Saturday, 30 September 2017

Chrysoprase For Divine Truth, Joy, Happiness and Healing


Chrysoprase attracts new love, abundance and prosperity, helps depression and anxiety. It helps you to see Divine Truth and has strong metaphysical properties for healing. An apple green type of chalcedony.

from Healing Crystals For You


#crystals #crystal #healing

Spiritual Grounding - See List Of The Symptoms Of Being Ungrounded

Black Tourmaline

Learn about spiritual grounding. What is the purpose of doing grounding? See the list of symptoms of being ungrounded and discover how earthing can assist with grounding.

from Healing Crystals For You


#crystals #crystal #healing

Regular and banded carnelian available for purchase during...

Embracing the #crone energy during the #worldwidewombblessing...

Embracing the #crone energy during the #worldwidewombblessing how do you honor your crone energy in your life and during your cycle? How do you honor your ancestors? Join me for this free event Thursday October 5 at 7pm. Register at select time frame 24:00, RSVP with me and bring with you a shawl/wrap, two small bowls, an item to represent your ancestors and any other special item to place on your altar. Contact me for more info and to RSVP! #worldwidewombblessingmiami #wombblessing #wombblessingmiami #miami #energyhealing #wombhealing #wombhealer #wombhealingmiami #divinefeminine #sacredfeminine #goddess #moonmother #moonmothermiami #kendallfl #westkendall #pinecrest #spiritual #spirituality #spiritualhealingmiami #om #namaste

from Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing


#spiritual #healing

Life is about embracing what is, rather than fighting or...

Life is about embracing what is, rather than fighting or resisting. Stop resisting. Let go of the needs of your mind and body and trust the Goddess. -Miranda Gray. Join me October 5 as we connect with the Goddess, her Crone archetype and our mother ancestors on a night of healing and connecting with each other during the #worldwidewombblessing. Register at select timeframe 24:00 and RSVP with me. Bring with you two small bowls, a shawl/wrap, and a special item to place on altar. See you October 5 at 7pm! #wombblessing #wombblessingmiami #worldwidewombblessingmiami #divinefeminine #sacredfeminine #goddess #crone #energyhealing #meditation #kendallfl #moonmother #moonmothermiami #love #metaphysical #femaleenergyawakening #femaleawakening #wombwisdom #ancestors #spiritual #spiriuality #spiritualhealing #spiritualhealingmiami #miami #miamilife #miamievents #purityandgrace

from Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing


#spiritual #healing


AROMATHERAPY WELLNESS CONSULTATIONS PROVIDE ONE WITH THE TOOLS TO BRING HEALING AND WELLNESS TO MIND, BODY, SPIRIT THROUGH THE USE OF ESSENTIAL OIL BLENDS. EACH CONSULTATION IS UNIQUE AND EACH BLEND IS UNIQUE TO THE INDIVIDUAL. THIS PROVIDES A PERSONALIZED WELLNESS CARE FOR ALL. #essentialoils #aromatherapy #aromatherapist #wellness #holistic #holistichealth #holistichealing #essentialoilsforhealing #essentialoilsmiami #aromatherapistmiami #healing #miami #miamilife #pinecrest #kendallfl #westkendall #spiritual #spirituality #spiritualhealingmiami #chakrahealing #om #namaste

from Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing


#spiritual #healing

Friday, 29 September 2017

What Is Spirituality? Why Is Spirituality Of Value In Your Life?

Purple Amethyst

What Is Spirituality? Learn what spirituality is and how using high vibration healing crystals can increase spirituality in your life. Can being spiritual assist you to heal yourself and others.

from Healing Crystals For You


#crystals #crystal #healing

The Beginnings of Chan (Zen) Painting and Muqi

Beginnings of Chan (Zen) Painting and Muqi is a wonderful film exploring the highly problematic subject of Chan painting. 55 minutes.

from Buddhism now


#buddhism #buddhist #Buddha

How to Use Tapping for Weight Loss and Body Confidence

Using Tapping for Weight Loss and Body Confidence requires a two part approach:

First and foremost is understanding what underlying, typically unconscious, factors are causing your weight to go up and your body confidence to go down (beyond just having more weight).

Most weight loss exercise programs and diet plans go straight to trying to offer a solution without first understanding what is causing the problem.  They offer bandaid approach that do not work in the long term.

In order to get real results, you need to address the underlying emotions, patterns, beliefs, traumas and more that led to the weight gain.  As you’ll see below, research is proving that when you do… you get powerful results.

Secondly, once we know what is causing the weight gain and leading to the lack of body confidence, we can use Tapping to eliminate those causes and finally create lasting results.  I’ll show you how.  But first…

Let’s start with step #1, understanding the cause…

Roughly 2/3 of women in the United States are overweight, with 1/2 of those women being obese…

That number isn’t entirely surprising to most people.  Most know that we have a weight loss epidemic in the Unites States, which has been spreading around the world.

Since 1960, the percentage of obese people has nearly tripled!  In 1960 the obesity rate was only 13.4%!

So the question is, with our weight loss industry having topped $20 billion dollars in the United States (85% of which is driven by women ), why are we not getting thinner?

Sadly, what most women are turning to, what I myself always thought was the way to lose weight… simply isn’t working!

Most women focus on diet and exercise first in order to lose weight, and it’s unfortunately the wrong approach…

During the course of an average year, over 108 million Americans attempt to go on a diet, with the average dieter making four or five attempts per year!

Most people go from diet to diet looking for the “magical” solution that will finally work, wondering why they’re struggling each and every time, with total frustration as to why the diets aren’t working for them.

There are reasons though, each and every time, as to why the diets aren’t working…

Let me ask you this…

Have you ever been stressed out because of work, or because of a relationship, or about your weight and how you feel about yourself, or anything else… and reached for some comfort food?

You know… stuff like cookies, pasta, pizza or whatever that is for you. Whatever food you know isn’t a part of the healthy “diet” you want to be on, that you ended up reaching for out of comfort…

Or have you ever skipped exercising, even for weeks or months at a time, because you felt you were too busy, or because you felt unmotivated, or because you just felt too overwhelmed by life to get yourself to exercise?

Yeah! I think we all have!

The truth is that we don’t struggle with a lack of information on what to eat and how to exercise.

What we struggle with is what’s going on internally, deep in our unconscious minds, that’s making it difficult to make good eating and exercising decisions, and is biologically triggering fat gaining hormones in our bodies that prevent us from losing weight.

We know we should make lifestyle changes, eating better and exercising more, but we fall back to poor eating habits and we skip out on exercising, time and again.

What I discovered with Tapping however… was a way to change all of that…

The Two Major Reasons Why Women Struggle To Lose Weight and How Tapping Overcomes These Challenges…

The #1 thing that prevents women from losing weight was very shocking to me when I first learned of it…

Our negative emotions have an enormous impact on what goes on biologically in our bodies.

Things like… the stress, the anxiety, and the overwhelm I was dealing with when I was trying to lose weight. I had no idea about the myriad of hormones coursing through my body because of my emotions that were actually keeping me fat!

Here’s How It Works…

When something stressful happens, or you start thinking about something stressful, within seconds, the part of your brain called the amygdala (the almond-shaped part of your midbrain) tells your body to release specific hormones.

Adrenaline and cortisol (often called “the stress hormone”) flood your body, shutting down the creative problem-solving parts of your brain. And this causes two very big problems for somebody trying to lose weight…

#1 — It slows down your digestion. And anytime you slow down your digestion it makes it harder to…you guessed it…lose weight!

#2 — It constricts your blood vessels along with a few other key biological changes that control how you think, how your body and brain function, how strong your food cravings come on, and how quickly your brain can react to a given situation.

These two things combined mean that when you’re stressed you make worse decisions about what to eat, breaking your eating and exercise habits, and then you struggle to digest quickly, putting on more weight! 

Have you ever had it happen that you’re stressed out and all of a sudden you find yourself half way through something like a box of cookies, and you think to yourself… why did I do that? And you feel like you lost mental control of what was going on?

That’s because… you did. The stress took over your body and inhibited your ability to think clearly and make good decisions.

And the foods we crave during these stressful times, during a time in history when we have more addictive, poor quality foods available then ever before, doesn’t help either.

Why do we tend to be attracted to and overeat sugary carbohydrates? Carbohydrate rich foods increase brain concentrations of an amino acid called tryptophan, which is the building block for serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, which, when released, brings about feelings of calm, happiness, peace, and satisfaction.

We overeat because our brain is looking for pleasure!

Overeating in the moment serves a great purpose: it makes us feel great… until the side effects set in. Shortly after your sugar rush, your insulin levels drop and you feel exhausted, which triggers a craving for more sugary carbohydrates to get you back to the sugar high. It’s a vicious cycle!

No wonder so many people in our modern society struggle with weight loss, right?

Back in 1960, before the three-fold increase in obesity… our ability to disconnect, and be away from work, cell phones, social media and the like… and to reset our central nervous system, came much more easily and much more frequently.

Like any time period, there were of course challenges and stressors, but they key difference between then, or any previous time period, and now is the ability to reset our nervous system, a key component to being able to have balance, make better decisions, and balance the body.

Today most people are stressed on a regular basis and if you put them on a diet where they’re trying to force themselves to lose weight and eliminate comfort foods… forget about it! Stress goes through the roof, leading ultimately to more weight gain…

If you’re like so many people today who are under chronic stress, it’s hard to make the best decisions about what you eat or whether you exercise, and you end up putting on weight year after year.

It gets worse…

Stress also decreases your nutrient absorption, so even if you are eating well you won’t be able to absorb them…

It increases salt retention making you bloated…

It affects your cholesterol levels

It impacts your immune system, endocrine system, nervous system, everything!

Stress literally creates a hormone that makes you fat and is directly related to abdominal fat!

So if you’re living with regular stress in your life it’s likely preventing you from being able to think clearly, make good decisions and move towards reaching your weight loss goals…

I know what you may be thinking… “How could I possibly reduce my stress?!”

With Tapping you can reduce your stress by both getting at the underlying causes that trigger it and by being able to reset your nervous system more frequently with Tapping to release it and its affects on your body.

Think about your everyday life…

If you could significantly reduce the stress that you’re dealing with, how much better would you feel and how much easier would it be to be able to reach your goals?

Tapping has been scientifically proven to reduce stress, which means that when you use Tapping you lower your stress levels and are therefore able to take back control of your body and brain, so that you can use it for what you WANT to use it (like making healthy food and exercise decisions that feel good and come easily!)… and not have it controlling you!

The Stress Test Study That Shocked the Researchers…

A study performed by Dr. Dawson Church, PhD and Dr. David Feinstein, PhD, measured cortisol levels before and after treatment. 83 participants were divided into 3 groups: the 1st group received an hour of Tapping; the 2nd group received an hour of psychotherapy (“talk” therapy); the 3rd group (control group) received no treatment.

The researchers measured cortisol levels before

and after the treatment.

Cortisol was measured because it is known as the “stress hormone” of the body. As stress goes up, cortisol levels go up.

Results: The 1st group (Tapping) demonstrated a 24% decrease in cortisol levels, while the 2nd and 3rd groups showed no significant change.

The reality: Psychotherapy alone relieves stress, but over a long period of time. The immediate benefits of psychotherapy don’t register in your body, where excessive amounts of the “stress hormone” cortisol still run rampant, putting your health at risk.

Study findings: Tapping balances activity between the sympathetic and parasympathetic regions of your brain, producing “a neutral emotional state,” the gold standard of health and wellness.

And this was just one of many research studies that have been done on Tapping.  Check out this quick video that featured a research study that was done in Australia on using Tapping for Weight Loss:

The #2 thing that prevents women from losing weight is deep unconscious traumas, patterns and beliefs about our weight, our bodies and ultimately about who we are…

When you stop to think about it…what beliefs do you have about your body?

Take a second to finish these sentences…

When I see other women and compare my body to theirs, I feel that my body is _____________.

When I think about wearing a bathing suit on a beach I feel _____________.

When I think about my body and my weight I feel _________________.

These are just a few of the many questions that can help you to figure out some of your beliefs about your body (which are all things that you can use the Tapping for).

And what about patterns that you’ve established? How would you finish these questions…

I can’t stay on a diet because ______________.

When I’m on a diet I feel ______________.

I can’t lose weight because I’m ________________.

And what about traumas from your past? How would you finish these questions…

If there were an event, situation or experience from my past that made me feel most uncomfortable about my body, it would be ____________________.

When I think about the part of my body that I most dislike, the words I use to describe that part to myself are _________________.

When I think about feeling vulnerable, naked or sexual with a partner, the emotion that comes up for me is _________.

The answers to these questions, and other questions like these, can help you to begin to discover the unconscious blocks preventing you from losing weight.

The reality is that most of our unconscious traumas, patterns and beliefs about our weight and body that lead to challenges with weight loss come from deep-rooted issues from our childhood and adolescence…

Unfortunately, the tough standards that our society has on women start at a young age.

A Harvard University study found that up to 2/3 of underweight 12-year-old girls considered themselves to be too fat!

By 13, at least 50% of girls are unhappy about their appearance.

By 14, focused, specific dissatisfactions have intensified, particularly concerning hips and thighs.

By 17, only 3 out of 10 girls have not been on a diet — up to 8 out of 10 will be unhappy with what they see in the mirror.

It’s clear that from a very young age most women are unhappy with their body and weight. These lead to unconscious beliefs about our bodies that only sabotage our ability to lose weight.

That’s how it was for me…

You see, I’ve struggled with my weight since I was about 15. In fact, it’s hard for me to look back and remember a time when I wasn’t stressed about my weight.

It wasn’t until I found Tapping that I finally discovered a simple and extremely effective way to both find and change what was controlling my ability to lose weight on a deep unconscious level…

The simple truth of it is that Tapping is extremely effective in helping people change deep-rooted unconscious beliefs, patterns and traumas about their body and their weight. It’s more effective than anything I’ve ever seen or used before!

How You Can Use Tapping To Finally Lose Weight, Keep It Off, and Feel Confident in Your Body…

By now you’re likely seeing that there is a lot more going on underneath the surface in regards to losing weight than you ever thought there was before.

It’s not just about what you eat and how you exercise.  Because unless you can get yourself to want to stick to a diet or exercise program, and make lifestyle changes that you enjoy that have lasting affects, than what type of diet or exercise program you choose won’t matter.

And if you chronically stressed, or have unconscious beliefs, patterns or traumas holding you back, you won’t be able to make the needed changes.  It will always feel like you’re trying to force a square peg into a round hole.

So the question is, how do you start using Tapping to lose weight (and what is Tapping, if you’ve never tried if before!)…?

I have two free resources with you today that I know can help you to create change immediately:

Free Resource #1 – Free eBook

The first resource is a powerful free ebook that I wrote called “103 Disempowering Beliefs About Weight Loss and Body Confidence and How to Eliminate Them in Minutes.”

In this ebook…

 All 103 Disempowering Beliefs are outlined in the eBook – And through the Beliefs Discovery Process, you’ll learn exactly which ones are holding YOU back!

 You’ll be given Step-by-Step instructions on how to use the scientifically proven Tapping Technique to eliminate any negative beliefs you have and install positive ones!

Plus you’ll get 103 Empowering Beliefs that you can start using immediately to ingrain new beliefs that bring you the body confidence and weight that you deserve!

Go here to download this ebook now.

Free Resource #2 – Free Training

I’d love for you to join me on an upcoming free webinar presentation that I’m running on this topic.  This is a content-packed webinar where I will take you, step-by-step, through the process of discovering your unconscious blocks to weight loss and body confidence and where I’ll show you how to use the Tapping to eliminate them.

To learn more about the webinar and join me, click here or on the image below.

I hope you take advantage of these two free resources.  I know they can help you.

If you have questions at any time please don’t hesitate to ask us.  Just send us an email by clicking here.  Or join me on Facebook here.

Until next time… Keep Tapping!

Jessica Ortner

The post How to Use Tapping for Weight Loss and Body Confidence appeared first on The Tapping Solution.

from The Tapping Solution


#EFT #holistic #healing

Goshenite For Clear Thinking, Truth & Lucid Dreams


Goshenite aka White Beryl aids clear thinking, helps inspire truth in both you and others. It boosts analytical mental ability, mathematical mastery and heightened lucid dreams.

from Healing Crystals For You


#crystals #crystal #healing

Galactic Crystal Reiki Healing is a very unique Crystal Reiki in...

Galactic Crystal Reiki Healing is a very unique Crystal Reiki in that it uses galactic energies & symbols that connect to  the subtle energy of the body, bringing healing and balance to karmic and ancestral lineages,The use of the crystals helps to amplify the healing energy allowing it to work on many levels as you take a  journey through the galaxy. #reiki #crystalreiki #reikihealing #reikimiami #healing #celestialbeings #galactichealing #spiritual #spirituality #spiritualhealing #spiritualhealingmiami #crystalhealing #energyhealing #light #love #chakrahealing #metaphysical #sacredgeometry #metatron #miami #kendallfl #pinecrest #om #namaste

from Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing


#spiritual #healing

We are just a few weeks away from the #worldwidewombblessing...

We are just a few weeks away from the #worldwidewombblessing here we are a few tips to prepare for the World Wide Womb Blessing! Join me October 5 at 7pm! #wombblessing #wombblessingmiami #moonmother #moonmothermiami #divinefeminine #sacredfeminine #goddess #ancestralhealing #love #energyhealing #sisterhood #wombhealing #wombhealingmiami #miami #miamievents #miamilife #energyhealing #spiritual #spiritualhealth #spiritualhealing #spiritualhealingmiami #om #namaste

from Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing


#spiritual #healing

How to Use Tapping to Create Financial Success

When I surveyed over 10,000 people a few years ago, guess what the number one issue was that they said they wanted to work on was? You guessed it… their finances.

You see, money has the ability to be either a thorn in your side that makes you feel like you’re bleeding out and unable to live life fully every day, or it can be something that gives you the freedom to do what you want, live how you want, and help family, friends and even strangers in ways that you never thought possible.

For most people it’s a thorn in their side and unfortunately it’s for reasons that they can’t see and don’t know about. That’s definitely how it was for me.

You see, what I didn’t realize when I went through year after year of struggling financially was that there were two huge issues that I didn’t see were affecting me so gravely…

The Two Major Reasons That People Struggle With Their Finances… 

The 1st major issue around your experience with money is financial beliefs, traumas and unconscious beliefs that are holding you back. Like most people, I wasn’t even aware of the unconscious wiring I had and how it was affecting me.

I know what you may be thinking…yeah, I’ve heard about “personal development” stuff like this before where they say you need to go inside and change your patterns. And for years, that’s exactly what I was going through. I would go from one course to another learning about how I had to change my beliefs and change myself on an unconscious level, but the issue was always…”well how do I do that?!”

It wasn’t until I found Tapping that I finally found a simple and extremely effective way to change what was affecting my ability to earn more money on a deep unconscious level…

You see…the simple truth of it is that Tapping is extremely effective at helping people change deep rooted traumas, beliefs and unconscious blocks. It’s more effective then anything I’ve ever seen or used before!

You may be asking yourself…

“If I have blocks, what are they and how do I get rid of them?”

Start Tapping Today - Free Ebook!

Discover the 103 disempowering beliefs that may be holding you back from achieving the money and success you desire.

Figuring out if you have any money blocks is really simple… just ask yourself, “Am I making as much money as I’d like to?”

If the answer is No… then you have some money blocks. It’s as simple as that…

Just take a look at your financial situation. If you have any money issues, if you struggle to pay any of your bills, or if you’re just stuck at an income level, not able to grow as quickly as you’d like to… then you have unconscious blocks that are preventing you from being where you want to be financially.

For me I remember that I was stuck in a pattern of just getting by, then struggling and building debt, then catching up on my debt and just getting by again, and then repeating the cycle, only each time the debt I would get into would get higher and higher.

When I was in a million dollars of debt after my real estate business crash, it unfortunately wasn’t the first time I’d been in debt. I’d been through the pattern of building up debt before.

And it was because of the unconscious patterns that I kept running. It wasn’t until I started using Tapping that I was able to change those patterns.

When I look back at the things I was doing back then to block myself and sabotage myself they seem silly… but at the time I couldn’t see what was going on.

And that’s likely the way it is for you. You probably can’t see the patterns that you’re running that are keeping you stuck.

Don’t worry though… because I’m going to show you exactly how you can eliminate all of your money blocks easily and effortlessly using Tapping

The 2nd major issue around your experience with money, is STRESS, because that’s what stops us on an everyday, moment-to-moment basis.

Stress, of course, can show up in many forms—anxiety, worry, insomnia, low energy, procrastination, even other health issues.

When I was going through all of the financial issues I went through, coming out of over a million dollars of debt, stress was an extremely prevalent issue that I had to deal with on a daily basis.

We all know, probably too well, what being stressed out feels like. What we don’t always know is what happens to our brains when we’re stressed.

Ever notice how you “freeze” at stressful moments?

Like when you get up to give a presentation and suddenly forget everything you’ve been studying and practicing? Or when you’re in a meeting and your boss criticizes you in front of the entire room? Or even something simpler, like when you look at a stack of bills? Or sit in front of the computer with an enormous amount of tasks in front of you?

Ever notice how, at those exact moments, it’s like you suddenly can’t think? How you forget things you know really well? How solutions to problems that later seem so simple feel impossible when you’re first confronted with that stressful situation?

That’s because when stress hits, your body goes into what’s called “fight or flight.”

In fight or flight, large parts of your brain actually shut down when you need it most. Critical sections of your brain literally go on strike!

To make matters worse, when you go from “fight or flight” into a “freeze” state your body is effectively storing the stress of that moment.

Dr. Robert Scaer, a neurologist who has researched traumatic stress, has found that the “freeze” response encapsulates stress in our bodies, preventing us from moving on after a stressful event until we’ve found a way to release the stress that’s literally lodged in our bodies, in our muscles, even our cells. We’ve found a way to release this stress…

Here’s how it works…

Something stressful happens, or you start thinking about something stressful, like the fact that no matter how hard you work, you always seem to find yourself struggling to pay your bills. Or how unfulfilled you are in your current endeavors. Or just simply how much you have to do!

Within seconds, the part of your brain called the amygdala, the almond-shaped part of your midbrain, tells your body to release stress hormones.

Adrenaline and cortisol, which is often called “the stress hormone”, floods your body, shutting down the creative problem-solving parts of your brain, slowing down your digestion, constricting blood vessels, and more…

Which means your stress is now physical…

It’s controlling how you think, how your body and brain function, how creative you can be, how quickly your brain can react to a given situation.

In “fight or flight”, stress is literally limiting what you’re capable of achieving.

So that big presentation you need to ace to get that big promotion and raise at work? It may not go so well if your stress level is that high.

That to do list that you want to power through…now you’re stressed, not thinking as clearly, making poor decisions and things seem to take forever.

When you’re under chronic stress, as most of us are when we’re concerned about our money situation or our careers, you’re never able to think with your full brain, or use the full power of your problem-solving abilities, or your memory.

So ask yourself this question…

“Am I dealing with any stress right now?”

You’re probably saying “haha…of course I am! Who isn’t?!”

So if you’re living with regular stress in your life it’s likely preventing you from being able to think clearly, make good decisions and move towards reaching your financial goals…

Think about your everyday life…

If you could eliminate all of the stress that you’re dealing with or at least significantly reduce it, how much better would you feel and how much easier would it be to be able to reach your goals?

Tapping has been scientifically proven to reduce stress. Which means that when you use Tapping to lower your stress levels you’re able to take back control of your body and brain so that you can use it for what you WANT to use it for (like creating your financial freedom)…and not have it controlling you!

The Stress Test Study That Shocked the Researchers…

A study performed by Dr. Dawson Church, PhD and Dr. David Feinstein, PhD, measured cortisol levels before and after treatment.

83 participants were divided into 3 groups: the 1st group received an hour of Tapping; the 2nd group received an hour of psychotherapy (“talk” therapy); the 3rd group (control group) received no treatment.

The researchers measured cortisol levels

before and after the treatment. Cortisol was measured because it is known as the “stress hormone” of the body. As stress goes up, cortisol levels go up.

When the researchers were measuring the cortisol levels of the Tapping group after treatment they thought they had a problem…

The levels had dropped so significantly in such a short period of time that they thought there must be something wrong with their equipment.

They kept recalibrating their equipment and retesting until they finally came to the conclusion that there was in fact…nothing wrong with their equipment but rather that…the Tapping worked!

Results: The 1st group (Tapping) demonstrated a 24% decrease in cortisol levels; the 2nd and 3rd groups showed no change in cortisol levels.

The reality: Psychotherapy alone relieves stress, but over a long period of time. The immediate benefits of psychotherapy don’t register in your body, where excessive amounts of the “stress hormone” cortisol still run rampant, putting your health at risk.

Study findings: Tapping balances activity between the sympathetic and parasympathetic regions of your brain, producing “a neutral emotional state,” the gold standard of health and wellness.

I want you to be able to do what I did and what so many of my clients have done, which is to drastically improve your finances in a short period of time, in a way that is simple and effective, all with the aid of Tapping.

Now when I went through those drastic changes, I had to do it all on my own, and a lot of the time I felt really alone in my quest to improve my finances. There were a lot of times that I wanted to quit and just cave in, and I don’t want you to go through that yourself.

Which is I want share two free resources with you that I know can help you to create change immediately:

Free Resource #1 – Free eBook

The first resource is a powerful free ebook that I wrote called “103 Disempowering Beliefs About Money and Success and How to Eliminate Them in Minutes.”

In this ebook…

 All 103 Disempowering Beliefs are outlined in the eBook – And through the Beliefs Discovery Process, you’ll learn exactly which ones are holding YOU back!

 You’ll be given Step-by-Step instructions on how to use the scientifically proven Tapping Technique to eliminate any negative beliefs you have and install positive ones!

 Plus you’ll get 103 Empowering Beliefs that you can start using immediately to ingrain new beliefs that bring you the money and success you deserve!

Go here to download this ebook now.

Free Resource #2 – Free Training

I’d love for you to join me on an upcoming free webinar presentation that I’m running on this topic.  This is a content-packed webinar where I will take you, step-by-step, through the process of discovering your unconscious blocks to financial success and where I’ll show you how to use the Tapping to eliminate them.

To learn more about the webinar and join me, click here or on the image below.

If you have questions at any time please don’t hesitate to ask.  Just send me an email by clicking here.  Or join me on Facebook here.

Until next time… Keep Tapping!

Nick Ortner

The post How to Use Tapping to Create Financial Success appeared first on The Tapping Solution.

from The Tapping Solution


#EFT #holistic #healing

Schoolgirl’s illness message goes viral | 29 September 2017


Pirate FM News, 29 September 2017.

A video by a 10-year-old schoolgirl girl who has been battling an illness for seven years is going viral.

Shannon Tiday, from Plymouth, has M.E. – Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.

Shannon Tiday

It is a chronic condition which sees her suffer from things like vomiting, extreme fatigue and crushing headaches.

But now she is appealing for awareness after a study suggested it could be a psychological issue. And her video has been watched over 12,000 since her mum posted it to Facebook.

It comes after a study on the ‘Lightening Process’ was released – implying that it could be treated psychologically.

The process is based on a three-day training programme, which aims to teach participants techniques for managing the acute stress response that the body experiences under threat.

However, mum Sharon, who is a spokesperson for ME Awareness, says it is simply casting doubt on what is already an ‘invisible illness’. She said:

“ME sufferers have fought for a long, hard time to actually get the awareness across that it is real.


“It’s an invisible illness and we all know that’s always going to be a harder fight to get people to see the disability in an invisible illness.”


She says it all comes down to the fact that it cannot be picked up in blood tests – and in the past, even doctors have suggested her daughter was making it up, or she was being overprotective.

However, describing the condition in Shannon, she says it is important to ‘go with your gut’.

She said:

“It really did hit crunch time when one day I put her to bed, and suddenly she just sat up and just didn’t stop being sick.


“I think that last for three or four months, of just constantly, violently being sick.”


Shannon and her mother.

Sharon added that Shannon has had to take time off school because of the condition, and can’t put her body under too much pressure without becoming ill.

‘High tolerance’ conditions can only be done for up to three hours a day, such as eating, bathing and travelling, meaning they have to schedule in plenty of time for rest.

“It’s robbing her of her childhood,” she said.

In the video, Shannon passionately asks the viewer ‘Do you think I don’t want to go to school?’ and goes on to describe times when people told her she was just trying to get attention.

She says:

“It’s not our fault, so don’t think it’s our fault.


“Hopefully someday they will have a cure for ME.


“The truth is, you’re not alone and I’m doing this video to help you.


“Don’t ever give up – if you give up, it is the worst feeling”.


The research has also received a poor reception from other areas of the ME community.

Dr Charles Shepherd, medical adviser for the ME Association, said:

“The Lightning Process is not a treatment that we endorse or recommend for people with ME/CFS.

“Patient evidence, gathered from our members over many years, indicates that some people who have gone through the LP try to make rapid and unrealistic improvements in their physical and mental activity levels. However, this is followed by a relapse or significant worsening of symptoms.

“Others who have gone through the LP programme, report that they have spent huge amounts of money with no obvious benefit.

“There has been a very significant growth in biomedical research globally into M.E. in the past decade. This over-simplistic and largely psychological model of ME/CFS causation that is being put forward to patients is totally out of step with emerging scientific evidence as to the cause of ME/CFS.

“We will be looking at the release of the SMILE trial results very closely indeed.”

Read the article and watch Shannon’s video on Cornwall’s Pirate FM news page.


ITV News Report:
Child with M.E. wants to tackle the stigma

Shannon and her mum were also featured in an interview by ITV local news yesterday. Some excerpts from this feature appear below:

Shannon has been left practically housebound after developing M.E. – a disease with symptoms of chronic fatigue – meaning her childhood is very different from her peers.

“People say that I’m a wheelchair girl and they say to me, there is the wheelchair girl and that kind of makes me feel different.”


Shannon Tiday, M.E. Campaigner


“It is an illness that totally invades your life, everything you do as a family, your holidays, everything takes a different path.”


Sharon Tiday, Shannon’s Mother

Shannon’s mother also says her daughter has faced accusations that the condition is all in her head.

“I was told maybe she is a bit of an attention seeker, maybe your daughter actually likes being ill. To tell you your child likes being ill, it’s like saying your daughter doesn’t really want her childhood. What child would want to be ill with an illness like this.”


Sharon Tiday, Shannon’s Mother

Shannon made her Facebook video after learning about a private treatment called The Lightning Process – which suggests her condition can be improved through psychological treatment.

“It made me go back in time to when I was being told that I was having it all in my head and I could stop it if I tried, because I knew how bad that hurt me.”


Shannon Tiday, M.E. Campaigner

Watch the full report from ITV news on their website.


from ME Association



Drop Self-Improvement and Embrace Self-Compassion

“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.” ~Carl Rogers

When was the last time you stopped trying to improve something about yourself or your life?

I’ve spent a lot of my life chasing goals. I guess it goes with the territory as a cancer survivor who always felt like she had something to prove, even twenty years later.

For everything the doctors told me I could not do because of my Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (or as a result of the chemotherapy that healed me), I gave my all to accomplish and strive until I’d shown them they were wrong.

Can’t run a marathon because you’ve incurred lung damage? “You can do anything you set your mind to” was my mantra to run not just one, but five marathons.

Except that guess what? I was not just a goal setter. I was a perpetually unsatisfied goal setter. No matter what I did, or how much I told myself I was engaging in “healthy striving” as Brene’ Brown writes, it was never enough.

I thought that I’d put my goal-setting ways behind me when I found my yoga practice and tried learning to surf.

These adventures propelled me into a level of inquiry and a journey to find clarity and purpose with determination instead of expectation. It was about the big and little moments, I told myself. The learning, the feedback, the process—dropping attachments to live with more intention.

In many ways it made sense. I spent eighteen months trying to rid myself of cancer. I was so supremely focused on the final destination of going into remission and then being cured that it seemed superfluous to notice anything that happened along the way. It finally occurred to me that I’d lived most of my life in denial instead of in acceptance—always trying to forge ahead instead of face the present moment.

But guess what? As much as I tried to walk the walk, there was still a subtle, underlying thread of needing to improve that ran through my veins.

Even my yoga—the practice that I equate to the ultimate masterclass in acceptance—was driven by subliminal expectations.

Take, for instance, my heart-centered intention to strengthen my (non-existent) inversion practice. I told myself that flying upside down symbolized me being able to support myself. I’d labeled it as an intention, but the more I worked on it, the more I realized my focus that was cloaked by a belief that my core was too weak to magically levitate into a headstand or a “simple” arm balance. One goal (hidden in an intention costume), had veered stealthily into a scarcity mindset.

And once that mindset takes hold, it spreads quickly and without discrimination into a constant echo of pervasive thoughts.

I’d tried (many times) to use the mantra “I am exactly where I need to be in this moment.” On my yoga mat, in my work, and in my relationships. But nothing worked to help me flip the switch away from the gaps in my success and towards the celebration of the present moment and progress.

And then summer happened.

I had time in my schedule and I started to wonder, maybe I am supposed to use this season of my life to practice acceptance. Maybe all of my free-time isn’t a judgment or an indicator of lack of progress but is an opportunity to nourish and nourish myself.

What if instead of wanting to be something that I wasn’t, I actually needed to nurture my practice (and life) with more tenderness? Could I be grateful and give myself permission to find nourishment instead of judgment?

A friend encapsulated my thinking. She remarked simply: It sounds as if you are noticing self-compassion instead of self-improvement.

Wow. Yes. That was it!

What if acceptance, transformation, and progress have nothing to do with self-improvement?

What if true acceptance of the present moment and long-term transformation were actually powered by the process of nurturing myself with the nourishment of love and kindness?

“Build inner strength instead of outer dependencies.” ~Danielle LaPorte

Suddenly these words and ideas started to appear everywhere. Each of these messages or examples reminded me of what happens when you nurture the parts of you that matter most and nourish my your spirit with what feels delicious. The universe was sending me nudge after nudge—it was up to me to notice and pay attention.

Yes, I meditated daily. Yes, I was writing my morning pages each day. Yes, I was starting each work day thinking about how I wanted to feel when I went to sleep at night. But was I actively and intentionally nurturing the deeper layers of me with nourishment that was aligned to my values and dharma?

So often we think about compassion as something we need to have for others, but what about ourselves? I’m good at taking care of everyone else, but somewhere along the way, I’d forgotten that my heart and soul needed the same gift of understanding and compassion—and that I was the only one that could supply the unique medicine it needed.

What if the magic to creating the change you want in your life is less about self-improvement and more about self-compassion?

Now, don’t get me wrong. We all have desires. Those are not going away (nor should they).

But desire should not be our compass for daily life. Our values and life’s purpose are vastly more powerful navigational tools.

So if not desire or self-improvement, then what?

Imagine for a moment what it would feel like to bed tonight believing that you’d nourished and nurtured your mind, body, and spirit with the simple acknowledgment that you are exactly where you need to be in this moment.

How would your day be different if you gave yourself permission to be as you are, replacing judgment or labels with awareness and presence?

A funny thing happened when I started to make nurturing and nourishment my focus.

I made food choices with intention and then noticed how I felt afterward.

I chose tender yoga practices instead of heat-building ones.

I trusted that I was actively planting seeds each day to cultivate connection and relationships rather than waiting for opportunities to present themselves.

I considered the open times in my schedule as opportunities to play with my daughter and puppy instead of criticizing myself.

I chose to read instead of watch television. My to-do lists became less cluttered and more aligned with my values.

Ideas started to flow more freely. My stillness practice felt deeper. I noticed sounds, colors, and scents with more boldness.

And most importantly? I felt hope inside of me and remembered that everything I’ve ever thought I “needed” was already inside me, just waiting to be revealed.

4 Steps to Practice Nurturing and Nourishing Yourself with Self-Compassion

1. Tune into your awareness. 

No, I’m not going to add to the number of articles that you’ve read that says you need to meditate. But deepening your connection to yourself means becoming aware of the physical sensations and emotions that you feel each day instead of letting the millions of thoughts that travel through your mind each day take over.

It can be as simple as pausing at the end of a task or activity. Notice how your body feels without rushing to label what you are sensing as good or bad. This might take practice, and it might be subtle at first. Invite your body to be a benevolent messenger of information even for sensations that feel less than delicious.

2. Ask yourself: What is going right in this moment? 

This gratitude practice helps you move from noticing the gaps toward the celebration of wins big and small.

When I went surfing recently, our instructor encouraged us to make a big first pump after every wave we “caught” regardless of how long we rode the wave of energy or whether we stayed on our belly or popped up. Noticing the victories—no matter the size or magnitude—sends a message that the journey is more important than the final destination.

3. Check in with your truth: Is your day full of “have to’s” or “want to’s”?

This is a big one. Making a list of priorities and things to do can be a great tool to stay focused, except when everything on that list is out of alignment with your values.

Sure, there are some things in life that just have to get done. Maybe you can ask for help with tasks that bring up intuitive flags, or maybe you can find some aspect of the task to get excited about and change the perspective. Or maybe, you can simply let that task go.

Recently, a friend asked me if I’d be at one of our favorite power vinyasa classes. As much as I wanted to see my friend, I noticed a gentle tug in my heart and I took a moment to get quiet and check in with my truth.

That class felt like a should, based on a belief that I needed to keep up with the practice that I’d depended on to build physical and mental strength. But what I was really craving was something quieter. Something that would nourish that which was hidden. A yin practice. So I said no and cherished a nurturing and nourishing home practice, knowing that I could make plans to see my friend another time.

4. Make a list of what feels delicious to your heart, mind, and body and then let yourself PLAY. 

Do you love coffee? Find a lovely new cafe for a midday treat.

Does paddleboarding light you up? Rent one or take a class.

Play—even quiet activities like going for an evening walk, taking a bath, or spending an evening reading—nourishes the heart and mind. In fact, play helps inspire creativity and often makes us more productive, even when we’ve taken time off to engage in the activity.

Can it really be that easy? Four steps to cultivate self-compassion as the ultimate tool for living the life you really crave?

Well, no. These practices are never easy. It is a practice for a reason, mainly that it takes daily effort. But believing that you have everything you need already inside you offers a transformational opportunity to nurture, nourish, and accept the reflection that you see in the mirror as this moment’s best version of you.

About Elena Sonnino

Elena Sonnino is a certified life coach, speaker, and yoga teacher who guides women to live a life beyond their limitations. Her own journey to acceptance and self-compassion shapes her work to nurture and guide others to recognize what has always been shining inside. Visit Elena at or take her FREE 5-day email course to cultivate a life of more purpose and less expectation.

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The post Drop Self-Improvement and Embrace Self-Compassion appeared first on Tiny Buddha.

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Thursday, 28 September 2017

Las bendiciones y sanacion de utero ahora disponible en...

Las bendiciones y sanacion de utero ahora disponible en español. Las bendiciones de utero es un camino de regreso a la sacralidad original femenina. Ayuda a reconnected con nuestro utero sagrado. Al hacer eso nosotros empezamos a sanar las energías del utero y a sanar nos ayuda crear una relación profunda con nuestra feminidad. Contáctame para más información. #bendiciondeutero #sanaciondeutero #feminindad #miami #moonmother #moonmothermiami #sacredfeminine #sacredwombcenter #priestess #priestessmiami #purplelotusspiritualhealing #wombblessingmiami #wombhealingmiami #spiritual #spiritualhealing #espiritualidad #om #namaste #bendiciondeuteromiami #sanacióndeúteromiami

from Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing


#spiritual #healing

The Goddess loves and accepts who you are. Look at the world...

The Goddess loves and accepts who you are. Look at the world with love, and a miracle happens: you see the Goddess looking back at you with love. -Miranda Gray. Join me October 5 as we connect with the Goddess, her Crone archetype and our mother ancestors on a night of healing and connecting with each other during the #worldwidewombblessing. Register at select timeframe 24:00 and RSVP with me. Bring with you two small bowls, a shawl/wrap, and a special item to place on altar. See you October 5 at 7pm! #wombblessing #wombblessingmiami #worldwidewombblessingmiami #divinefeminine #sacredfeminine #goddess #crone #energyhealing #meditation #kendallfl #moonmother #moonmothermiami #love #metaphysical #femaleenergyawakening #femaleawakening #wombwisdom #ancestors #spiritual #spiriuality #spiritualhealing #spiritualhealingmiami #miami #miamilife #miamievents #purityandgrace

from Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing


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Join me Friday the 13the as we connect with our feminine soul...

Join me Friday the 13the as we connect with our feminine soul our womb. The number 13th is actually a very feminine number relating to the amount of full moons experienced in one calendar year. During this workshop we will learn the connection our womb has with our lives, our emotions, sexuality and more! How the womb is its own chakra carrying the elements of earth and water. Contact me for more info! #sacralchakra #emotions #sexuality #sensuality #divinefeminine #feminine #sacredfeminine #sexualhealing #yoni #moonmother #moonmothermiami #priestess #priestessmiami #goddess #wombhealing #yonihealing #chakrahealing #crystalhealing #love #spiritual #spirituality #spiritualhealing #spiritualjourney #spiritualhealingmiami #miami #kendallfl #pinecrest #om #namaste

from Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing


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Stellar Beam Calcite Ascension & Deep Divine Connection

Stellar Beam Calcite

Stellar Beam Calcite aka Dog Tooth Calcite. Ascension stone with a high vibration, brings spiritual growth & immense peace & harmony. Use to visit higher realms, meet guides and angels.

from Healing Crystals For You


#crystals #crystal #healing

MEA Fundraising Feature: Camino de Santiago – Pilgrim update | 28 September 2017


By Helen Hyland, Fundraising Manager, ME Association.

On Tuesday 29th August, Sophie Breese embarked on the journey of a lifetime. A pilgrimage no less. Walking the Camino de Santiago from her home in south west France and hoping to end 1340 km and 65 days later in Santiago in north west Spain.

Her route will follow an ancient pilgrim route travelled since the first millennium called the St James Way and ends at the Cathedral de Santiago de Compostela where the apostle James is believed to be buried.

Her reasons for doing this are several:

  • To have a period of reflection;
  • To consider her place within the natural world;
  • To challenge herself physically and mentally;
  • To live with few material possessions and no social media
  • To celebrate the fact that she no longer has ME/CFS.

In her latest  blog, she writes:

“Today we are having a rest day in the rather chic town of Logroño in northern Spain. We have walked 635 km (400 miles) and done a fair amount of climbing and going down in this dry almost desert-like landscape.


Our highlights in the last week:

  • Crossing the Pyrenees with its stunning views and staying that night in the Abbey of Roncesvalles in bed numbers 324 and 325. The abbey – the main stopping place for pilgrims after a 27km walk with a 1400 metre ascent – was restored a few years ago and the dormitories were stunning.
  • Arriving in the middle of the town festival in Puenta de Reina, drinking whiskey and coke with 15 French teenagers, watching the running of the bulls and dancing until late (8.30pm) to live Basque music.
  • Passing through beautiful medieval villages emerging out of barren land, all graced with huge churches built in the twelfth century when the Camino first became so important.
  • Eating the most delicious meal in our aubergue in Zubiri (quinoa salad amongst other dishes!) sharing our table with 8 Mexicans, a German woman and a woman from Catalonia. We spent most of the evening laughing.
  • Drinking wine from a wine fountain at 8 am (no joke) after leaving Estella – a small town with 10 enormous churches – and adding some to a water bottle for lunch. Shortly after we were shown a tree loaded with ripe almonds by two Korean girls. That day we had almonds, sweet grapes, figs and wine for lunch.
  • Bumping into pilgrims we had met in France and thought we had lost; it feels as if we have known them for years. Making new friends. So far I have exchanged contact details with French, German, Polish, Mexican and British pilgrims.

“Yesterday during our 30 km walk with some unexpected climbs in 30 degree heat, we heard some music. In the vines, under an olive grove, a man was playing Cohen’s ‘Hallelujah’ on a guitar. It was one of those moments – and we have had many on this walk – that we will never forget.


The Spanish Camino is entirely different to the French Chemin. Hundreds of people, tens of languages, warm greetings from everyone. It is a celebration of life.

“I am quite astonished that few people outside the UK have even heard of M.E. No one in France seems to have heard of it even though it is indeed here. I think it is not talked about.  So if I can also spread the word in Europe, then good.


Please consider donating if you haven’t done so already. I have to say that I am pretty proud of myself for doing what I have done so far and 14 years ago, when I was first ill with M.E., I was dreaming of being able to walk to the bathroom unaided not walking 635 km.

I am getting tired but curiously this week has been mainly tiredness from chatting so much to the many pilgrims we have met.”

We are so very grateful to Sophie for all her fundraising for The ME Association and to everyone who has supported her efforts.

Fancy raising funds yourself?

If you are interested in raising funds for the ME Association, then why not give Helen Hyland a call on: 01280 838964, or contact her via email: You might also like to visit the fundraising section of our website.

Please help us to continue our work

Please donate – whatever you can afford – to help us make the UK a better place for people with M.E. Just click the button below to visit our JustGiving page:

Or why not join the ME Association as a member and become a part of our growing community? For a monthly (or annual) payment you will not only be helping to keep us doing what we do best, but will receive our exclusive ME Essential magazine.


from ME Association

