what I believe to be right. That’s nothing but thought, a representation of my opinion of who I am.

The same thing is valid when I let people tell me what they think about me. In reality, I am as I am. What people see in me is a matter of self-perception, filtered through their own lenses, and it has nothing to do with me.

Take beauty, for example. It’s a norm. In the Eastern-European culture that raised me, beautiful generally associates with being slim, so some people could think I am overweight. However, during my trip in India years ago, I was suggested to gain some weight. We are all shaped by cultures and the societies we grew up in.

Blaming others for the way I feel is disempowering, and it turns me into a victim, when things are imposed on me. If I say “You make me angry” or “you make me sad,” I am giving my power away. I know I can never control what people say or do, but I can always self-manage how I respond to that. No one can upset me, stress me, or depress me unless I allow it.

“No one can hurt me; that’s my job.” ~Byron Katie

5. I am not what I feel.

We tend to define who we are by the way we feel: I am sad, depressed, confused, excited, anxious, happy, and so on.

I have learned how to detach myself from my emotions and witness them with no judgment.

Instead of “I’m sad,” I say, ”There is sadness in me right now.”

Instead of “I’m angry,” I say, “There is anger in me right now.”

Instead of “I’m worried,” I say, “There is a worry in me right now.”

Acting as an observer helps me take my power back. I’ve learned not to let my feelings control me, knowing that, just like my thoughts, they are transitory. This way, energy-consuming emotions that used to torment me do not own me any longer, and I own them instead.

“Feelings are just visitors; let them come and go.” ~Mooji

I am not what I do or own, or how I think, look, or feel. I just am. My spirit refuses to be put in a box and labeled. I am a soul who is here to learn, grow from new experiences, and be happy.

“When you know that you are not flesh and blood, that you are the eternal spirit, than nothing will trouble you. Even death you will not know it is just a change of state.” ~Mooji

About Sara Fabian

Sara Fabian is a women’s career and empowerment coach and inspirational speaker, on a mission to help professional women to discover their unique strengths, gifts and talents, boost their confidence, find their calling and live a meaningful life of purpose. For weekly inspiration, subscribe to her free newsletter at or follow her on Facebook.

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The post I Will Not Be Put in a Box: I Am Not What I Do, Own, Think, or Feel appeared first on Tiny Buddha.

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