Saturday 15 April 2017

Here is another description of the four female energy archetypes...

Here is another description of the four female energy archetypes we experience in our monthly cycles. Day one begins with our period with the crone energy archetype which is a time of rest and reflection. Followed by the maiden energy phase pre-ovulation a time of high energy and productivity followed by the mother energy phase ovulation a time of nurture and creation followed by the enchantress/witch phase around day 21-28 time of intuition and passion. As we begin to notice the shift in our energies throughout our cycle we will begin to find balance and flow with our lives as our schedule as much as possible with our cyclic energies. Happy Monday goddess! #healing #goddess #mooncycle #moonmother #wombblessing #wombhealing #femininepower #sacralchakra #divinefeminine #femaleawakening #femaleempowerment #yoni #healing #spiritual #spirituality #spiritualhealing #spiritualguidance #spiritualawakening #spiritualjourney #energyhealing #metaphysical #divine #yoga #om #namaste

from Purple Lotus Spiritual Healing


#spiritual #healing

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